~BnB Biggest Losers~

Hi Ladies,
Just wanted to say that everyone is doing so well, just the fact at being a part of this thread and trying is an acheivement.:hugs:
Tasha, yep my dh's family have a Huge easter celebrations! Easter sunday dinenr is as big as Christmas dinner (minus the crackers!). We all spend the day at my in-laws along with my sil and her children, we do easter egg hunts, play all kinds of games and end it all with a massive dinner! This year i'm so not looking forward to that part! For me the dinner will be ok as i'm a veggie so all i have it loads of veg and a small amount of boiled potatoes, what is bothering me is all the deserts that will follow. My mil will not just make one desert, there will be loads! They don't seem to take no for an answer and keep on and on until i have pudding! Last time we went for sunday dinner after the 10th time of asking i asked dh to put a tiny bit in a bowl just to shut them up! :blush: Well hopefully after alll the running around hiding and then finding them eggs i will have burned off some calories to make way for a roast potato!
Good luck to you all over Easter :hugs:
thanks lexi's mummy for the words of encouragement, i will stick to it and just hope that i get a magic weight loss over the weekend. just did an extra hard workout on the stepper to help. i had no idea that wheatabix was not good for dieting as i thought it was a good wholewheat low GI breakfast! i'll have to look into that, i use them because i have an issue with portion control and therefore there is no cheating as they are ready formed, plus at 200cals for 2 with milk i thought that was good!
tasha i have done the slimfast but not as a set diet, i too really feel the need for real food! i use them for a quick meal when i am in a rush and starving and at a real risk of picking or binging on the wrong items. the banana and strawberry are my faves, chocolate mixed with banana is ok too, one scoop of each. good luck if you try it!
well done carly for hitting the stone mark - thats fab.
orange-sox - i agree with talking it over, weight loss is important but your home life needs to work along side that too otherwise the odds are not good for sticking with it
well its not been going too bad for me food wise..ive had 3 choc buttons this week since mon lol
went to my moms last night for dinner had cottage pie and for pudding it was choc cake (how rude) but i managed to stear clear..i have a mad urge for french fancies at the min, there a box in teh cupboord and i keep finding myself looking at them and slapping my hand saying NO NO NO i have managed to stay away so far...

last night had some sad news, we were on teh way home from my moms when father in law rang asking if we were at home we explained we were on the way back and he put the phone down, oh said there was something wrong so i raced back, when we got home mother in law was waiting at the gate (we live on a farm for some of you that dont no) i pulled in and she ran towards me saying quick drive down...i bombed down to be followed by 2 local farmers...one of our cows had been in labour since 6pm and her calf got very badly stuck...oh's dad had attached the winch and ropes but couldnt even pull it out so their head and front legs were out but the rest of the body was inside...mommy cow was really destressed and the calf had died..:cry: the two farmers managed to finally get her out, she had such huge hips and her mom had a tiny pelvis..was such a shame she was very pretty and would have been a show winner so last night i got in and just went to bed..hence why not coming on here!!

anyway.....KERRY>>>>you naughty girl stop taking your tablets NOW or ill come and shout at you!!! its not worth it babe, if your feeling rough and having panic attacks something isnt agreeing with you...stop them for you health!!

orange sox, i did cd, was exactly the same and really struggled, after week 2 it does get a lot easier as you can introduce the bars etc however speak to your counsellor about having one meal a day, this i swhat my friend does and she still looses 3-4lb a week!!

well done on your 2lb lexis mommy way to go...with pcos and weight loss at the same time your doin fab you should be really proud...

go mamafy..3.5mile...blimey oreiley i couldnt even do that in my dreams...

frogs legs...dont be dispondant *sp* i weigh in on a mon, i get myself weighed ona friday again and i have NEVER LOST ANY WEIGHT im always the same...i seem to loose my weight over the weekend...when on sw this is how it went always...id have lost 2 or 3lb by the mon so dont panic!!

