birth plans


Wife, Mother & Expecting
Jun 27, 2015
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Yes it's a little early but I want all my ducks in a row=) I would love to hear some of you girls birth plans so I don't miss anything in my own. I plan on a natural birth.
I'm having a c section so mine is real short but basically no drugs that aren't safe for BF and no formula or pacifiers given to baby. No injections or eye gel. Things like that.

Google some and there are good ideas. I cant remember exactly what mine says. It's basically your personal preference of what you want during birth and recovery.
Bc I don't want anything to hinder her ability to see me. Plus it's antibiotics in case of infection but I know without a shadow of a doubt I have no risk of std or other infection and she isn't passing through my birth canal so I don't feel there is any need.
I did not know this!! Thank you. Learn something new everyday!
They don't use the eye gel in Australia. Ive always wondered what it was for.
I don't do birth plans but the basic low down is, no drugs unless i ask, need to be able to be mobile, choose a birthing position that is comfortable for me, skin on skin time for up to an hour before weight check etc i just go with the flow really.
This is mine as my MW filled it in in my notes:
Birth centre- consultant agreed, consult cardiologist if maternal cardiac activity irregular
Attend when contractions 2:10 (phone ahead)
Induction t+12
Would like to use pool and entonox. Aware of other options
No forceps unless caesarean not an option
Delivery of placenta to depend on factors on the day

That's it really!
I'm *hoping* to go into labor naturally and pending pain I will most likely ask for pain meds. If by week 39 Im still pregnant then I've asked for induction bc the SPD pain on my butt is excruciating most days.
That's the short of my plan anyway.
Iv never made a birth plan, my SIL done a birth plan with all pictures and everything I'd never seen anything like it, I just go in and go with the flow, over here they ask you before they do anything anyway, and I make it known when I go in that OH is to cut the cord, but they automatically put baby straight on ur belly when it's born here, and they ask if you want the injection for placenta etc, they don't do anything unless you ask or agree to it so I never found any need to make a birth plan
Thanks girls!! Already been a couple things I have added!! Keep them coming, love the variety!
Here is my birth plan so far, nurses are going to hate me :haha: but this is my last baby and I want it my way ;)
Med free / labor at home for as long as I think is okay.
No breaking my waters
Need to be able to move
No forceps
Husband cuts cord
Skin to skin for awhile
Baby stays in room and husband stays with baby at all times.
did a birthplan with my DS and I've now seen more things that make me want to add to it.

I had a c-section and I DID do eye gel and the hepatitis vaccine at birth only because I have horses, knew he'd be exposed to a barn environment (and horse show environment) shortly after birth (we did the Scottsdale Arabian Show when he was 2 weeks old) so I didn't want to risk him at all. The gel I did because there's always a chance of infection regardless of c-section or not. They have fluid in their eyes and are coming into an alien environment, plus their eyesight is super poor to begin with and the gel clears up quickly, just like eye gel/drops for kids and adults.

I WILL be asking for skin to skin time while they stitch me up and that it starts right after they get his weight and vitals etc etc. I WILL be asking that they wait until their cord stops pulsing before they clamp it off and have DH cut the cord. I will, however, wait to nurse until we're in recovery as I don't want to stress my poor body out too terribly much while on the operating table (yeah... Was denied a VBAC because of how close together these pregnancies are). There's a few other things like I only want my catheter inserted AFTER my spinal. It's good to get started now. I know I am and it'll be in my folder of info in my hospital bag and ready to roll here shortly.

PS: I didn't allow DS out of our sight AT ALL and I definitely plan on it being the same way with this one.
did a birthplan with my DS and I've now seen more things that make me want to add to it.

I had a c-section and I DID do eye gel and the hepatitis vaccine at birth only because I have horses, knew he'd be exposed to a barn environment (and horse show environment) shortly after birth (we did the Scottsdale Arabian Show when he was 2 weeks old) so I didn't want to risk him at all. The gel I did because there's always a chance of infection regardless of c-section or not. They have fluid in their eyes and are coming into an alien environment, plus their eyesight is super poor to begin with and the gel clears up quickly, just like eye gel/drops for kids and adults.

I WILL be asking for skin to skin time while they stitch me up and that it starts right after they get his weight and vitals etc etc. I WILL be asking that they wait until their cord stops pulsing before they clamp it off and have DH cut the cord. I will, however, wait to nurse until we're in recovery as I don't want to stress my poor body out too terribly much while on the operating table (yeah... Was denied a VBAC because of how close together these pregnancies are). There's a few other things like I only want my catheter inserted AFTER my spinal. It's good to get started now. I know I am and it'll be in my folder of info in my hospital bag and ready to roll here shortly.

PS: I didn't allow DS out of our sight AT ALL and I definitely plan on it being the same way with this one.

Glad I am not the only one preparing early! I have 10 list going on different things I need done with the house and with baby, haha! I will have to look into the eye gel more, idk if they even do it here. I have heard horror stories of babies being dropped in a hospital, by the staff so my husband will definitely stay with dd!
Glad I am not the only one preparing early! I have 10 list going on different things I need done with the house and with baby, haha! I will have to look into the eye gel more, idk if they even do it here. I have heard horror stories of babies being dropped in a hospital, by the staff so my husband will definitely stay with dd!

