birth plans

I am located in the states as well. So yes it is standard proceedure. I wish I had a water birthing center close by but we dont. I live in Maine by the way. I will probably add that exams and proceedures be done with us as well or with husband too! I like it![/QUOTE]

I'm in Maine too, btw, downesast :)
A couple appointments ago my dr asked if I would like to use the labor tub and I said I would and he put that in my notes. We talked about water births, and he seemed to really encourage them. I labored in the tub with my first but pushed for over an hr and eventually had to get out. He asked about pain relief and I told him I didn't have any with my first and he said "does that mean you want it this time?" haha, I said no and we talked about the pain of labor and "transition" and all that, but with this being my 2nd he was pretty confident I would do fine. I guess that was the birth plan, lol, just those two questions. I would love to get to write something out but honestly, they would probably never read it.

My biggest thing was doing it as natural as possible and not being pressured into a bunch of unnecessary interventions to serve the hospital's big agenda.

Because of this I did a lot of research and chose to deliver in a very small local hospital that has a separate birthing center. They did do the ointment in the eyes and all the standard stuff but they asked me first and gave me all the options and seemed to legitimately leave it up to me and not pressure one way or the other. Luckily I had a wonderful experience, so I'm a lot more trusting this time around and plan to just go with the flow. :)

Wow another mainer!! I am 45 mins away from bangor! I would make a birth plan just to have. I feel better even just writing one just know everything when it comes up!
I have not written a birth plan yet for this pregnancy. I did last time though. My doula sid the hospital folk will scoff at it, so I shouldn't but I am going to do it anyway, seeing as I did it last time, and it was well received. Last time I had a lot of stuff... but nothing went as planned. Which is a long story.
This is mine:

I would like:
the environment to be as calm and quiet as possible.
to go into spontaneous labor, without the addition of labor induction drugs.
only my husband, son, midwife and doula to be present.
to have freedom of movement
intermittent fetal monitoring

I will decline an IV and/or heplock.
I prefer to have minimal vaginal exams.

Pain Management/Labor
I plan to have an unmedicated labor and vaginal delivery, free of pain medications
I will:
decline any medications to speed up labor and will select natural methods for this purpose as needed or desired.
I would like to try:
the birthing pool/tub for both labor and delivery
different positions and natural methods of pain relief (massage, relaxation techniques, etc)

I would like:
to try different positions for birthing for ease of delivery, as well as comfort
Spontaneous bearing down is preferred to directed pushing.

I do not want an episiotomy; natural tearing is preferred and I would like the midwife to try natural methods (warm compress, oils, etc) to prevent or lessen the degree of tearing.
Note: Previous birth resulted in sulcus tearing, I would like to do what I can to prevent that.

Third stage: Managed with a single injection of Pitocin into one thigh, to prevent maternal hemorrhage.

Umbilical cord: Please do not clamp or cut immediately. I would prefer it to be left until pulsating stops.

If sutures are needed to repair tearing after birth, I prefer a local anesthetic to be used rather than general anesthetic.

If a catheter is needed, please use a straight catheter.

Newborn Care
I would like:
the baby to be placed on me immediately after delivery for skin-to-skin contact and bonding
to delay cord clamping and infant exams/procedures unless the situation warrants otherwise
I plan to breastfeed and formula supplementation will not be accepted.
I want to room-in with the baby. I do not want the baby separated from me and my husband unless an emergency warrants otherwise. If an emergency necessitates separation, my husband will accompany the baby and my doula will stay with me.

I want my baby to receive a Vitamin K injection.

I do not want:
Immediate bathing
Infant eye ointment
Hepatitis B vaccine

If an emergency c-section is required, I would like:
my husband to be present throughout and my baby to placed on my chest as soon as possible for bonding and breastfeeding
my uterus to be closed in two layers
I dont have a birth plan per se but it sounds like all of the things you guys include in yours are things my mw has asked me about and written down in the notes

- no epidural unless my anxiety is causing babe distress and please try other options first
- eye drops arent an option in canada or at least ontario, its mandatory
- they request skin to skin for minimum two hours after birth and i agreed to that.. And if for some reason i cant, dh will
- delayed cord clamping until cord stops pulsing
- they will give me drugs to help with delivery of placenta and preventing bleeding
- they will do the blood test only once babe starts to bf so that he is most comfortable
- hearing test i can wait for there or schedule at the health unit any time in the two weeks following
I read through my old birth plan. It is obvious I was quite inexperienced. I have caused myself a headache trying to figure out a new birth plan, seeing as I am aiming for an unmedicated VBAC after a traumatic EMCS.
I think I may consult with my doula about it. I really don't know.
I adapted mine a bit from last time, based on some specific experiences during my first birth. Not a ton changed though!
Wow another mainer!! I am 45 mins away from bangor! I would make a birth plan just to have. I feel better even just writing one just know everything when it comes up![/QUOTE]

