Birth Story of Baby Kirsten born 11/05/2011


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Oct 14, 2010
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Well I apologise for the late story but here it goes.

My story starts on the morning of 10th May when I woke up to find I was having a bloody show at last (at this point I was 10 days overdue) so I immediately phoned OH to let him know but that he wasn't to panic as we had mw that day anyway. So I had very mild cramps that morning, which got a bit stronger but only like periodpain. We went to mw in the afternoon and told her about show and cramps. She offered to do a sweep to try to help things along a bit but when she was checking fetal heart rate she found it dipping during contractions and sent us to hospital right away for continuous monitoring for a while. Of course this started me and OH worrying about our princess and we raced up to hospital, where I was put on the monitor and after a couple of hours monitoring we were told everything was fine and I finally got that sweep which was uncomfortable but ok. After the sweep I lost a good bit more show and once I got home the contractions were starting to get pretty strong. I was staying with my mum at this point and sent OH off to work with his phone glued to him. My mum made me dinner whilst I got my nightie on and after eating a bit I had to go lie down. I didn't really sleep, just dozed for a bit before getting up to watch the apprentice :haha: I know! By this point I needed a hot water bottle to my back and took a couple of parwcetwmol. That night was one I'll never forget as I went to bed and pretty much laboured on my own until 7am when I had to phone OH and mws as contractions were a minute long and 5mins apart.
So OH came and got me (I made him wait while I made up sandwiches for hospital lol) and we made our way into hospital. We got in and I was checked, I was only 2cms :nope: and they wanted to send us home, however I asked to stay as depending on traffic it can take up to an hour to get to hospital from the house so I was admitted. I was given a private room :happydance: and after a couple of hours I asked to use the bath. If you have the chance I highly rrecommend the hospital bath as it is so big and deep and it was great! It actually had me considering asking for a water birth! After the bath the pains got pretty bad and I asked for another check and some pain relief. This is where I went through the worst couple of hours. I was still only 2cms :cry: and was given a dihydrocodeine tablet. The painkiller was awful as it didn't take the edge off at all, it just made me very tired but unable to sleep as I was in pain! After an hour of waiting for it to properly kick in I was crying with every contraction. In retrospect I don't think I was crying because of the pain but more because I was tired and I felt very vulnerable at this oint. I remember leaning on my OH crying through a contraction him saying it's ok it'll be over in a minute and me weeping and saying I just don't know what to do. After another half an hour of this I had to ask for more pain relief and I was given diamorphine, which I was a little unsure of but I would definitely recommend it, especially at this stage of labour as it helped me to nap and relax a bit. So the next hour was very peaceful for me and OH and we dozed together. However the contractions soon got painful again and I tried going for another bath but it didn't help much this time and I ended up coming out wnd asking to use the birthing ball however I couldn't even bounce on it as the pains were really bad so I asked to be checked again. The mw started checking and said 'things don't really seem to be changing...oh no wait a second, you're actually about 9cm now'!!!! :wacko: Of course I was happy at this but then panic set in as I worriedly said oh no! That means it's too late for an epidural!' but the mw assured me it wasn't and got a wheelchair to get me up to the labour suite.
When we first arrived in the labour suite (around 530pm) the contractions got really painful and i kinda struggled to use the gas and air. I ended up screaming (which I cringe at now lol) and mw offered me a top up of diamorphine as she didn't think I'd be able to stay still long enough to get an epidural in so I agreed and the relief was great. I took to kneeling over the back of the bed with the gas and air, dozing in between contractions. This went on for a good hour, hour and a half I which time my OH and the mw had a good chinwag lol. My OH later informed me that in my drugged state I let out a big fart and said thank you :haha::haha: I remember the mw change of shift and we got a student assisted by a fully trained mw which I was fine with. At this point I felt a very strong urge to push down, it was crazy I never expected to feel it so strong but it was like I felt the weight of the entire baby on my bum and I was dying to get rid of it. At this point it was around 730pm and I was told I could push with my contractions. I was lying on my side and the mw suggested putting my top leg in the stirrup to open up my pelvis for pushing. I pushed like this a couple of times but didn't find it effective and asked to be helped to move. I felt on my back the natural thing and when the mw agreed to help me like this I asked about it being the worst position for birth and she told me that there is no right or wrong positions, just what I felt was right. So I went on my back with my legs in the stirrups and pushed. I remember the mw telling me that my baby had dark hair and this just spurred me on more. The pain was quite bad but I was so focused on having my baby. The gas and air was taken away and I concentrated on pushing, and just as she was starting to crown the mw asked if I wanted to feel her head and I did and wow it was surreal! It took quite a few pushes to get her 'over the hill' as the mw said but the thing that really helped me was my OH reminding me to take big deep breaths and being just brilliant. Then she was coming out, and while crowning I turned to OH and told him I still wanted more!:shrug::haha: I felt the ring of fire, which is burny lol but once the head was out I started begging the mw to pull her out lol but it just took one more big push and she came slithering out and was placed on my chest. It was amazing and the adrenaline rush and the rush of love was the best feeling I have ever had. The pain really does disappear when you see your baby, she's perrfect.
Kirsten Sarah Patricia Connelly was born on 11/05/2011 at 2049 by normal delivery. I had a second degree perineal tear and labial tears which all had to be stitched but I would do it again in a heartbeat. I love my little girl so much and birth was overall a positive experience for me, though I think having my OH there really helped he was great and our baby is beautiful.ill upload pics asap.
Congratulations!!! That was a great story. Can't wait to see pictures. :)
Congratulations, and well done for not having the epidural!! Xxxx

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