Birth question

Mummy to be x

The 4 of us...♡
Jun 28, 2010
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Hi ladies :hi:

With my last pregnancy I had an awful labour and birth which ended up in rotational forceps delivery and the recovery was horrendous, basically it was a terrible experience, so when I spoke with my MW yesterday she mentioned that she was going to refer me to a consultant to chat about options this time, as an elective c section would be one of them.

Personally I would rather avoid that and try go as natural as possible, but my MW said I wouldn't even be allowed on to the birth centre to give the pool a go, I'd have to go straight to labour ward :( I feel really rubbish about this as I wanted this time to be a better experience, or at least try! :cry:

Has anyone had any similar experiences or views they would like to share? I know its way off from labour but I still like to think about my options.
I had a horrible experience with my first, involving forceps and a threatened c-section. I was terrified to go through the same with my second, but thankfully #2 was a lot easier! Labor progressed a lot faster and the pushing was a lot quicker. #1 got stuck and I went through a lot with them pushing her back in and episiotomies and finally forceps, about a 2 hr pushing process, it was awful! If #2 ended up that bad, I definitely wouldn't be having a #3 lol.

What was the reason they had to use the forceps for you? Try not to worry hun, most women say subsequent labor and delivery was much easier. :hugs:
That sounds terrible, my daughter was back to back, I had been in labour for 46 hours and dilated to 10cm for a good while but she just wasn't coming, she wasn't turning at all so they took me to theatre for forceps and I also had an episiotomy, it was so painful afterwards, I'm just terrified of having to go through that again, a c section seems such an easy option but I at least want to give it a go, I think I'm mostly disappointed by the fact I'm not even allowed on to the birth centre :( I wanted to try the pool see if that was more relaxing for me x
I had an emergency c section with my son. It was extremely un expected as I was trying to deliver vaginally. I too was in labour a long time before delivery- almost 78 hours. My doctor didnt perscribe me my medication for my hsv2 in time. So I had a break out a few days before I had him. They wouldn't let me deliver vaginally. I understood and I didn't want him to be in danger but it was a horrible experience. One second I was supposed to be delivering my baby myself, the next I was being rushed in to the ER to have him sliced out of me. After, my doctor didnt hold him up or anything for me to see right after he was born. I had to wait almost 30 min before they put him in my arms. I was crying and cursing at them to show me my son but they just kept saying "soon, very soon" it was absolutely horrible. Your experience sounds just awful. I'm so sorry you had to go through that :( I will have to be getting a c section this next time too. Since I only delivered in feb. lets hope our next deliveries are better!!
I'm not pregnant but I has an emergency forceps delivery with DS in theatre with an episiotomy (that failing they were going to a c-section) it's one of the main reasons I am terrified to ttc 2. I had no idea you're not allowed to go to a birthing centre for previous forcep delivery?? I thought this applied to c-sections? If I'm considered too high risk for home birth or birthing centre then I'm going to strongly consider an elcs if they'll let me. Sorry not much advice but I can really understand how you feel. X
I had an emergency c section with my son. It was extremely un expected as I was trying to deliver vaginally. I too was in labour a long time before delivery- almost 78 hours. My doctor didnt perscribe me my medication for my hsv2 in time. So I had a break out a few days before I had him. They wouldn't let me deliver vaginally. I understood and I didn't want him to be in danger but it was a horrible experience. One second I was supposed to be delivering my baby myself, the next I was being rushed in to the ER to have him sliced out of me. After, my doctor didnt hold him up or anything for me to see right after he was born. I had to wait almost 30 min before they put him in my arms. I was crying and cursing at them to show me my son but they just kept saying "soon, very soon" it was absolutely horrible. Your experience sounds just awful. I'm so sorry you had to go through that :( I will have to be getting a c section this next time too. Since I only delivered in feb. lets hope our next deliveries are better!!

That's terrible, not seeing your son for that amount of time I can't imagine how you must of felt :hugs:

Am I right In thinking that they do sections just a little earlier than your EDD?
I'm not pregnant but I has an emergency forceps delivery with DS in theatre with an episiotomy (that failing they were going to a c-section) it's one of the main reasons I am terrified to ttc 2. I had no idea you're not allowed to go to a birthing centre for previous forcep delivery?? I thought this applied to c-sections? If I'm considered too high risk for home birth or birthing centre then I'm going to strongly consider an elcs if they'll let me. Sorry not much advice but I can really understand how you feel. X

That's exactly what i thought, I was extremely shocked when she told me this. I knew I wouldn't be allowed a home birth, luckily that's not something I'd feel confident to do but the birth centre is something I really wanted to try this time.

