BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

Maybe lay off dairy products for a bit? They can irritate the lining of the stomach. What about roasted veg, plain pasta, soup and bread?
Ok, no dairy - but he can still have his formula?

Soup is a good one, might make some in the morning. Pasta was what he was eating when he was sick on Thursday so I'm kind of off giving him that till hes better. If he would eat fresh crusty bread, I'll get some in!
The soup is a good idea - I make Bun soup and cut up toast wedges and dip them in. They get all soft and easy to eat that way! Hope your LO feels better soon!

Hi Girls,
Can I ask another question? My boy is 5 months 1 week old...he started to sit unaided for short periods two weeks ago...and about that same time he started grabbing for my food (but I think he will grab at anything I have).

I have given him a few bits of food to suck on (by handing it to him or holding it for him - which I know is against true BLW rules!) so as of yesterday I have sat him in his bumbo and placed some fruit & veg sticks on his tray. He is picking them up and taking them to his mouth, sucking and chomping (but not swallowing - he gags or spits pieces back out again).

I'm not starting this BLW too early am I? Is it okay for him to be given pieces to play with (except he isn't playing with them, he is sucking/chomping on them!!). Should I hold off a few more weeks or just keep going with it??

Thanks :)
Hi Girls,
Can I ask another question? My boy is 5 months 1 week old...he started to sit unaided for short periods two weeks ago...and about that same time he started grabbing for my food (but I think he will grab at anything I have).

I have given him a few bits of food to suck on (by handing it to him or holding it for him - which I know is against true BLW rules!) so as of yesterday I have sat him in his bumbo and placed some fruit & veg sticks on his tray. He is picking them up and taking them to his mouth, sucking and chomping (but not swallowing - he gags or spits pieces back out again).

I'm not starting this BLW too early am I? Is it okay for him to be given pieces to play with (except he isn't playing with them, he is sucking/chomping on them!!). Should I hold off a few more weeks or just keep going with it??

Thanks :)

In my opinion, if the baby can pick bits of food, get them to their mouth and then get them in their mouth, all unaided then they are ready! I would stick to just fruit and veg until he is 6 months old though :hugs:
Hi Girls,
Can I ask another question? My boy is 5 months 1 week old...he started to sit unaided for short periods two weeks ago...and about that same time he started grabbing for my food (but I think he will grab at anything I have).

I have given him a few bits of food to suck on (by handing it to him or holding it for him - which I know is against true BLW rules!) so as of yesterday I have sat him in his bumbo and placed some fruit & veg sticks on his tray. He is picking them up and taking them to his mouth, sucking and chomping (but not swallowing - he gags or spits pieces back out again).

I'm not starting this BLW too early am I? Is it okay for him to be given pieces to play with (except he isn't playing with them, he is sucking/chomping on them!!). Should I hold off a few more weeks or just keep going with it??

Thanks :)

I started my LO at 5 months. He was being TW since 4 months, but started refusing his purees. So i sat him at his highchair with some finger food and he loved it, no help needed :)
Thanks Shiv & K&B!! I will keep sticking with it then. The last two meal times, he has gotten really upset towards the end...I am wondering if it is either his way to say he has finished or if he is upset because he wants more?!!! Anyone elses do this? He still has some 'remains' in front of him, but maybe he wants some new pieces?

I've been sticking to fruit and veg twice a day for three days now and he must be swallowing something afterall, as there are bits of stuff in his poohy nappies!!! I was really excited to discover that.

I got some baby yogurts today (as it said suitable from weaning, and as I figured some people started as early as 4 months, then maybe he would be okay at over 5 months to try some?). What do you think...if he wants it, is it okay to give occassionally?

And he stole my piece of bread with cream cheese on at lunch today and sucked and sucked at the cream cheese. He really enjoyed it. Would it be okay to introduce this in very small amounts or is it really important to only give fruit N veg until 6 months? Did anyone else give anything ealier?

Thanks so much for your help everyone! I am so grateful for this thread. I have started from the beginning and am trying to read through the 372 pages worth! But it is going to take me a very long time :)
Miss T - it is personal choice whether to introduce wheat, dairy etc before 6 months or not. We only started BLW so went straight in with everything. I am sure some girls in here offred a more varied diet before 6 months and all was well. Are there any food allergies in you or babies dad's families? If so then i would hang on a while
as for teh crying, could he be getting frustrated? maybe once the food has got a bit sloppy it is harder tp pick up?
MissTanya - Ive introduced pretty much everything to my LO since just over 5 months with no problems. We've got no allergies in the family so i guessed everything would be fine. My LO also has little paddy's while he's eating, he gets very frustrated if he finds something a bit hard to chew or if he's having a lazy day!
I've given my lo literally everything and we started at 5 months. Even curry and pakora hahaa - she loves them!

