BH - how regular is too regular??


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2014
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I've been getting period pains and back ache really low down all day now. It gets kinda worse from time to time but nothing unbearable. And I've been getting SO MANY braxton hicks.. like every few minutes. Is this normal?? Or something I should be ringing up about?
Hopefully all those contractions mean that active labour will be quick for you! If they start getting more intense maybe give the hospital a ring and they'll probably want to assess you. Good luck :flower:
Idk I didn't think Braxton hicks could be timeable? But I'm no good with Braxton hicks since I basically do not notice mine, only rarely have I noticed them. I know people say never google anything, but maybe google how Braxton hicks feel and if they come in timeable intervals, or just ring and ask. Good luck!
So it's ok for now? No need to ring even though they're so frequent? I'm not in much pain, just getting a constant dull ache down there.. I just remember reading once that BH shouldn't be more regular than 4 in an hour or something? Or is that more of a preterm labour danger (which obv wouldn't apply to me!) ?
very regular bhs mean that labor is coming soon. I got them quite a bit starting one week before I went into labor. Oh and I got period pains right before my water broke.
I had regular BH contractions 24 hours before I went into labor- not painful at all. They started 7 minutes apart and then 5 minutes apart. Then they stopped. However, when I went into labor, it was 5 minutes apart and very painful. When I made it to the hospital, I was 9cm. They told me that I should have called the day before just to make sure everything was ok. :shrug: Who knew?

I'd say, if rest, hydration, positions don't stop the BH contractions' regularity, you should give them a call. Worst case, they'll say "it sounds like nothing, and we will see you when the painful ones start."

Web MD even says,

"Unlike true labor, Braxton Hicks contractions:
Are usually not painful
Don’t happen at regular intervals
Don’t get closer together
Don’t increase when you walk
Do not last longer as they go on
Do not feel stronger over time"

I think the regularity is what would make them want to see you.

Good luck!!
At full term and some it really isn't anything to be concerned about.
If they are bothering you do have a warm bath or shower, lay down on your left side and start hydrated. If they are labour contractions they shouldn't really go away.
In early labour you can try and rest as much as possible... or if it were me I'd be scrubbing floors on hands and knees, go for a brisk walk and keep active to see if you can get it going stronger.
There's really no need to contact anyone unless your waters break or you're in established labour.
My labor started as strong Braxton hicks on a Sundya morning in church. They were quite tight but not painful. I had them throughout the day but nothing timetable. At 5pm that evening they started cramping a bit and got more and more so throughout the evening and started getting closer together. I finally got admitted to hospital at 4am next morning at 3 cam dilated. We had gone in at midnight but they sent us home since I was only 1cm. So in my experience labor starts as Braxton hicks!
Thanks for all the replies! Been at my dad's all day just on my mobile and for some reason the browser on my phone wouldn't let me reply!

So this continued all day, and the BH were/still are coming every 5 or so mins, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. At first I just had a constant dull period pain low down and around my back, then I started to get a more niggly, sharp, "gripping" type feeling right at the bottom of my bump when my stomach tightened up. It's what I imagine a real contraction would feel like, but nowhere near as painful, like I could easily talk through them, they were maybe a 3/10 on a pain scale! And then the back ache got a bit worse... then let up a bit.. and I'm just all over the place really. Was in a fair bit of pain when I got home so I got in the bath on my stepmum's advice 'cause she said chances are if it's just false labour it'll probably go away altogether whereas if it's something it won't. The BHs carried on throughout my bath, with the occasional twinge (which is unheard of for me 'cause usually all pain disappears as soon as I get in!), and I've got out now and am still having them. The pain isn't as bad as it was but it's definitely still there.

I'm really hoping this means it's the real deal! I'm gonna try and get some rest soon and hopefully wake up in a great deal more pain in a few hours! (A sentence I never thought I'd say before getting pregnant!!)
I hope this is it for you, sounds like it could be. Labour wasn't at all how I expected, perhaps you will not find it painful and manage your contractions really well. Xx
This sounds very promising! Fingers crossed for you! xx
I hope this is it!! Keep us updated :)

I just thought I'd add that BH definitely CAN be regular, despite what some doctors/websites say. I've had several episodes of regular BH; in my last pregnancy they came like clockwork every few minutes and even got stronger. They would then fizzle out and I'd have nothing more until the next day! Extremely annoying, but I was only 37 weeks and baby didn't come until 2 weeks later. Hopefully since you're overdue this is the real deal for you, AK89!! The fact that having a bath didn't ease them is a great sign :)
I agree!! It sounds great! Please keep us updated, if you are up to it. If we don't hear from you, we'll assume you are in labor and we will be sending you lots of strength, encouragement, love, and strong pushes!! :hugs:
FXd for you darling... Hope your silence is labour!
Well I went to bed, still in some pain but not too much since my bath, and fully expected to wake up at about 6am feeling completely fine, but I've just woken up about half an hour ago (4am) in a lot of pain! It's still kinda just constant but it does peak every now and then. It's very low down cramp type pains, across my back and my front and it kinda feels like when you've got really bad trapped wind/diarrhoea, but I've been to the toilet a few times and nothing! I then got up and whizzed about the house straightening up and have even put a load of washing on! Debating whether to ring my mum 'cause she's very nervy about me going into labour and getting here on time and she lives 20-30mins away (I know there's no real risk of it being that quick but I just know she'd want to know if I'm in this much pain!) - but I keep worrying that it'll fizzle out and I'll have rang her at 4.30am for nothing! OH is still in bed asleep so think I'm gonna leave him there for a bit to rest..

Will keep you all posted! :)
definitely sounds like early labour to me hun. Good luck! I hope it progresses steadily <3
Any news? I saw you posted a similar question into a different thread, but just wondering how you are doing

Keeping you in my thoughts today!!!!
Sounds like your getting ready for labour! These contractions should pick up over time, labour is so different for everyone this could be the beginning, if not t should be beginning soon now you full term. I remember myself last time having mini contractions or BH every night for a week, and they went away in the day, and then came the next night, I knew it was for real when on the last day they didnt go away and started to get more intense, but not exactly painful....then that night I thought this is fine, I can handle this, its not too painful, then all of sudden, OOOOuuuhhh!
My BH do become regular but it doesnt mean labour for me.

Ive had 2-4hrs worth 3 times now every 4-6mins lasting 30-40sec. Then bam they stop and im fine.

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