My hubby and I watched this with great interest last night, as he is always banging on about being able to try my breast milk when it comes and I was always like "Nooooooooooo!"
I don't think I'd feel comfortable feeding someone else's child and I don't think I'd want someone else to feed mine either. I see breast feeding as a way of bonding as well as feeding, so I guess I feel that only I should be allowed to bond with my child in that way.
I did think that pumping for premmie babies was a good idea though. As breast milk is the best form of nutrition a baby can get, giving it to premmies who are too small or weak to suck would be the best way of building up their bodies.
As for the Columbian woman who said that she felt a "sexual connection to the child when breastfeeding"...well, I'm sorry, but if I found that out and she was looking after my child, I'd have social services right round there!