blood test results back - not good!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2009
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Hi girls,

Sorry if I start to ramble on but I'm just really upset at the moment and didnt know what else to do.

Got a phone call from the midwife at the hospital yesterday. My blood test results have come back with a high risk of Down with a risk of 1 in 20! I am so upset. We have booked an amnio for Monday morning and the midwife said I will get the Downs results back by Wednesday or Thursday. I am just so scared about the amnio and about the results. I feel like I'm going to be judged by people if I decide to terminate if the results come back positive but I just dont know if I can cope with a child with downs. It probably sounds so selfish I'm sorry!

I'm going shopping with my mum today - hopefully that will take my mind off it but I'm back to work on friday and have to tell them that I need Monday and Tuesday off sick. The midwife reccommends 2 or 3 days off. Is it better to rest afterwards - does this cut the risk of miscarriage?

Has anyone here had an amnio? What are your experiences? And do you think they'll tell me the downs results over the phone??

sorry to moan on - I just want this baby to be ok!

Thanks x
Hey lovely...Im in the same position as you at the moment. I got my results back at 1:67 and had my amnio done on tuesday.The amnio itself wasnt painfull,but very odd feeling. I did have a bit off an odd turn but thats more to do with me and my phobia of needles.:dohh: Its over with in mins so doesnt take too long.I did have a bit of cramping but only for the first two days which ive been told is normal. I was told to take it easy the next couple of days after no heavy lifting ect. I have a tiny little bruise now where the needle went into my tummy.I was told by my consultant that the mc risk is increased by 1% of the normal mc rate,iykwim?? And if a mc was to occur it doesnt happen straight away,it would happen at 7-10 days.Do you know what in your blood came back as high risk? Mine was the papp-a level. I know how your feeling at the moment sweetie. All i did was cry,but we are praying for good news today or tomorrow. I will be thinking of you and bump. Sending you tons of good vibes and cuddles.Please ask me anything,i would be glad to help if possible.:hugs:
I dont have any advice but wanted to send massive :hugs: to you both and i pray you get good results
No advice here either sorry but thinking of you and hope you get good results.
I've no advice but want to send both you and natasha heaps of PMA and love x

Also, whatever decison you make, I'm sure will be right for you and your family and that is ALL that one knows what decision they would make until they are put in that position, so no one should judge you x

Nicola xx
I am afraid I have no experience of this - but it is such a personal choice that people don't have the right to judge.

I am so sorry you have to go through this stress and keeping everything crossed for you that it is ok.
same i have no advice but hope everything goes ok for you hun an hope you get good news ill be thinking about you, all the best hun :hug::flower::kiss:
Sorry to hear you are in this situation hun.
I dont have any advice but hope everything is ok :hugs::hugs:hugs:
make sure you take it easy after the amnio...your stomach will feel bruised for about a week. i am sure that everything will be fine. my colleague was told she had a high risk, then had the amnio to find that baby was healthy..i am sure the same will be for you x
Hi Hoping to be mum, so sorry you are going through this.

I was told 1 in 65 chance at our first scan and we opted for CVS (where they take some of the placenta rather than the fluid that they take in amnio). It was fine. It wasnt painful just a bit uncomfortable if anything, and you can see it all on the screen. It took about 5 ish minutes, maybe a little bit longer, from when the needle was actually in there. They told me to rest for 24 hours, but everything was fine. I was a tiny bit bruised, but nothing major. I got the results 2 working days later (which is very quick) and everything was fine. They then cultured the cells to test for about another 20 or so chromosome conditions and these results came back clear a few weeks later.

It is so much easier said than done, but try not to worry until you know for sure. You still have a very good chance of it being absolutely fine.

Thinking of you and wishing you all the best.

Try to avoid the internet too, its a killer and can make you so upset unnecessarily !!!!
Hello my dear, best of luck with the amnio... I recently went through a very similar situation where a 1/10 risk for trisomy 18 was given to us given the presence of an umbilical cord cyst detected on our 8 week ultrasound. We also had made the decision to terminate if baby was affected: as you said, it is a personal choice and was not an easy decision for us to make. No one has the right to judge you no matter what your decision is in the end! We had a CVS at 12 weeks and the result was normal. My thoughts are with you and I'm praying for a good outcome on your amnio! :hugs:
I don't have any advice but just wanted you to know am thinking of you xx
my daughter in law had this and she had amnio on a weds and stayed off work till monday. remember these numbers are only risk factors. hers came back negative she got her results the next day and they give you either result on the phone where we are. good luck and only you can make any decision it is not something people should judge, because as it has been said before nobody knows what they would do until they are in that situation. will be thinking of you and take time off for as long as you need and make sure you rest.
hey hon, I have no experience of this myself, but i just wanted to offer HUGE hugs and all the support in the world. And what ever YOU choose to do IS the right decison.

Hope that all turns out ok, the blood test only calculates the probability and there is a 19 in 20 chance that all will be well. I think that the decision to terminate is one only you can make and you shouldn't be judged for it, I would probably be the same. Big hugs!:hugs:
Hi, I just wanted to send you hugs and best wishes. I really hope everything will be fine, but in the worse case scenario, I think anyone worth a damn would support you with whichever path you took xx
Hi ya hun, I just wanted to wish you luck. I have my fingers crossed for you xx
I had an amnio with Alex, the amnio itself wasnt too bad it was more emotinally draining that physical.
I took 2 days off work and i parked my arse on the sofa for those 2 days and i didnt move.

The mw that counselled us before the amnio ran through the dos and donts.
I was given my result over the phone, i was lucky enough to get the rapid result so knew for sure within 48 hours.

Its a huge rollercoaster ride and yeah my result was clear but i sobbed and sobbed with immense relief.

Good Luck Honey xx

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