boobie milk



is giving Summer the runs and making her sick :cry:

anyone know why??

breastfed babies don't have solid poo's, they also have yellowy poo's after a while, no idea why, but if your worried you could call your midwife :)
and she could just generally be a sicky baby, give your mw a ring :)
Is her poo (ahem) light brown to yellowy and about the consistency of mustard or peanut butter? Or dark and really watery?
Breastfed babies have an amazing range of poo, it'll probably come out green at some point! But it is very runny and often seems a little explosive...When Isabelle had an upset tummy her poo was a lot darker and more like water (sorry tmi!)
As far as being sick is concerned, I would only worry if nothing seems to stay down. She may just be very sicky.
I would call your health visitor to reassure you, plus I'm no expert, but remember breastfed babies are actually less likely to get tummy bugs because components of your breastmilk protect against it.
Rileys poo's r the same hun :)
Hes not ever been sick.... YET. :haha:
Every babys different tho :) xxxx
its probably just her getting used to it all still, babys tend to be sick a lot less on BM than on formula because its more lively to agree with them as its made specially for them.
Tommy went through a sicky stage though, with permanantly leaky nappies, it soon cleared up :)
:hugs: xxx
also it might seem like shes been sick her whole feed, but they drink a lot more than you would think, try not to worry hun - but if you do call your HV xxx
thanks everyone.
turns out I was worrying over nothing, when mw came she said its completely normal :D

also it might seem like shes been sick her whole feed, but they drink a lot more than you would think, try not to worry hun - but if you do call your HV xxx

And don't forget that a little bit of liquid looks like LOADS! Try tipping a tablespoon of tea on the worktop in the kitchen and you will see what I mean :hugs:

Some babies are just sicky .... my Jake was like that - he was very greedy and wouldn't stop feeding but overfilled himself all the time and just used to bring it back up (I nicknamed him Baby Chuck-up :haha: )

Also it might be something rhat you are eating which doesn't agree with Summer - my Charlotte used to have horrid green poos if I ate garlic or onions but was fine as long as I avoided them :)
Evelyn's poo is really watery too and she's started sicking up a bit now my milk has come in properly! Her poo is quite explosive but mw reassured me today too :). Glad you've been reassured! Glad you've been able to express too by the sounds of it?
yeahh I'm expressing :D I'm so glad since I thought it would be to late. just gotta gether off the formula now and she'll be exclusively on my milk :D

I'm aiming to for her to be off it by saturday, mw said I'll probs be done before then, coz my one boob is like a fountain :haha:

well done you hun, thats real commitment. I no whatu mean, when tommy was new i had one boob that was just abot full, and the other was nearly popping! :haha:
I expressed some milk so i could go and register him and leave him with my mum (horrifying) and i barely needed to use the pump :lol: :D

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