Birth Story of Adriana Charleigh 41wk +6 (Long!)


Mummy to my Jellies
Sep 15, 2008
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Induction Date

Well I had a scheduled induction date of Saturday 5th September 2009 @ 3pm, we started to get ready and our bath leaked!! It had gone through the ceiling in our kitchen!! Typical!! Another thing to go wrong……today felt like a baaad day :cry: After calling the hospital at the arranged time of 2pm to see if it was still viable for me to attend that day, I was told the ward was too busy and to call back tomorrow. Obviously devastated I balled my eyes out, desperate to meet me little Jellytot and to see what flavour we were having. (Although now and a few hours after the call I realised that I was overreacting slightly, alas hormones do that to us).
Sunday 6th September arrived after a chilled evening and a fabulous nights sleep for once, I made the call to labour ward and they confirmed all was well for us to go in and start our inducement :D so we finished getting all our bits together and Jossy and I headed up to the hospital!!
On arrival we were rushed to our bed by our Midwife Lydsay (who was sooo lovely) as they were running out of the prostin gel that they put on your cervix and she wanted me to win (in her words) and get some first. She set me up on the monitor straight away whilst I was still getting undressed lol and said she would be back because she is going to run and get some gel in case they go. Once back she explained that I may not need the gel and if I am 3cm dilated or more they will send me home and bring me in at 8am the next morning for an ARM (an assisted rupturing of the membranes – breaking my waters). After monitoring baby jellytot for half an hr to find everything wonderful and a happy healthy KICKING baby lol she examined me – I was 3cm dilated….great I thought now I have to come back tomorrow :( but my cervix was a little far back still so she decided to give me 1mg of the gel to try and bring it forward and hopefully that will start labour. Normally they would repeat this procedure 6hrs later but she pre-warned me that they would just wait until 8am tomorrow and try and do the ARM then as I was already 3cm. Baby was monitored for an hour after that, and all was ok, and we were let off the ward for an hour to walk about and help get things going!!
We went for a coffee and then back to the ward, had a few period niggles but nothing major, had some dinner (stuffed pepper) and proceeded to play a bit of hangman with Jossy :haha: Lyndsay came back just before she went off shift at 8.00 and asked how I was feeling, I explained that I had some tightenings like BH but a little more uncomfortable with slight aches too. She gave me some paracetamol and told me to take a bath as it is prob just reactions to the prostin gel and the bath would get rid of them, she would be back tomorrow evening and would hope to see me in postnatal!!
I went for a bath and the pains were eased by the water, but when I got out they were still there. I got dressed and we went back to my bed and was greeted by our new Midwife – Monica! She was even lovlier than Lydsay so I was thrilled everything seemed to be running perfectly!! She filled me in on what was going to happen and that Jossy should go home about 10pm if nothing happened. We continued to play hangman and my pains started to feel a bit more uncomfortable, so I had a walk around the ward. I sat down for my turn on hangman and an almighty pain came – my first contraction!! They came every few mins and I realised that this was it, so we called Monica and she said yup I think we need to get you in that pool room now and examine you in there, your too far gone to bother trying here and then move you.

Established Labour

Nikki, an assistant and soon to be student midwife came and wheeled me into my room followed by Jossy and Monica. Monica started to fill the birth pool up and examined me! I was 5cm dilated and very stretchy!! Monica was trained in aromatherapy massage, and HoneySunshine had made me a special aromatherapy oil for labour – how perfect and meant to be was this?? So whilst the bath was filling up (for about 40mins) Monica proceeded to massage my back with the oil and put some in the oil scent machine. Thankfully just as the pains were getting intense I was able to get into the water – absolute bliss the water helped soooo much – my SPD did not hurt whilst I was in there I was able to move about and it really helped my contractions!!! I didn’t use the gas and air cos I did not like the feeling of being drunk!! So it was just water for me! The pain got more intense and like my body reacts I was sick :( luckily Jossy with fab reactions caught it in one of those cardboard trays :rofl:– quite comical!!
After a couple hours or so in the pool, my contractions were seriously intensifying, I started a few moans and screams lol and said shit once – but I kept apologising the entire time for being noisy!! When I swore I apologised and she said gosh if that’s your worst then please don’t apologise, she went on to tell me how bad mouthed some people can be hahaha. When I couldn’t take it anymore and felt like a prune, I got out of the pool and had a Pethidine shot in my leg. The next few contractions were bad and I lay on my side on the bed covered in a blanket hugging my pillow!! The Pethidine kicked in and I was snoozey if nothing else and dozed in between contractions and held my voice whilst I had some. The only thing the pethidine did was make the gap between my contractions a little longer, as before the shot they were pretty much back to back!! At this point as I was pretty quiet I managed to look at Jossy just before a contraction and he had reclined his seat and was asleep!! At first I was like awwww then I thought hang on I am giving birth here this is no time for you to snooze so with my next contraction I let out a loud moan which woke him up in a panic bless him – hahaha!!
After this contraction my waters broke – very odd feeling but you could never miss it – the pop followed by gushing and gushing – they were flowing for an hour and 49 mins all in all before I was ready to push!!

