Vote for me....please do just so i can prove im a mummySo anyone wanting to vote please do i will take no offence XxxX
Sorry tezzy!!! its not nice to be rongly accused!!! Y ema??
its been a tough old day for me... in more ways than this thread but i didnt want to post about it incase people thought it was a sympathy thing!
i reckon we vote ema 2moro since we know mamafy is a hv
Vote for me....please do just so i can prove im a mummySo anyone wanting to vote please do i will take no offence XxxX
you seem very cool calm and collected ema?! lol
But if ema is a mummy then we will lose another mummy. i say vote mamafy, get a free pass so we have an extra day to think without one of us being killed off