for everyone else super well done, gotta dash as ive got to leave for work in 14 mins and i havent washed or dryed my hair lmao

h x
i'm gutted this morning, had a sneaky weigh in as couldn't wait till monday and now i wish i hadn't as my weight is exactly the same as monday!!!!! i have done my exercise every day and stuck to my diet and been very good. currently i am doing a slight special k diet but i just have 2 wheatabix instead for breakfast and lunch. this week i have felt heavier, sluggish and bloated but i just thought it was in my head - feel so disappointed as was aiming for a 3lb loss. my scales at the moment don't weigh 1/2lbs so i had a sneak peak at kg and that was the same too so deffo not lost anything. GUTTED - now I just feel like what's the point. I have got a difficult weekend coming up not because of chocolate but because i have a b&b here in france and we serve evening meals so tonight and tomorrow we'll be having starter, main, cheese and dessert - obviously i won't be eating all of it but i have to eat some or my guests think there is something wrong with the food and i still have to cook the damn food! oh why am i so crap at this weight loss thing, week 2 and i'm already failing - how do you girls do it seriously? i thought i was doing well, been counting calories and not snacking apart from the odd piece of fruit and rice cake! so my day is basically 2 wheatabix & milk breakfast and lunch, evening meal of salad & something or small portion of pasta etc. i am eating considerably less and do feel hungry a lot of the time - what else can i do??

Sorry rant over, just hope i can claw back some of the positivity i had before i stepped on the scales!

frogslegs - firstly big big big :hugs::hugs::hugs:

i really think you're doing great :hugs::hugs: i always think that your weight fluctuates throughout the week x x x
thanks lexi's mummy for the words of encouragement, i will stick to it and just hope that i get a magic weight loss over the weekend. just did an extra hard workout on the stepper to help. i had no idea that wheatabix was not good for dieting as i thought it was a good wholewheat low GI breakfast! i'll have to look into that, i use them because i have an issue with portion control and therefore there is no cheating as they are ready formed, plus at 200cals for 2 with milk i thought that was good!
tasha i have done the slimfast but not as a set diet, i too really feel the need for real food! i use them for a quick meal when i am in a rush and starving and at a real risk of picking or binging on the wrong items. the banana and strawberry are my faves, chocolate mixed with banana is ok too, one scoop of each. good luck if you try it!
well done carly for hitting the stone mark - thats fab.
orange-sox - i agree with talking it over, weight loss is important but your home life needs to work along side that too otherwise the odds are not good for sticking with it

its not concrete words of wisdom pmsl, just somethin i was once told by a dietision i know but they all have differnent views :lol: it is well balanced but for sutaining weight or something like that. although she could be wrong :rofl:
good luck at sticking at it, youll do fine and on the plus side if you dont lose at least youll be healthier :happydance: xx
Its been ages since i've been on here. Been so busy since i started back to work.

Well done girls on all the weight loss. Mine is still going well. Had another 2lbs off there last monday which means i only need another 3lb to get to my 2 stone. I can't believe it i have only be doing it for 9 weeks!! I'm sure my weight loss will slow done now but i'd like to have 3 stone off in total for my brothers wedding in August.
Its been ages since i've been on here. Been so busy since i started back to work.

Well done girls on all the weight loss. Mine is still going well. Had another 2lbs off there last monday which means i only need another 3lb to get to my 2 stone. I can't believe it i have only be doing it for 9 weeks!! I'm sure my weight loss will slow done now but i'd like to have 3 stone off in total for my brothers wedding in August.

:hi: hello hon good to see you back :) well done on the weight loss sweetie, thats wonderful :happydance::happydance:
frogs legs, seriously we all have these weeks, were we try our hardest all week and lose nothing, we think whats the point and many times that has caused me to binge, but usually pays off the following week, just stick at it.

Kerry did i hear a girly weekend?? have a great time xxx

everyone else :wave: good luck with weekend xx

100 % agree with this... please please dont get down about it... a good week is not a wasted week... it could show on the scales next week!
It did with me! Are you due on or anything??

Yep :wohoo: just wish I was slim :cry: oh well Im getting there :)
:hi: doctordeesmrs!!

Ok ok hayley.. I get panic attacks anyway so dont think its purely to do with the tablets but dont think they are helping!!

I wont take one today... feel scared that I might get super hungry and binge :(
hey everyone - I had my first weigh in on Wednesday and lost 5lb :) Very happy!
:wave: well done bunny thats great, what are you aiming to lose?? are you going to be joining our slimmer of the week/month comps, purely just for fun xx
:wave: well done bunny thats great, what are you aiming to lose?? are you going to be joining our slimmer of the week/month comps, purely just for fun xx

In total I have more than 10 stone to lose :cry: but before we start TTC I want to lose about 5 stone - which is gonna be hard going but at least I will be in a much healthier way than I am now!

