Borderline bilateral ventriculomegaly at 22w - support thread!

went to see the midwife today and she wouldnt let us listen to the heartbeat :-( thought they would do it by now, was gutted. i know he is ok because he is forever kicking me and moving around but would have been nice. when did everyone else first listen to babys heartbeat? x
The midwife first listened to baby's heartbeat at 16 weeks and every visit I think after that. We also bought a doppler (Angelsounds, quite cheap available from Amazon) to listen to baby's heartbeat ourselves. I know that some midwifes refuse to listen because of the issues and concerns it can raise if they can't find it. In fact, I think I remember my midwife (who was really lovely) saying that she had been told not to listen for the baby's heartbeat but she was ignoring this advice as thought it was unfair on mums-to-be.

I hope you are feeling well and positive Phoebe x
Just having a little read of your stories:hugs: its all so worrying,Tulip you are amazing support! You supported me on this thread when I had my 20 week scan and was told my baby had an enlarged ventricle. After 2 more scans it was measuring fine so everything turned out great.

I had my baby boy 11 days ago and he's perfect.
This really does seem more common in boys.

phoebewyatt, I hope everything turns out just fine, its sounds very positive for your lo:thumbup:

sweetk1 - glad your lo is doing well!
Bekk63 - Cant believe what you have been through hun :( thins seem very positive now though :flower:

Best wishes to you all :flower:
Congratulations Mare! Do we get a little piccie? Pleeeeease? :flower: So glad to hear he's fine!
Thanks tulip.

As soon as a figure out how to do it I will put one on. (I use my phone not pc) :thumbup:

Heres my boy, sorry so big :cloud9:
Oh my, he is handsome :cloud9: Thanks so much for sharing!

Phoebe I hope you are doing well :hugs:
This thread has been a great find.. lots of positive stories to give me comfort. I currently live in dubai so its a little different having my baby over here. I have a great DR from london however the big scans are done at the fetal medicine centre and my Dr there is french and sometimes a little difficult to understand. I had my 20week scan a few days ago, its a BOY! We were told we have borderline bilateral ventriculomegaly with right choird plexus cyst. right side of brain 11.5mm and left 10mm.. was a huge shock and immediately went into complete panic mode. She requested a TORCH test straight away and that came back today normal. we have another scan scheduled for wednesday.. i have really got myself in a right twist over this as the dr didn't explain anything.. this thread has really eased my mind.. i just hope we have a positive outcome.
SG welcome to the group :hugs: Here's hoping that you have another of these boys who have larger vents as their version of normal. Did you post on the expat women forum? Your appearance here saves me signing up just to get in touch :) (I have google alerts set up to look for new posts about VM). Of course VM can be life-threatening, and I hope the high rate of happy stories doesn't belittle that - but it does show that borderline cases at 20w very often resolve themselves - or at least do not progress significantly.

Good luck for your scan on Weds - please let us know how it goes!

Nic xx
Hi SG, I too live in Dubai. At the 20 week u/s scan. Baby was diagonised with enlarged vents measuring around 10mm. Went for another scan yesterday at 25 weeks. The radiographer said that the reading has gone to 11mm. Can u give me the name of your fetal medical centre and gynec, if I want to go for a second opinion. My email id is the same with only gmail being added to it. Cannot type out the address as am new member Praying for u n your little bubba.
hi all
had another scan yesterday, seems the vm is now measuring at 10mm but i wasnt seen by fatal med like i should of been(they messed up my appointment so was seen by a regular scan lady) so they want me to come back again in 4 weeks to be seen by fetal med and make sure the measurements are correct. if the vm is measuring at 10mm then thats really good because it seems to have sorted itself out fingers crossed, its looking good and im feeling very positive :-) thank you all on here for all your support and all your comments its nice to know people like us have somewhere to speak to people going thru the same things and most people having a positive outcome :-)
Oh Phoebe tjats fantastic news! :happydance: I'm really pleased for you!
Gemm, welcome, i hope your LO also manages to halt the growth of the vents. please stay in touch x
Thanks Tulip, After reading all the positive stories, has given me a lot of hope. HAve done the TORCH, Triple everything is normal. HAve been diagonized low risk for TT. Decided not to do any further u/s till the 32nd week. As everytime I go for the u/s the pressure goes up....
I think that's a good plan. By that stage the chances are they'll have resolved themselves, and if not the docs will be able to formulate a plan :hugs:
Hi everyone, it seems I'm in a situation that most of you have all been in, when I went to my 20 week scan I was told they thought my baby had Hydrocephulas. A week later I was in fetal medicine clinic in Auckland Hospital, they ruled out Hydrocephulas and told me that both Ventricals are swollen, the measurements they got were 14mm, the doctors told me that over 15mm is considered severe, I have been told that there is 30 - 50% chance of there being problems with this baby and they don't know to what degree. From reading this thread on here it has been really good to see that measurements have gone down, I have my follow up appointment next week so I am hoping like crazy things are looking better by then, it should have been 3 weeks since my last visit to them.
Welcome Shan. I hope that you find the vents have reduced :hugs: please do keep in touch xx
Thanks Tulip, I'm hoping Tuesday is a good day. Can anyone tell me what can you expect if you have the baby and there is some problems? Is it just that they maybe a little slower to hit the milestones? Whatelse can it affect?
It really depends on whether the swelling progresses and what's causing it. The spectrum varies from no effect to hydrocephalus and severe mental and physical disability due to development of the brain being impaired. We're quite a new group and most of us have had vents resolve spontaneously, but I know there's a postnatal thread recently started on Babycentre x

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