Here in BG, everything is in kilos and I am used to stones, so took a while to get into the change, although a good online converter comes in very handy! lol
Well not been really trying to lose weight lately as been too busy and been concentrating more on getting Gabbi on solids, not been weighing myself either.
But that will all change now.
A few weeks back, about 1 month, I was 67.4 kilos. I weighed myself 2 days ago and I was 65.8 kilos, which I was happy about as I was below, finally, my 4 month pregnant weight (66 kgs)! And today I am down to 65.4 kilos!!!!! Whoop whoop you here me shout. BUT I then converted it to stones, so I could really see the weight loss and I am disappointed it's not more

In stones, it's not as much as I thought. So I am gonna stick with kilos because it looks like I am losing more (I would put a smiley on but they are not working!!!!)
I only wish I knew what weight I was before I got pregnant but we didn't have any scales!
I am just glad that we can't get choc buttons here in BG or I would be fighting a losing battle lol