I've found that my lo gets screamy when she's thirsty so I've been given her a cup of water and she's loving it - then goes back to eating again.
To those of you who have provided me with much needed reassurance over the last few weeks that Thomas really would swallow something one day...I found food bits in his nappy this afternoon!!! Can't tell you how inappropriately excited that made me!! I see light at the end of the weaning tunnel :)
To those of you who have provided me with much needed reassurance over the last few weeks that Thomas really would swallow something one day...I found food bits in his nappy this afternoon!!! Can't tell you how inappropriately excited that made me!! I see light at the end of the weaning tunnel :)

I know it's dumb to worry now about how much milk the monkey is getting since he's been exclusively breastfed and rarely ever took a bottle so I've never had any idea of how much he drinks, but I can't help worrying anyway! He's taken to eating quite well and some days (like this evening) he has eaten quite a bit of his food.

I always nurse him beforehand, and usually a little afterward but I thought it would take longer before he started eating much solids and some days he really doesn't but I just need a little reassurance that I'm being daft to worry now!
I know it's dumb to worry now about how much milk the monkey is getting since he's been exclusively breastfed and rarely ever took a bottle so I've never had any idea of how much he drinks, but I can't help worrying anyway! He's taken to eating quite well and some days (like this evening) he has eaten quite a bit of his food.

I always nurse him beforehand, and usually a little afterward but I thought it would take longer before he started eating much solids and some days he really doesn't but I just need a little reassurance that I'm being daft to worry now!

you're being daft :haha: seriously though, we all doubt this stuff, but he will take what he needs, he won't let himself go hungry and he won't eat too much (and if he does he will bring it up again - nice!) try not to worry :hugs:
I know it's dumb to worry now about how much milk the monkey is getting since he's been exclusively breastfed and rarely ever took a bottle so I've never had any idea of how much he drinks, but I can't help worrying anyway! He's taken to eating quite well and some days (like this evening) he has eaten quite a bit of his food.

I always nurse him beforehand, and usually a little afterward but I thought it would take longer before he started eating much solids and some days he really doesn't but I just need a little reassurance that I'm being daft to worry now!

you're being daft :haha: seriously though, we all doubt this stuff, but he will take what he needs, he won't let himself go hungry and he won't eat too much (and if he does he will bring it up again - nice!) try not to worry :hugs:

:rofl: Thanks. I'm more worried about him filling up on solids and not getting enough milk though. It's bad enough he is pooping like a newborn 3-4+ times a day lately, presumably because of solids.
I know it's dumb to worry now about how much milk the monkey is getting since he's been exclusively breastfed and rarely ever took a bottle so I've never had any idea of how much he drinks, but I can't help worrying anyway! He's taken to eating quite well and some days (like this evening) he has eaten quite a bit of his food.

I always nurse him beforehand, and usually a little afterward but I thought it would take longer before he started eating much solids and some days he really doesn't but I just need a little reassurance that I'm being daft to worry now!

you're being daft :haha: seriously though, we all doubt this stuff, but he will take what he needs, he won't let himself go hungry and he won't eat too much (and if he does he will bring it up again - nice!) try not to worry :hugs:

:rofl: Thanks. I'm more worried about him filling up on solids and not getting enough milk though. It's bad enough he is pooping like a newborn 3-4+ times a day lately, presumably because of solids.

I found with Thomas that he did go through phases of eating LOADS of solid food and showing very little interest in milk. But he always goes back to the milk. He still has some days now where he eats very little solid food. I just let him do what he wants on the day, if he doesn't eat much then I trust that he will fill up with milk and vice versa. I do think it all balances out in the end.
he ladies - sorry to gatecrash..but need help!! rhys isnt very interested in his food these last few days as he wants to feed himself with his spoon but mummy wont let him as food isnt getting down him as well as i do.

should i try BLW with him? im just affraid that he wont be getting full enough as he is used to having whole stage 2 jars for his dinner.

Hi Rhiannon, I think it is worth you giving it a go, although he probably wont eat as much BLW as he does at the mo - this is not something to worry about as far as I know but I am sure some of the more experience ladies here can advise you. maybe worth letting him try with the spoon to see how he gets on though as Katie has never let me spoon feed her, she always grabs the spoon, so we have never done TW, only BLW as she prefers to be independent.

With regard to the question about the mat to protect your carpet... I went to our local Fabric store and got a large piece of balloon designed vinyl to use as a messy mat and it cost less then £3 and does the job exactly as I had hoped.
kailee is finally getting teeth. her two bottom ones are coming in (thank you amber teething necklace no grumpyness) do teeth change the way you give food? she gets sticks of stuck but could it be bad with teeth?
Hello! I started TW Ava last week, but am very interested in BLW. She is nearly 5 and a half months. Is this too young to start? What sort of foods should i give her to begin with? She is so eager to feed herself, she nicks the spoon off me when i'm giving her porridge and its a fight to get it back off of her!

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