Tasha, I have never thought bfers have it easy.. they dont and i've said many times my hats off to them for going through what they do... It just bothers me that since I dont bf any little thing thats said negative is taken way too hard.
Im happy I chose to stop bfing, but do you know how degrading it was in the beginning when people would ask if I was nursing... and I said, no im bottlefeeding? The look people give says it all.. on top of that my oh's mum and sister constantly hounded me about it.
Yes and you think breastfeeders don't get that and that's what bugs me! I'm sorry for what you've been through but I didn't do that to you someone ELSE did. I've already admitted I overeacted because of life stuff and shouldnt have sorry. But you say here - none of it is stuff I couldn't have said myself:
It just bothers me that just because I don't formula feed, any little thing I say that could even be INTERPRETED as negative is taken way too hard.
I am happy to breastfeed but do you kow how degrading it was in the early days when Anna would need to nurse in public and people would give me the DIRTIEST looks imagineable no matter how much I tried to be descrete, and people would even come up to me - strangers - and dare to tell me to STOP feeding my child?
There was the consultant when she was born pushing bottle on to me, telling my my baby could DIE with blood clotting problems without vitamin k that is in breastmilk, the health visitor telling me she wasn't putting on enough weight and following her stupid charts that are made around bottle fed babies anyway and that's not to mention my In laws don't even get me STARTED on my inlaws!
My mother in law and sister in laws seem to think it is perfectly fine to question me every time they see me when I will be putting her on bottles and then to hound me on msn even when I am not there and accuse me of all sorts I never done (like judging bottle feeders - what just because i breastfeed I am instantly anti-bottle!? NO!) and like I only breastfeed for attention!?
I am sick to my stomach of it I wish people would just let me get on with it and yes most of it isn't even on here but we ARE faced with the same things as FFers and it's when people say things like you did like "I never seen FFers giving BFers a hard time!" well you HAVEN'T BEEN IN MY SHOES to see it! It happens trust me!
I just, wish everyone would leave everyone alone to get on with it. But I do hate it when people think it's only FFers who are judged and paint all BFers with the same judgemental brush. It's not the case
I am sorry for going on again this isn't a dig at anyone. I am so stressed right now so shouldn't even be here talking about this and I am truly - I truly am sorry if I have upset anyone. Ryder I didn't mean to offend you at all. I am sorry to all I may have offended tonite I really didn't mean to and I shouldn't let things pile up at home and then vent them out on here, sometimes you can't help it you know? We all have our shitty days, right?