The hospital have "lost" my blood test. Seriously! Argggghhhh!
Have to go back now for a second test.
Hope they don't lose your next blood test and that there is a happy outcome. Generally they say if you are having some bleeding but no cramps then it is not too bad. I didn't have much cramping though
Have you been examines by a DR at the hospital? They will check if you cervix is open. If it is that indicates a m/c.
Good luck xxxx
Are you having any clotting or just blood? I had an early m/c at 4+4 in March (just 2 days after my BFP). The clearblue said 1-2 weeks on the Saturday at 4+2, then I started bleeding with small clots on the Monday night. I went to the EPU on the Wednesday and the blood test came back with virtually no HCG, I was so gutted.
42 hcg is around 5 / 6weeks pregnant.. is that about right for you? anything under 5 means you are not pregnant x x x