Breaking the Rules of Pregnancy



So c'mon, 'fess up - who's done it?

Who's had a sneaky Mr.Whippy?
Who's been boozing it up?
Who had soldiers and just had to have a runny egg to dip it in?
Who's been weight watching?
Who's been up a ladder with the power drill putting up shelves?:blush:

Ok, so only the last one applies to me, but the shelves had to go up and the thought of coming home to find hubby with a drill in his hand...:shock:

I know it's only 40 weeks out of an entire life time, but why do we find it SO hard to just do as we're told? My friend is 3 weeks ahead of me and the damn woman will just NOT behave! She's eaten and drank just about everything we're told not to yet doesn't seem too bothered about it (but at least she doesn't smoke, otherwise I'd have given her one helluva whoopin'!)

She's broken almost ALL the rules, yet when she commented on what a good job my hubby had done with the shelves and he told her I'd done it, she went off on one saying how dangerous it was and I could have fallen etc... (the shelves are eye-level, they were put up when I was 18 weeks and I stood on the first step of a 3-step ladder) She made me feel like a wannabe stunt woman and she still bangs on about it now! I'm gracious enough to keep my mouth shut about her antics, but she's really starting to annoy me!!!!:hissy:
I had 4 cans of 1 unit lager on Friday nite, its called C2 by Calsberg :blush:

Not as good as the real stuff thou.

V x x
I've eaten: shushi...I had 4 trays last week alone, rare steak, runny eggs
I don't drink so I'm ok
I forgot to take my folic acid so often I think I didnt take it more times than I did
I've been lifting heavy things
I stopped smoking, but not until 6 weeks (naughtiest of all I know)
Ive eaten a lil bit of pate, a runny egg and had a ciggie at about 6 weeks pregnant :blush:
well the only thing ive done up to now is i have painted half the living room and the coving around the top of the ceilings!!!

but im sure there will be many many more rules broken, i just think im pregnant im not ill, im not an invalid and half the rules about foods, etc have only been around a few years, what did they do before? we all turned out ok!
i just think im pregnant im not ill, im not an invalid

I kinda see what you mean there, but aren't most of the rules there for the baby's protection? They're not developed enough inutero to cope with some of the things our bodies can cope with...
I have had plenty of mr wippy thats about it for me :)
My only confession is dippy egg and soldiers on quite a few occasions....they're lion stamped eggs so have been vaccinated against salmonella :blush:
mr whippy didnt know that was banned its pasturised so thought it'd be ok, i've had a runny egg as well mw said thas fine as long as its got the lion stamp as its paturised and cooked not raw doesnt have to be solid to be cooked so confused.

i had some smoked salmon at a wedding and thats it. lift heavy stuff at work and did sneak a really heavy one onto a shelf cos i just wanted it out the way.

i havent watched my weight but luckily havent put much on so far.

I had rare steak and runny eggs. I didn't drink at all though
i know im not too far along yet, and might be different in the following months, but so far i had to have one sip of DH's beer. I had had a really crappy day and was craving for a cold beer, but only had one little sip-just for the sensation. and also i am kinda watching my weight, not cutting down on anything, but if I want stuff that will be no good to the baby, and if i want it just out of greed, i try to control myself- well, i have lost my appettite big time since i got pregnant, but seem to be getting it back slowly..

i really admire those people who exercise regularly and do everything perfectly by the book, i dont know if i can ever be one of those, but my baby is the most precious thing to me in the whole world, and i would never do anything on purpose that would harm my baby.. xx
mr whippy didnt know that was banned its pasturised so thought it'd be ok,

It's not Mr Whippy specifically that's naughty, it's any ice cream from a pump, as the hygiene of the nozzles can't be guaranteed and can carry harmful bacteria.

I've lifted the occasional heavy box (well we did move when I was 20 weeks!) and I got up on a table to help hang curtains, but I was carefully supervised by hubby!
Same as you Neecee, I've been on a step ladder, but only the 2nd step of it so I could reach to paint the window frame :blush:

Other than that.....I've been pretty good really! I have watched my weight, but only 'cos I don't want to gain an excessive amount - I haven't tried to lose any, or anything like that. And I had one sip of champagne at my best friends wedding for a toast......that's not too bad though, is it?!? :blush:

i just think im pregnant im not ill, im not an invalid

I kinda see what you mean there, but aren't most of the rules there for the baby's protection? They're not developed enough inutero to cope with some of the things our bodies can cope with...

i watched a programme a few weeks ago on one of the discovery channels about a woman who done a sky dive from 30,000 feet.

her parachute didnt open properly so she pulled the second cord for the emergency chute to open but when it did all the cords where tangled so she had to free fall from 30,000 foot!!!

the way the cords where tangled made her hit the ground face first, her whole face was smashed to bits, her pelvis was shattered, she broke both legs, her back and a few ribs. she was an absolute mess!

when she got to hospital they done blood tests and found out she was pregnant! about 8 weeks i think.

turns out the baby was fine, no harm done at all, he was born perfect at 9 months, he has no problems, just a perfect little boy!

just made me think although yes we do have to be careful we arent made of china and i know some people have to be more careful during their pregnacies
women have been doing this for a LONG long time, i think our bodies are well adapted to keep our babies safe as possible.

sorry for going on, just though it was an amazing program and story. :happydance:
I did all that wit my first pregnancy, but this time, I'm too busy to be careful.

I put up the crimbo decks, am continually picking up heavy things, bending over etc. I've eaten prawns on numerous occasions, plus runny eggs and pink meat. Basically have not been too worried about foods, if the risk is salmonella, cos if your gonna get it your gonna get it off your chicken (just one of those things I think is down to fate!) . I haven't eaten pate however or Mr whippy as the risk isn't just salmonella it's tss or something like that believe the same thing you can get from cat poop! I've eaten peanuts and I'm asthmatic/eczema. (this is the only reason tey suggest you stay off of peanuts I believe, but didn't make a diff to my son hes still allergic and was breast fed as well.)
I also didn't take my folic acid at all, I completly forgot!!! I just think sometimes there's so many warnings etc re being pregnant yet the docs, etc all claim it's them most natural thing to do and you should be left too it.

I've had runny eggs.. lol. I haven't really been told NOT to eat them though, just been told to cook them until hot, if the yolk is hot then it's fine?

Want a menthol cigarette really badly. I've been trying to chew polar ice gum to get rid of the cravings but it doesn't help. Maybe will have one after the baby comes.. cough up a lung & decide it's best I never smoke again.
I've had the odd glass of wine, think I've had about 5 or 6 over the past 8 months! And I have a caffeinated latte from Starbucks/Costa once or twice a week, but at home I'm good and only drink decaffeinated tea.

Think that's about it for me!

Oh but when I found out I was pregnant at about 5 weeks gone I was actually on hols in France and had been eating lovely brie baguettes all week!!! And some pate too. I miss brie! And runny eggs!
I've been a good girl so far. I miscarried my last pregnancy so I'm paranoid about this one. I'm sure once I've had my scan and know everything's ok then I'll relax a bit and I'll probably have a glass of wine or fizzy stuff at a friend's wedding in February.
Who's had a sneaky Mr.Whippy? Nope
Who's been boozing it up? had 2 small glasses of red wine
Who had soldiers and just had to have a runny egg to dip it in? Fried egg on toast with runny yolk
Who's been weight watching? Yes but becos my bmi is 41 :blush: I need not to put much weight
Who's been up a ladder with the power drill putting up shelves?:blush: nope

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