Blocked Tear Duct


Full time working mummy
Feb 1, 2008
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Savannah has a severely blocked tear duct, we have been massaging it and putting breast milk in it but it's not getting any better...

Anyone have any suggestions? If we can't fix it then the hospital will put a needle in it to drain it, no anaesthetic... I realy don't want my poor baby to have to go through that!!
Never heard of that before... I am seeing the health nurse tomorrow I can try to ask her if she has any suggestions if you like
My LO had this, apparently it's fairly common and it will sort itself out. Just bathe it and take care not to infect it. One day you'll suddenly notice that it's not sticky anymore. It took 6 weeks for it to clear for my LO (I thought it was never going to get better) but can take longer. There shouldn't be any need for medical intervention unless it doesn't clear on it's own and keeps getting infected.

Oh hunny, sorry your little one is going through this. My son had the same thing and no matter what they recommended it didnt work! He ended up in hospital for a week on iv's to try to clear the infection caused by the blocked tear duct and then had the op under general aneasectic(sp?) at only 4 weeks old. The hospital told me it was the worst case they had ever seen and even took photo's to keep for training purposes. Was the worst time ever seeing him suffer and being so helpless, on a positive side tho the whole thing cleared up after the op and never blocked again other than being prone to a slight sticky eye every now and again. Hope your little one gets better soon xx
get well soon Savannah :hug:
Yeah, my mum said she's never seen one this bad before either (she's a mw); but i'm gonna keep persevearing with the milk and massaging. I think that the milk is helping to disolve the block so gonna do it as often as I can. Doesn't seem to bother my LO but I still hate seeing her like this. :(
Jack had this for the first 2 months of his life and the doctor said as long as it doesn't get infected he wouldn't treat it. However if it remains blocked after a year they would then treat it :) Hope it sorts itself out soon !
Yeah, my mum said she's never seen one this bad before either (she's a mw); but i'm gonna keep persevearing with the milk and massaging. I think that the milk is helping to disolve the block so gonna do it as often as I can. Doesn't seem to bother my LO but I still hate seeing her like this. :(

Finger crossed it works xx
Oh my word, I didnt realise they did that. Theyre not doing that to my boy...

He has had that since he was born and its not getting any better, although we found breastmilk seemed to irratate it more. My HV said that it can last until they;'re 1 year old

I'm astonished... I woke up this morning and it's better... Her eye is still a bit swollen but the tear duct seems to have sorted itself out. I'm thinking the breastmilk dissolved the blockage...

Linzi- i'm not sure if thats common practice everywhere to clear it, that just what mum said they do here. They might give anaesthetic to older babies.
My son had the op at 4 weeks old because it was severely infected and looked like a black grape attached to the corner of his eye. Glad your little one seems much better xx
Max had that for about 2 months and we used camomile tea ..let it cool and wipe his eyes with it ..

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