2nd Stage of Labour

Well all I can really say about the pushing stage is that it is utterly amazing, and makes you understand just how clever our bodies are!!! The feeling is overwhelmingly soothing and the excitement of knowing I was about to meet my little Jellytot and whether or not JT was a boy or a girl was so strong that I believe this stage was not painful……I pushed perfectly and like a champ apparently :thumbup: get in!! lol…My contractions were wonderful, and where Monica wanted me to push 3 times per contraction I was doing 5 :dance: my body just kept going!! I have realised though that these people who tell you “2 pushes and s/he was here” are talking a load of crap!! (My Midwife advised that yes 2pushes after the baby’s head as been born but not 2 pushes for the entire baby, as the head comes down goes back in etc for a while, then you have to gently give birth to the head…so 2pushes is almost impossible and would rip you to shreads!!!) Anyway this stage lasted for only 52mins, and an average is 2.5hrs so yes I did very well indeed :D
The ring of fire/burning when the head is crowning was no where near as bad as I anticipated, I just think that all felt weird having a head in your bits just sitting there more than any pain!?! It was all just amazing and I can’t express how fascinating I found the whole process!! The head was born and Jossy had a look then :shock: although the cord was wrapped around the neck and they could not unloop it like usual, so the midwife tried to get baby out but the shoulders had gotten stuck….Jossy was panicked at this point…and I was getting PUSH PUSH PUUUUUUUUUSH from him and MW….she was separating my legs and pushing them back to help them out and with a huge push with the next contraction the baby came whooshing out and Nikki was at the end of the bed ready to catch :haha: soooo funny!!
Baby was a little breathless and moving a little less than normal and not crying :shock: but all because baby was is shock from being born so quickly apparently!! Jossy cut the placenta there in between my legs as to save anymore moving for baby!! I had not even thought about what gender baby was at that point!! He then proceeded to tell me ‘it’s a girl!!’ – What? I said, not taking anything in – “We’ve got a girl” Oh my god the sheer emotion was all too much. The love, the shock, the exhaustion, the joy it was all soooooo much I just stared in utter disbelief as they passed me our beautiful little girl ‘Adriana Charleigh’ my world, my life had begun the moment I held her :cry::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

3rd Stage of Labour

This stage of labour was very weird!!! I had my injection to help me to push the placenta out, and normally after a few minutes it starts to fall away and the MW can pull it out! She had been trying to pull out my placenta for well over 15mins and was worrying that I had to go into theatre to have it removed and just started talking about it, and I got a big contraction and together we got it out :p It was sooo odd, just flopped out – strange feeling!!

After Birth

After some time together with our new arrival, I had to be stitched up – small tear from the shoulders, which I can tell you now is the worst part of the entire experience and I cried through it, and was the only time I used the Gas and Air!! After this I was run a bath and helped in by Jossy and oh the blood!! Be prepared for the amount of blood you lose, if I had not been warned I would have been shocked – when you stand up it just spills everywhere and my bath looked like Jaws had been on there having dinner!! The place looked like a massacre sight!!! :shock:
After getting in my nightie I was then wheeled by Monica (most ppl walk but I was in a chair because of SPD) followed by Jossy wheeling Adriana and Nikki pushing my belongings, and we went to labour ward! We were put in our beds at about 6.30am and Jos went home!! I tried to sleep but 1) didn’t want to 2) couldn’t as I was scared something would happen to Adriana and 3) was not allowed as the woman next to me was the noisiest thing ever!! I kept trying and trying to sleep but in the end gave up!! It was the most serial feeling in the world suddenly being a Mum – I did not know what to do at first but now I am finding it natural, easy and the best thing I have ever done and I love her more and more as each second passes!! She has changed my world and I love watching her change and grow each day (although its happening all too quickly) I love breastfeeding her, and we have had our ups and downs as she was born with 100% tongue tie, but she has had that snipped and I am now pretty much exclusively expressing!! It is hard work but my god it is worth it!!

Total Labour Time: 6hrs 20mins

Birth Details:

Date: Monday 7th September 2009
Time: 3.24am
Weight: 8lb 15oz
Sex: Girl
Name: Adriana Charleigh
Length: 55cm
Head Circumference: 35cm
Congratulations! Glad your labour went well and you're enjoying motherhood.

Congradulations, enjoy your baby, she'll grow before your eyes :)
Huge congrats to you & Jos x Adrianna is beautiful x :kiss:
Congratulations hunny!!! I am naming my little girl charleigh (if i have a girl as i am on team yellow) and spelt the same way as you!
Love it.

well done.
Congratulations, and thanks for sharing :hugs:

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