Blood results in.*Letter From Hosp Added*



Baby is over average of risk for down syndrom so have too go in for a chat on tuesday about our "options" but i don't care if the baby does have ds it wont make me love it any less! why cant people bloody understand that!!

I dont want the god damn amnio test because of the risks i know its low risks but any risk is too high for me! anyway getting that done wont change it if the baby does have ds

At my booking in appointment i told the mw if it came back high risk i dont want the test and she was like yeah but you should cause if it comes back baby does have it you can get a termination WTF?!?!?!?!?!!??!

Seriously, its not the babys fault if its a bit diffrent and when i told her this and said i wouldnt get rid and it wouldnt make a difference she was like yeah well..

so i dunno what is gonna happen on tuesday but they better not fucking piss me off or ill be walking out of there no one but noone is gonna sit and tell me it might be best to get a termination or how i wont love my baby as much!

Letter from hospital as a few people are asking why it doesnt have the risk number level on it...


Your blood screening result for AFP/HGC (downs syndrome screening) has come back showing a higher than average risk result. To save you unnecessary worry, we would like to point out that a result in the increased risk group frequently occurs in completely normal pregnancies. We would however like to invite you to discuss your result and options with one of the midwife councellors.

An appointment has been made for you to attend the department of obstetric ultrasound on level 7 at ninewells hospital on tuesday 25th august2009 at 10:10am.

This appointment will allow time for a discussion with a midwife councellor, a scan of your baby and an amniocentesis if you should request this.

If this appointment is not suitable, please contact one of the midwife councellors and a more convenient time will be arranged.

Yours sincerely

Lesley a mays.
:hugs: hun, i completely understand you not wanting amnio, its a big decision.

Fingers crossed everything wil turn out ok for you though
:hugs: hun, i completely understand you not wanting amnio, its a big decision.

Fingers crossed everything wil turn out ok for you though

Glad someone finally understands us not wanting it, its so fustrating :cry:

I will be sure too post up what went on after our appointment on tuesday

Thanks again hun :hugs:
Like you say amnio has its risks anyway and for me it would be totally dependant on how high/low my risk of DS would be iykwim?

Did they tell you how high yours were?
i would have been well angry hun if some one spoke to me about my baby like that, at the end of the day it is your decision and people should respect that!!
i have always said that i would never have any of those tests if given the option as like you a risk to my baby is a risk too much

hope everything goes ok for you xx
I've always just refused all of the testing for that because I know either way I'm going to have and keep my baby. The midwife doesn't really have any right to be saying that to you anyway. Its your life your child whats it to them.
I can't believe she would even need to say anything like know what your options are and it is entirely up to you what you want to do.
Do they not realise that us women already have a strong bond with our babies even though we have not met them yet. You just go with your heart Hun.....I think its disgusting to suggest that you will not love your child as dare she!!!!
Good luck hun. :hugs:

If possible, I'd also recommend looking into getting a different midwife. I believe that the midwife should be giving you advise on all options and then respecting your decisions without pressuring you. She has obviously failed in this regard and it's not fair to you to continue working with a midwife who you cannot trust.
There is no reason they need to pressure you, but you do need to be aware of all the possible scenarios for your little one. I don't think anyone questions your love or adoration for you baby! There is a wide range of severity with down syndrome, some are possibly fatal or "not compatible with life" as they call it, others are mild. Knowing what your dealing with is important and knowing what a possible future holds as well is good for some people. Others would like to find out at birth, which is also respectable. I wish you the best, and as always, these things almost always turn out for the best!
I was in this position 2 wks ago. Got the letter saying I was in high-risk group( higher than 1:250) and appt was made to go in to 'discuss the options'.

We decided ourselves that we would not be doing the amnio - unless the risk of downs was really high like 1:3

When we went to the appt we were rather lucky to find out our risk was 1:249 - we almost jumped for joy! The doctor was about to tell us about the opions but we didnt even let her get started about amnio etc. We just said we decline any further tests. We are however getting a detailed scan at 20wks (you are prob thinking isnt that the norm at 20wks?!?) well in Glasgow we only get the 12wk one.

You are so brave that you have made this decision before you go in! Stick to it - ok, maybe listen to what they have to say and if they will offer a detailed scan instead- and do what you feels right.

No one on here will think anything bad of you whatever you decide.

Good luck and do let us know how you get on:flower:
Hi hon. Half the time I think its a box ticking exercise with midwives and they have to be able to say they explained all issues and possible scenarios, regardless of whether they apply. Bit like having to be tested for sickle cell, when my hubby and I are both White, and sickle cell only affects Afro carribean and south American nations...

"box ticked - waste of time!".

I'm sorry your midwife sounds as though she has a communication problem. I'd agree if u aren't comfortable with her then change, although give it till after your meeting as you may find she's more supportive than you are expecting.

Good luck honey.

Hi Sweetie

I don't understand... If you don't care about Down's, then why did you have the blood test for it? It isn't compulsory... Many people avoid doing the blood/nuchal test for JUST that reason: they don't care and they don't want any "decision"/"stress".

This is your pregnancy, your baby, your decisions. Certain tests are optional and you should have been given the option.

Surely you don't have to have the meeting (to "discuss options") if you don't want to either? You certainly don't have to have an amnio.

If you go to a meeting to "discuss the options", then they ARE likely to suggest things that you don't agree with (because you have already made up your mind). Don't get mad at them for making those suggestions - that is what their job is: it would be negligent for them not to... (since it would be leaving you uninformed).

If you have completely made up your mind, then why not just cancel the meeting? Less stress all round?

