BIt embarrassing hope soemone can advise


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2006
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Right *Ahem* is anyone else getting colostrum pourng out of their boobs?

I had enough last night to express abou 2ml's no joke. I have started to wear pads there as getting so bad can anyone help on this as I dont want this until the birth. Coudl I actually express this and freeze Kina,Beanie?

Thanks an embarrassed bex
dont have any advice hun but when i was leaking with Colby the MW told me not to express as it was too early :?

I started leaking at around 27 weeks with my second. And it was loads, I'd wake up in a pool. :oops:

Don't start to express because you will just fool your body into thinking it needs to make more!!

And meanwhile, don't drown!!
that reminds me to pay the milk man

I'll get me coat :oops:
oooh Jase am all embarrassed now you sod.

Lol, :oops:
I agree with lynnie hun, I wouldn't express now as it will make it worse. Just wanted to add you cow, I really struggled to breastfeed at first as I took ages to get my milk going. I expressed for half an hour and got a drop of colostrum, it was pathetic :lol:
When I BF chloe is was a nightmare had pints of the stuff and I even offered some to the hospital in light hearted manner (not that anyone owuld wnat my milk for their babes) no-one in my family or Daves ever breast fed so I gave up very quickly as felt embarrassed but sod it this time I am doing it. Is fasinating tho in weird sense tho cant stop watching it :oops: anyone else like this?

I keep thinking i wont have any left for the baby,I only thought of expressing in case she came early and I had c-section or whatever and couldnt get any into her.

I leaked from 23 weeks with Amy and 19 weeks with Jack, it was alot to :roll:

Nothing more annoying that having wet patches on your clothes!
bexxie said:
When I BF chloe is was a nightmare had pints of the stuff and I even offered some to the hospital in light hearted manner (not that anyone owuld wnat my milk for their babes) no-one in my family or Daves ever breast fed so I gave up very quickly as felt embarrassed but sod it this time I am doing it. Is fasinating tho in weird sense tho cant stop watching it :oops: anyone else like this?

I keep thinking i wont have any left for the baby,I only thought of expressing in case she came early and I had c-section or whatever and couldnt get any into her.


I will have a look round and see what I can find about storing and using colostrum. I wouldn't worry hun, am sure you will have plenty for baby. I understand what you mean about the embarressment, I am the only person in my family and OH's family who has breastfed (my mum did but isn't here anymore) and it can be tough.
Dave has said he wants me to do it (good job I want to as well) and is V.supportive so shall see what happens then hopefully all will be well and good.

I am already leaking, but I don't remember leaking with dd. I looked around on different websites and all of them pretty much said not to pump any until baby is born and it's supposed to be a good sign that you are leaking now- something about making b'feeding easier?.
hi bexxie you can actually freeze your brest milk up to 3 months in the freezer spunky xx
Remember the first lot of milk that baby will have is colostrum and it is full of goodness and anti bodies etc, so don't express babe, as if baby just has that you have done a great!

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