It was disgusting to watch last night. I don't condone what either of them did. Hazel for pulling his shorts down - had a man done that to a woman, he'd have had a sexual assualt (or similar) charge slapped on him quicker than the woman could pull her pants back up. The violence was horrific - though I can't say it shocked me. It was obvious from early on he has a bit of a angry/bully streak.
I think he overstepped the mark completely. Hazel 'played along' but I genuinely feel like she did so as to not appear scared or frightened of him, which she clearly was. It was more than obvious when she went and sat in the seat when he was called to the diary room.
I do think he deserved to be booted out - however, I don't think he would have been had Hazel not said how scared and cornered she felt in the diary room.
I do feel sorry for her. I wonder what her family think regarding the fact she's just been assaulted on national TV? xx