So sorry to read this - it is totally unacceptable!
Firstly, I would do as the others say and try to see your own GP. Then I would phone your Fertility Clinic and ask to speak to the manager and ask for an explanation telling them that whilst it is sometimes accetable for an appt to be changed; a 6 month delay is unacceptable. You are already in their system and awaiting test results. You should not have to be left wondering for that long.
If you don't have any success, ask for the details of who you can write to with a complaint. For other reasons, we have had to go down the complaint route with our clinic. We sent the letter to the complaints dept and the manager of the fertility centre both by recorded delivery and the acknowledged the letter within 3 days and said they would investigate and reply with findings within 5 weeks, which they did.
I'm sure they have a period like that with which they have to reply in. Write your letter when you have calmed down so that it is factual, not emotional and if you want, you could even threaten going to the media about the way you've been treated and this ridiculous delay. If you have cysts, they may need treatment and you certainly don't want to have to wait! They will soon find you an appt!!
You are absolutely within your rights to fight this hun xx