I'm an hr and a half from Bangor in Bar Harbor actually, small world! Are you delivering in Bangor? That's where I was born and a lot of people I know have had their babies there. I'm surprised they don't have a birthing tub, they should get one.
I had a great induction last time. My only complaint was that they left the drip for too long after birth and I was having contractions 7 hours after birth. So my only plan is not to let that happen this time. Apart from that, I will probably take an epidural if I need it, though I'm hoping since this is my second things will go a bit faster than last time.
Mine just have main points that I would like to have
- use the birth pool if available
-I would only like to have gas and air and if I'm really desperate the epidural no other drugs.
- I would like to have skin to skin contact and if I'm not able to then my partner would like to
- only me and my partner in the room till I say otherwise

There is more but I can't think haha, I also put down some extra bits if I were to have a c-section as you never know :)
Wow another mainer!! I am 45 mins away from bangor! I would make a birth plan just to have. I feel better even just writing one just know everything when it comes up!

I'm an hr and a half from Bangor in Bar Harbor actually, small world! Are you delivering in Bangor? That's where I was born and a lot of people I know have had their babies there. I'm surprised they don't have a birthing tub, they should get one.[/QUOTE]

Actually I will delivery in Dover Foxcroft. DH keeps pushing for bangor tho. Bangor is actually adding on to the maternity unit but idk when it will be done. I have delivered my other 2 kids in bangor and asked why they didn't have a tub, apparently they did but it didn't last long I guess. =/ I would like to deliver in Bangor but with baby due in February I am afraid I will deliver in the car in a snow storm=(
My advice would be to go with an ideal case scenario, but to be prepared to go with the flow and for the birth plan to possibly be overturned, as is common with birth plans.

I had a low risk pregnancy, no health issues, and originally planned on a natural birth and spontaneous (non induced) labor, which started at 40 weeks & 1 day. Once contractions started getting serious, I realized an epidural would actually be a very good idea and I never regretted getting it when I was around 5cm dilated. It helped me relax and my labor to progress faster too, as it had taken me 14 hours to get from 0 to 4-5cm, but once I had the epidural, I went from 5 to 10 in just about 5 hours (first time mom). I never needed pitocin, my body was doing it all on its own. I was absolutely set on a vaginal delivery, my doctor supported the decision since I was low risk, and I indeed made it to the pushing stage. Then, after just a few pushes, baby's heart rate dropped as low as 60 and remained dangerously low for a few minutes (my doctor initially waited for signs of recovery to allow me to continue with the vaginal birth), plus his oxygen levels dropped too, so I ended up being taken in for an emergency c-section.
My labor had been completely smooth up until that point and my doctor kept saying I was progressing nicely, until we hit complications at the very end. We had also planned on skin to skin, immediate breast feeding and delayed clamping of the cord, none of which happened, as the baby was rushed to the nursery for monitoring and stayed there for a good 2-3 hours, during which I was completely out of it. Still, I don't regret how things went and consenting to the c-section, as I could have risked serious damage or even death to my baby had I stuck to my original plan. Even without all these, we are bonding great and are breastfeeding exclusively with no major problems :flower:

Because you never know how things might turn out, I'd recommend having your plan, but going in with an open mind as to how things might change during the process.
Best of luck!
Actually I will delivery in Dover Foxcroft. DH keeps pushing for bangor tho. Bangor is actually adding on to the maternity unit but idk when it will be done. I have delivered my other 2 kids in bangor and asked why they didn't have a tub, apparently they did but it didn't last long I guess. =/ I would like to deliver in Bangor but with baby due in February I am afraid I will deliver in the car in a snow storm=([/QUOTE]

Yea, I hear ya. My first was born in February and every time we got snowed in waiting for the plow truck to show up I got worried I would go into labor! This time around I'll just have to worry about the tourists.. leaf peeper traffic lol.
I can't decide whether to go for a water birth or not. I've heard that it reduces the risk of tearing (had a 3rd degree tear last time) but the consultant I saw about my tear said there wasn't much evidence to support this. My midwife said the only thing with a water birth is that the midwife can't see what's happening down there and would be less able to intervene to ease the baby out thereby reducing the risk of tearing.

The only other 'plan' I have is to only have gas and air. A midwife persuaded me to have diamorphine last time and DS was very sleepy after the birth which contributed to our feeding problems.
Among other things, I want to avoid continuous fetal monitoring. I plan on trying to cut it close as far as going to the hospital, as crazy as that might sound. I don't want an epidural anyway, so if I could get to the hospital when I'm about 5-6cm and have some IV painkillers that would be ideal.

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