Sorry for your bad experience too :hugs:
I'm not pregnant but I has an emergency forceps delivery with DS in theatre with an episiotomy (that failing they were going to a c-section) it's one of the main reasons I am terrified to ttc 2. I had no idea you're not allowed to go to a birthing centre for previous forcep delivery?? I thought this applied to c-sections? If I'm considered too high risk for home birth or birthing centre then I'm going to strongly consider an elcs if they'll let me. Sorry not much advice but I can really understand how you feel. X

That's exactly what i thought, I was extremely shocked when she told me this. I knew I wouldn't be allowed a home birth, luckily that's not something I'd feel confident to do but the birth centre is something I really wanted to try this time.

Sorry for your bad experience too :hugs:

Do you know why you're not allowed a home birth or birthing centre? I understand with vbacs it's to do with risk of rupture from the scar etc isn't it? But I can't think why a previous forceps delivery would mean being high risk. X
Yes! A few weeks before I think. Going in to talk to my new ob in a few weeks ( cuz on not going back to my old one after that) I'll let you know what he says on the timing if it
I'm not pregnant but I has an emergency forceps delivery with DS in theatre with an episiotomy (that failing they were going to a c-section) it's one of the main reasons I am terrified to ttc 2. I had no idea you're not allowed to go to a birthing centre for previous forcep delivery?? I thought this applied to c-sections? If I'm considered too high risk for home birth or birthing centre then I'm going to strongly consider an elcs if they'll let me. Sorry not much advice but I can really understand how you feel. X

That's exactly what i thought, I was extremely shocked when she told me this. I knew I wouldn't be allowed a home birth, luckily that's not something I'd feel confident to do but the birth centre is something I really wanted to try this time.

Sorry for your bad experience too :hugs:

Do you know why you're not allowed a home birth or birthing centre? I understand with vbacs it's to do with risk of rupture from the scar etc isn't it? But I can't think why a previous forceps delivery would mean being high risk. X
No, I never asked, I was a bit over whelmed but when I go for my chat with the consultant I will definitely be asking questions, it doesn't seem fair x
Yes! A few weeks before I think. Going in to talk to my new ob in a few weeks ( cuz on not going back to my old one after that) I'll let you know what he says on the timing if it

Thanks :thumbup:

Good luck with it all.
I too had a bad recovery from vag delivery but mine was from an episiotomy with both children. The pain was horrendous. I'd rather go through labor again than to experience that pain. No pain pills would help. I am considering elective csection this go around.

The idea of them using forceps would scare the crap out of me. Hope this time is a better experience hun.
Simple as this : your birth, your choice.

You can decline whatever you dont want. If your MW is not going to help and support you get a new MW or even better hire a doula.

I think your plan sounds perfect, you should be given every chance of giving it ago. Dont give up on what you want!!
Simple as this : your birth, your choice.

You can decline whatever you dont want. If your MW is not going to help and support you get a new MW or even better hire a doula.

I think your plan sounds perfect, you should be given every chance of giving it ago. Dont give up on what you want!!

Thank you for this, your so right! X
with my first my labour was really good but the problems happened afterwards. Once the placenta came out I was bleeding severely and had to have 9 units of blood transfused, I almost died in theatre. It was later confirmed that I had a condition called Placenta increta which is when the placenta is embedded in the muscle. They told me that I would have a 10% chance of this happening again..

I am now 5 weeks pregnant and I am so scared of it happening again. When I first told my husband about my BFP, his first words were 'what if it happens again' I knew exactly what he was talking about.

I have to have an MRI scan at some point and I am dreading it.

good luck to all the ladies that feel the same xx
Good luck to all you ladies! I'm kind of in the same situation although I'm super early yet. Had my wee man on Christmas Day (only 5 months ago!) and ended up with a horrendous labour and recovery. Due to wee mans heartbeat dropping and mine rising I had a forceps delivery, episiotomy and a third degree year and then two blood transfusions and two weeks after that in got a blood clot in my lung.

I'm definitely petrified of labour but wonder if an elective section is really any better? Hope everything works out for everyone!
Hi, sorry you had a rough time last time. I too had a pretty crappy labour and from the moment I got my bfp I have been really worrying about delivering the new baby. Last time mine ended with an emcs and I have decided to opt for elcs this time but just wanted to say, contrary to a lot of people's views a cesarean is defo not an easy option. An elcs should hopefully give you some control if that is what you need but I'm not sure how recovery from an episiotomy etc differs to recovery from a csection. Not 1 woman is the same and everyone heals differently but my csection recovery was the worst pain of my life and it really affected me physically and emotionally. It's worth really looking in to both sides incl recovery and long term side effects. Very few are lucky enough to have a fabulous birth...IMO we should all grow a zip to pop baby out after 40weeks. Xx
I think you should do some research, look at the guidelines. Midwives can sometimes say things based on their opinions.
Definitely write a list of questions and concerns before your appointment with the consultant.
You can also request to see your birth notes which might be helpful xx

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