Bloat vs Bump


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
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This is particularly for the chunkier women who don't have a flat stomach to begin with. Since about the early 5 week mark I've had a big round tummy. I've just literally taken a photo now to show what I'm on about. Why is my belly so big. Yeah I have a bit of flab right at the bottom but where the skin has been stretching and growing it is rock solid.

It's driving me insane. I'm too embarrassed to mention my pregnancy to people as I think I look like I'm very later on, especially in all my pretty dresses. When looking on the bump photo's only the skinnier ladies have really posted so I don't know what to expect with having an already flabby tummy.

Please share your photo's and experiences with a very stressed out me. :cry:

Just so you know I'm eating more fruit and veg ever than before. My main diet concern is I'm craving lots of meat, and I'm doing my best just to have ice lollies every time I crave something unhealthy. Ice lollies cure all. My tummy was never that big before. I was a size 16 normally and occasionally had to get size 18 jeans as I have a big butt :winkwink: but now I'm lucky if I fit into a size 16 anything that isn't incredibly elasticated. I exercise regularly, I haven't lost interest in sex or anything at all really. My foot is causing problems as the heat and hormones made my poorly foot swell but I still carried on exercising.

Btw I do have an inactive thyroid gland, doctors are certain on it. Will be discussing how to handle my weight next week with doctor. :blush:

I just want to be a healthy mom that takes billions of photo's of her bump without wanting to cry.
I'm 13 weeks tmo with twins and I'm still bloated I thought it was going down but this weekend it's away again! I'm also constipated (sorry tmi) which I don't think helps but it's not according to diet or exercise its just a reaction to the hormones and the pleasant things they bring. Most people who have had kids know the score so don't panic too much before you know it it will be a proper bump anyway!
Well ive had 2 kids and i have the belly still as ive not done any sit ups etc i go swimming but u need stomach crunches to get rid of the baby bulge. Anyway its normally lower down but im 7 wks and its moved up around the middle bit and my whole stomach is hard too and from prev pg thats what it feels like in 2nd tri so i have no idea how a baby the size of an orange seed is doing this!!! Strange must be organs moving up and bloating.
Why dont u go for long walks to stay fit in pg to be honest its so hard when your hungry and tired. Also ive substituted wine for choc so im in trouble. Wait till your baby is born and 6 mths old then join a boot camp my best mate did this and is so thin and toned its unreal.
Try not to get down about weight and size its not the right time just eat healthy and enjoy your pg. X
My bump is the same. We are the same pre-pregnancy size and I look like I'm 5-6 months along and I'm only 11+4 so I'm there with you.
Well ive had 2 kids and i have the belly still as ive not done any sit ups etc i go swimming but u need stomach crunches to get rid of the baby bulge. Anyway its normally lower down but im 7 wks and its moved up around the middle bit and my whole stomach is hard too and from prev pg thats what it feels like in 2nd tri so i have no idea how a baby the size of an orange seed is doing this!!! Strange must be organs moving up and bloating.
Why dont u go for long walks to stay fit in pg to be honest its so hard when your hungry and tired. Also ive substituted wine for choc so im in trouble. Wait till your baby is born and 6 mths old then join a boot camp my best mate did this and is so thin and toned its unreal.
Try not to get down about weight and size its not the right time just eat healthy and enjoy your pg. X

A lot of women their bump is made up of more water than baby. I'm really liking white chocolate but I get the lil 17p bars once a week as a treat :) well the OH goes and gets them. I don't think its bump at all, though I'm having horrid stretching pains and occasionally sharp pains that insinuate a bump will arrive very soon. I just want to be able to see the bump under all that bloat.

Isn't there a method to get rid of bloat at all?
i was a size 14 last year but lost alot of weight and went down to a 12. in march my belly was completely flat and i found out i was pregnant mid may. im now 7 weeks pregnant and my belly is huge! i have terrible bloating unless i breath in loads which is very uncomfortable! i was told that i wouldnt show for a while yet so also a little concerned especially as i have a skin tight wedding dress to fit into in sept! oops!

