Chanelle Leaves
Day 62, 15:33
Chanelle has left the Big Brother House...
Chanelle has left the Big Brother House following a blazing row with on-off love interest Ziggy. Having passionately argued to boiling point earlier in the Living Area this lunchtime, both halves of 'Chiggy' reached stalemate.
"I'm not giving you another chance to make me look stupid," Chanelle shouted at him, "to make me look like a doormat."
"That's what everyone said about me," replied Ziggy, "that I was the one looking like a doormat."
The doormats at dawn seemed to be the last straw for Chanelle as she stormed into the bedroom, showered, applied makeup, dressed, packed and went to the Diary Room where she told Big Brother:
"Thank you for having me. I really appreciate that you've let me on to the programme. "
She also excitedly added, "Now I can meet Victoria Beckham and catch the Spice Girls tour before it finishes!"
Chanelle left moments later, without saying goodbye to her fellow housemates, although she did leave a note.
Goodbye Chanelle, The Spice girls will be proud.