How do I join in with the slimmer of the week/month things? x
:wave: well done bunny thats great, what are you aiming to lose?? are you going to be joining our slimmer of the week/month comps, purely just for fun xx

In total I have more than 10 stone to lose :cry: but before we start TTC I want to lose about 5 stone - which is gonna be hard going but at least I will be in a much healthier way than I am now!

How do I join in with the slimmer of the week/month things? x

when youve weighed in pm kerry (leedsforever) what you lost and you will be in with a chance :rofl: simple as that, its new and just somethig to raise a few spirits xx

good luck with your weightloss, are you doing a specific diet? what would you like to lose each week? x
hey guys

frogslegs -dont worry hun i weighd myself today too naughty naughty i know!!
and im the same too!!!! grrr
and im due on tues so knowing me ill add few pounds man i hopenot

carly- wow done on ur 2lbshun thats fab....and wow on ur stone mark 2lb wud be great for me this week

kerry i think u shud maybe ask ya doc or stop them for a week and see how u go
i went to docs and he sed flat out no! and sed if ur on a diet u wil get hungry theres no way round it ....grr

orange -sox .....defo try and get sumit sorted hunni...ur doing this so it makes u happy hun not vise versa xxxx :hugs:

mamfy...well done on the excersize ur always the best at that lol

bunny- well done hun 5lb is great

big:hug: to every1 else

today is guna be hard for me i know it i out tonight drinking so dot wana eat much so i can save sum points....but then lately i jus usuin my points on crap.....got cramps scales sed i not lost n e thin n jus generlly feelin bleragh x
Hope we all have an OK ish wekend lol xx (1 tiny egg wont count) :blush:
hey guys

kerry i think u shud maybe ask ya doc or stop them for a week and see how u go
i went to docs and he sed flat out no! and sed if ur on a diet u wil get hungry theres no way round it ....grr

today is guna be hard for me i know it i out tonight drinking so dot wana eat much so i can save sum points....but then lately i jus usuin my points on crap.....got cramps scales sed i not lost n e thin n jus generlly feelin bleragh x
Hope we all have an OK ish wekend lol xx (1 tiny egg wont count) :blush:

These are different ones my friend got from the net... I made a confession :blush: in wobbles slimming pill thread... but to be fair I only started them last sat and didnt take one on tues and not today!!

It seems so unfair that some ppl get help... like my SIL shes not even TRYING to lose weight...and gets reductil!!
babezone have a good night!!

kerry stop the god damn pills!! :rofl::rofl: you can do it with out you know you can, like you said youve only just started them.... so look how much you lost without xx
I know I know... it was just a quick booster and I think ive got that....

I think quite a bit was mind over matter... i could have easily gone without eating on them...
yesterday I was forced to the pub at lunch and seriously a slice of bread would have done... orderd scampi and chips in the end and left quite a bit on my plate...! Thats something I find very difficult to do... and in that book Ive mentioned before it always says to practice leaving food on your plate...!!

Its nearly lunch time and foods not bothering me.. had my toast this morning and gonna wait till I am actually hungry to eat :)
hey guys

kerry i think u shud maybe ask ya doc or stop them for a week and see how u go
i went to docs and he sed flat out no! and sed if ur on a diet u wil get hungry theres no way round it ....grr

today is guna be hard for me i know it i out tonight drinking so dot wana eat much so i can save sum points....but then lately i jus usuin my points on crap.....got cramps scales sed i not lost n e thin n jus generlly feelin bleragh x
Hope we all have an OK ish wekend lol xx (1 tiny egg wont count) :blush:

These are different ones my friend got from the net... I made a confession :blush: in wobbles slimming pill thread... but to be fair I only started them last sat and didnt take one on tues and not today!!

It seems so unfair that some ppl get help... like my SIL shes not even TRYING to lose weight...and gets reductil!!

lol so did ur consultant not give u reductil?

really wish i cud hve it man....i no i can do the diet i just wish they wud help little with the feeling hungry all time! xx

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