i wouldnt worry about what other people will say, its no one elses business and if they are not nice then ignore them, those that matter in your life wont say anything. youre not big anyway! xx
I think your wee bump is lovely :) I am almost the same as you (6+2) and dont have much yet and I'm jealous, I also didnt have a completely flat stomach to start with and you are being really healthy so don't worry about it. Maybe you have lots of water, or a short torso? I think you look fab :)
hi hun :flower: i really struggled with the bloat early on, i was really big. it hit me at about 6 weeks. below is my 8 week pic compared to my 13 week pic, the bloat had gone by then. wear your bump with pride though, it doesn't matter if it's not all baby & uterus yet, it's still caused by baby :D xx
Honestly, the best way to get rid of bloat is to flush it out. Water and cranberry juice or water and lemon juice will do it nicely, but you have to drink alot of water. Prob. much more than you're used to on an average day. However, I promise, it makes a world of difference!

Avoid salt as much as you can -- and remember it's hidden in alot of things you wouldn't expect. Always check for sodium.

Dandelion root tea is a HUGE help with bloating, but I'm not positive on where that falls in 'herbs that are safe while pregnant', so don't run and do that without doing your homework -- it is a nice, natural way to help flush out the water we hold onto though.

You are me!! Im 6 weeks today and have the same tummy, im a size 16/18 too and like you Im craving meat! Yum yum. Im drinking plenty of water and being more active than normal but cannot shift the bloating. I have more wind and dont go to the loo as much as I used too so I know this isnt helping. Im staying positive about this as being a larger girl I was worried I would not show as soon as thinner girls and so wouldnt look that pregnant. Its all practice for when the real bump comes. Like someone said be proud of the bump so far as it is caused by our pregnancies! Goodluck on yr journey!:thumbup:
Well I'm a size 12 normally, and started to get big at 10 weeks usually towards the afternoon. Still pretty bad and fed up of telling people it's bloat not bump, because I wish it was all bump. Craved meat like you though, mw said it's your body saying you need more iron or protein x
Well I'm a size 12 normally, and started to get big at 10 weeks usually towards the afternoon. Still pretty bad and fed up of telling people it's bloat not bump, because I wish it was all bump. Craved meat like you though, mw said it's your body saying you need more iron or protein x

I keep hearing this iron or protein story! I think I will have to mention this to my mw just incase I need supplements, better to be safe than sorry! I also heard that its a sign of a baby boy? To my DH thats sounds great but healthy is my wish! :thumbup:
I needed iron supplements anyway so must have meant something. I've heard it influences the gender, but I crave sweet stuff now so who knows :wacko:
Im glad im not the only one...

Im a size 8/10 normally but the last couple of days i have noticed a little tummy.. it looks like flab and i know its not uterus yet, in the earlier wks it was only noticable on/off but now it seems to stay i notice it more when i sit/lay on my side!

Honestly im not drinking a great deal, i have been very lucky and have actually started to have "regular" bowel movements so its not that (im usually Constipated sorry tmi!) I dont really think im eating all that much either really, app has gone. Have been having jak spud for dinner most nights and have completely gone off red meat!! What does that say about my Iron/Protein levels?? lol.

I'm a 10/12 normally and I actually was suspicious of my pregnancy when I started bloating MUCH much more than I would normally for :witch:. I'm only 4+1 right now, and bloated to the point that most of my pants are way too tight and cause some discomfort. Um, frustrating! I have upped my water intake immensely though (about 80 oz. a day at the least) and I noticed the swelling is going down a wee bit. I'm hoping it continues because I don't want to announce until at least my 8 week scan and I already feel like I'm pooching out more than I should!!! lol
oh god, i really hope i dont crave meat, i havent eaten it for 18 years!! so far the only thing i cant get enough of is milk. i never used to drink that much or have much on my cereal but now i have a bowl of cereal drowned in milk and about half a pink as a drink!

luckily when i lost a load of weight i didnt chuck out all of my clothes that didnt fit, altho i did get rid of most of them! i still have my favourite jeans that i couldnt part with and now they are still massive on me but will last for ages when i grow into them more, well chuffed!! x
I'm overweight, but I just have a tiny bit bigger of a belly down on the bottom part, and it kinda looks like it's moving up a little. If this makes sense... lol I mean, my pants are tighter, but it's not noticeable to others.
I'm normally a size 18 and can't get most of my trousers done up ... I'm sat at my desk at work as I type with my trousers undone because of the bloating!

My tummy is tubby anyway.

I hope you're feeling more comfortable soon!!x
Defo bump here is mine


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