The blood test is just a "risk": if your risk IS 1:250 (or around that) it is still INCREDIBLY low :hugs:

Good luck and take control of your pregnancy - don't let other people talk you into options (Downs test is an option and not compulsory) that you really don't want :hugs:

Hi hon. Half the time I think its a box ticking exercise with midwives and they have to be able to say they explained all issues and possible scenarios, regardless of whether they apply. Bit like having to be tested for sickle cell, when my hubby and I are both White, and sickle cell only affects Afro carribean and south American nations...

"box ticked - waste of time!".

Not sure I agree on that while all these conditions are exceptional rare in people who are not of the normal heritage, you can still be surprised to find that you have the disorder, you can't be 100% sure of your heritage all the way back. I'm from the highlands as far as we know my whole lineage is however I was found to have a rare blood disorder which doesn't normally affect my heritage when my first bloods were done they said it was something like a 1 in 4 million chance of me having it.

Would agree that it may well be worth your wile going to the meeting though, there may be other checks they would like to do such as further scans even if you refuse any invasive procedures.
years ago my mum had an amino at 20 weeks cos of an increased risk in DS the baby died then and there, and then she had to give birth there!
I would never have an animo, the risk is too high, and apparently the risk is greater depending upon where the placenta is lying!(they dont tell u this) worst of all there was nothing wrong with the baby!
dont try make them force you, its your decision!!!
i totally agree with what your saying, they should respect your decision. But if you knew that you would never have the amino, maybe you shouldnt really have had the blood tests done in the first place? Of course it's your decision but i dont think i would have had the blood test as it would put extra stress on my shoulders. Good luck though hun xx
At my booking in appointment i told the mw if it came back high risk i dont want the test and she was like yeah but you should cause if it comes back baby does have it you can get a termination WTF?!?!?!?!?!!??!

Seriously, its not the babys fault if its a bit diffrent and when i told her this and said i wouldnt get rid and it wouldnt make a difference she was like yeah well..

Wow, I'm really shocked by the midwife's pushy attitude on such a personal issue. My midwife made it very clear to me that the triple test was entirely optional, explained what it was for, etc - I had to ask HER what happened if it came back as 'high risk,' etc. She actually said a couple of times that she would not give her opinion on whether or not I should have the test, that it was entirely my decision.

It sounds to me like you definitely should not have had the blood test done to begin with. Sorry your midwife is so crap. :( And there is still a very good chance your baby won't have any problems anyhow.
Like you say amnio has its risks anyway and for me it would be totally dependant on how high/low my risk of DS would be iykwim?

Did they tell you how high yours were?

In the letter it says a higher than average risk so i dunno if that means i am just high risk or more than high risk if that makes any sense??
Hi Sweetie

I don't understand... If you don't care about Down's, then why did you have the blood test for it? It isn't compulsory... Many people avoid doing the blood/nuchal test for JUST that reason: they don't care and they don't want any "decision"/"stress".

This is your pregnancy, your baby, your decisions. Certain tests are optional and you should have been given the option.

Surely you don't have to have the meeting (to "discuss options") if you don't want to either? You certainly don't have to have an amnio.

If you go to a meeting to "discuss the options", then they ARE likely to suggest things that you don't agree with (because you have already made up your mind). Don't get mad at them for making those suggestions - that is what their job is: it would be negligent for them not to... (since it would be leaving you uninformed).

If you have completely made up your mind, then why not just cancel the meeting? Less stress all round?

The blood test is just a "risk": if your risk IS 1:250 (or around that) it is still INCREDIBLY low :hugs:

Good luck and take control of your pregnancy - don't let other people talk you into options (Downs test is an option and not compulsory) that you really don't want :hugs:


I just done what i did with aiden and ticked all the boxes for tests, I wanted too know if i was high or low risk but told them when they took the blood if it comes back high risk i dont want any further tests.

I dont know what my risk level is as it didnt say in the letter i guess they want too discuss this at the meeting??
They should tell you in the letter what the risk is. It should say something like 1:200, there should really be a number on there somewhere. I agree that it sounds as though your options were not explained to you properly in the first place, as it would have been far less stressful for you to avoid the tripple test since you already know that you do not want to follow this through any further. As QT says though, they have to explain all the options to you so that they know you are able to make an informed choice. It does sound as though your midwife has not really dealt with it all as well as she might have done. I hope it goes well for you at the hospital.
They should tell you in the letter what the risk is. It should say something like 1:200, there should really be a number on there somewhere. I agree that it sounds as though your options were not explained to you properly in the first place, as it would have been far less stressful for you to avoid the tripple test since you already know that you do not want to follow this through any further. As QT says though, they have to explain all the options to you so that they know you are able to make an informed choice. It does sound as though your midwife has not really dealt with it all as well as she might have done. I hope it goes well for you at the hospital.

There is no number on there at all it just says....

Your blood screening result for AFP/HGC (downs syndrome screening) has come back showing a higher than average risk result. To save you unnecessary worry, we would like to point out that a result in the increased risk group frequently occurs in completely normal pregnancies. We would however like to invite you to discuss your result and options with one of the midwife councellors.

An appointment has been made for you to attend the department of obstetric ultrasound on level 7 at ninewells hospital on tuesday 25th august2009 at 10:10am.

This appointment will allow time for a discussion with a midwife councellor, a scan of your baby and an amniocentesis if you should request this.

If this appointment is not suitable, please contact one of the midwife councellors and a more convenient time will be arranged.

Yours sincerely

Lesley a mays.

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