I've heard about them being dropped, accidentally switched up... Too much stuff for me to even begin to want to comprehend or begin to stress over so I'm just cutting that worry out completely by keeping baby with us, or hubby, at all times. I've even requested that all exams and proceedures be done only in our presence.

Where are you located on the globe? I'm in the states and it's pretty standard proceedure.
Glad I am not the only one preparing early! I have 10 list going on different things I need done with the house and with baby, haha! I will have to look into the eye gel more, idk if they even do it here. I have heard horror stories of babies being dropped in a hospital, by the staff so my husband will definitely stay with dd!

I've heard about them being dropped, accidentally switched up... Too much stuff for me to even begin to want to comprehend or begin to stress over so I'm just cutting that worry out completely by keeping baby with us, or hubby, at all times. I've even requested that all exams and proceedures be done only in our presence.

Where are you located on the globe? I'm in the states and it's pretty standard proceedure.

I am located in the states as well. So yes it is standard proceedure. I wish I had a water birthing center close by but we dont. I live in Maine by the way. I will probably add that exams and proceedures be done with us as well or with husband too! I like it!
We're in south Florida for the moment, DS was born in Arizona. Maine sounds like quite the adventure!!!!

This is what I have for my birth plan and I've made a few slight changes so far to encompass things I wish I'd known to do during my last experience;

My Delivery Is Planned As:

x.) C-Section

I'd Like;

x.) Husband

Present Before/During/After labor/C-Section

During Birth, I'd Like;

x.) Music played
x.) Partner to take pictures right after baby is born
x.) Partner present the entire time
x.) Screen lowered to be able to watch baby come out (unless medically necessary not to)
x.) To remain conscious for surgery
x.) For the old c-section scar to be followed as much as possible to help minimize additional scaring

I'd Like Fetal Monitoring;

x.) To be continuous

Immediately After Delivery, I would Like;

x.) My partner to cut the umbilical cord
x.) The umbilical cord to be cut only after it stops pulsating (unless medically necessary not to wait)
x.) For my husband to hold the baby immediately
x.) To have skin to skin time begin as soon as weights and measurements are complete
x.) Begin nursing in the recovery room

I Would Like to Breastfeed;

x.) As soon as possible after delivery/in recovery

I'd Like Baby's Medical Exams/Proceedures;

x.) Given In my presence
x.) Given in my husband's presence
x.) To include a Hepatitis B vaccine
x.) To include anti-biotic eye treatment
x.) To include a hearing screening

I'd Like Baby's First Bath;

x.) Given in the presence of both Husband and myself

I would like family members, (names listed but removed for obvious reasons);

x.) Join us as soon as we're in our room, or be waiting in our room for us

I'd Like To Feed Baby;

x.) Breastmilk
x.) Formula supplementation only if necessary
x.) With help of a lactation specialist
x.) With aid of pumping to help breastmilk supply come in sooner

I'd Like Baby To Stay In My Room;

x.) At all times

I'd Like My Husband;

x.) To have unlimited visitation
x.) To sleep in my room

Soon After Delivery;

x.) I'd like to be gotten up for an attempt to walk
x.) To shower
x.) Consult with Mom365 for newborn photos after the 24 hour mark

If We Have A Boy, Circumcision;

x.) Should NOT be performed

As Needed, Post Surgery, Please Give Me;

x.) Pain medication
x.) Stool softener

If Baby Is Unwell, I'd Like;

x.) Husband and I to accompany baby to the NICU or another facility
x.) To breastfeed or provide pumped breastmilk
x.) To hold him or her whenever possible
We are super blessed to be delivering in a baby friendly hospital this time (I delivered my other 2 in different states due to do being in the military) this hospital is awesome and my midwives gave me a checklist of things in a birthplan so it was ridiculously easy and many of my concerns/wants are things they already do like no hep b unless you request it, optional eye goop which we won't be doing however in many states, it is mandatory!, delayed cord clamping, skin to skin for the first hour directly after birth, so no whisking baby away unless medically necessary for testing...
A couple appointments ago my dr asked if I would like to use the labor tub and I said I would and he put that in my notes. We talked about water births, and he seemed to really encourage them. I labored in the tub with my first but pushed for over an hr and eventually had to get out. He asked about pain relief and I told him I didn't have any with my first and he said "does that mean you want it this time?" haha, I said no and we talked about the pain of labor and "transition" and all that, but with this being my 2nd he was pretty confident I would do fine. I guess that was the birth plan, lol, just those two questions. I would love to get to write something out but honestly, they would probably never read it.

My biggest thing was doing it as natural as possible and not being pressured into a bunch of unnecessary interventions to serve the hospital's big agenda.

Because of this I did a lot of research and chose to deliver in a very small local hospital that has a separate birthing center. They did do the ointment in the eyes and all the standard stuff but they asked me first and gave me all the options and seemed to legitimately leave it up to me and not pressure one way or the other. Luckily I had a wonderful experience, so I'm a lot more trusting this time around and plan to just go with the flow. :)

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