Bleeding after sex...

Jan 7, 2007
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I sometimes bleed after sex and have never been to the doctors or done anything to check what is causing this. Should I go as I am TTC and may this affect it??
I should add that it is only a tiny tiny amount straight after - it doesn't carry on or anything.
bleeding after sex can loads of things...

i think ur best 2 get it checked out 2 put ur mind at ease though hun :hugs:
i dont want to give you false hopes hun but that is how i found out i was pregnant the first time round

good luck hun
please go to your gp
It can be caused by an erosion of the cervix, I had this, they told me not to worry about it, but OH should be gentle during cuddles :oops:

I would get it checked out by ur GP for peace of mind tho :wink: Might do an internal to see what it is xxx
weestar21 said:
i dont want to give you false hopes hun but that is how i found out i was pregnant the first time round

good luck hun
please go to your gp

no chance of the false hopes there - AF arrived today!

I used to get bleeding after sex all the time and it was because I had Cervical Erosion. It may be that you have an erosion and the delicate cells are being aggravated and you are then bleeding after sex.
If its something that continues, you really need to get it checked out by your GP.

Cervical erosion is completely normal and is simply the growing down of the narrow cells into the cervix, where the flat cells once were. It appears on the outer surface of the cervix to form a red, velvet-like area, which is what is termed an "erosion". These cervical changes are a natural response to the female hormone, oestrogen, and can occur naturally in some women, during pregnancy, in those who have had children, and in women taking the oral contraceptive pill. Most erosions cause no symptoms. However, in some women they produce an increased mucus discharge.

Hope this helps!
Thats what I said too Rachie :D
KX said:
i like that emoticon :lol: I collect them!
Hey! You're spot on! I had erosions on and off for years. It was due to me being on the pill! Went to the gp's last year, and she got rid of them in the surgery in about 10 mins. Didn't hurt, just felt like having a smear!
I would still get it checked out!
Hope you let us lot know :D
RachieH said:

I used to get bleeding after sex all the time and it was because I had Cervical Erosion. It may be that you have an erosion and the delicate cells are being aggravated and you are then bleeding after sex.
If its something that continues, you really need to get it checked out by your GP.

Cervical erosion is completely normal and is simply the growing down of the narrow cells into the cervix, where the flat cells once were. It appears on the outer surface of the cervix to form a red, velvet-like area, which is what is termed an "erosion". These cervical changes are a natural response to the female hormone, oestrogen, and can occur naturally in some women, during pregnancy, in those who have had children, and in women taking the oral contraceptive pill. Most erosions cause no symptoms. However, in some women they produce an increased mucus discharge.

Hope this helps!

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