Breastfeeding - For or against it?

I think people are getting a tad self righteous. EVERYONE judges others. Everyone has their own opinion which they think is right/the best option. It's annoying when people say 'no one has the right to judge me' blah blah blah.. that may be so but it happens in life. When you have a forum like this, full of different people with one common thing (we have babys or are pregnant/ttc) then we're going to have clashes of opinions and debates. I think we all need to stop taking things quite so personally and just accept that everyone has an opinion and they have a right to voice it.

It may be just a forum 'like this' to you but to us we won't allow the rule of being polite to be over looked. Yes there’s debates & clashes of opinions on certain subjects but I won't have discussions like breast v bottle turn into criticism and putting those who choose to do the opposite down and NO they do not have the right to publicly criticise (sp?) pick on,talk down on & exclude those who do not breast feed - I won't allow it!

For women who breastfeed theres a dedicated section as requested why do people feel the need to come on heavy over the topic?

Mums choice it’s really as simple as that. The question of will you, won't you, do you & don't you come up but how it approached is very important.

I will take disrespect amoung my members personal as well & of course get involved when I feel the approach that has been taken u[FONT=&quot]nnecessary.

did I say that anyone has a right to 'publicly criticise (sp?) pick on,talk down on & exclude' anyone who doesn't breastfeed? No, I didn't so don't put words in my mouth, thanks.

Excuse me? I read the other thread that was initiated prior to this one.

You started a whole comment about Nikky0907 being selfish because she will not try breastfeeding and you repeated that same comment through a few more pages in there. That IS criticism and was very rude. Besides that, it totally veered from the point and question of the other thread itself.

I have four children. My first I didnt feel comfortable with the idea of breast feeding, it just wasnt for me, and was living with my parents so the idea just wasnt one I could contemplate. My second child was born when my first was 15 months again I didnt feel comfortable with the idea plus didnt think I could fit bf in with a little boy who was walking and being a little monkey at all times. lol. WIth my third as my second was almost two and first was three, I thought I wanted to bf, and then when I had premature rupture of membranes at 28+6 they told me baby was likely to be in NICU so the best thing would to bf (when it was needed), I so wanted to then, I wanted to help my baby get fit and strong, anyway as some of oyu know Honey didnt make it so I never got the chance. Now with Kaysie I did bf, I wanted to see what it was like and give us the oppurtunity, the first 24 hours were so difficult with NO help, I almost gave up then but didnt. I bf fully for 4 weeks but was just so tired with a newborn, 4 year old and almost 3 year old, so I decided mix was the best route for us, I did that for two more weeks but the guilt got to me, I felt like I was failing by not exclusively bf. So I gave up, as it was the right thing for us. But I did LOVE the experience, and would do it again.

I have always said I hate the pressure there is, in the hospital I had Kaysie they no longer provide formula on the postnatal ward as they say this encourages bottle feeding. Personally I think thats terrible, yes I know mw's are meant to encourage the bf route, but there are people who cant bf, dont want to bf, or tried and it doesnt work for them, they say that bf is a great form of bonding I agree with this, but on the other hand them trying to force people who cant/ don want to/ tried but didnt work to do it, well surely that could be detrimental to those mothers bonding with there babies?

Sorry for the big long waffle went off on a tanjent so will briefly sum up, I think we should all do what ever makes up happy after all happy mummy = happy baby!!!!
I think people are getting a tad self righteous. EVERYONE judges others. Everyone has their own opinion which they think is right/the best option. It's annoying when people say 'no one has the right to judge me' blah blah blah.. that may be so but it happens in life. When you have a forum like this, full of different people with one common thing (we have babys or are pregnant/ttc) then we're going to have clashes of opinions and debates. I think we all need to stop taking things quite so personally and just accept that everyone has an opinion and they have a right to voice it.

It may be just a forum 'like this' to you but to us we won't allow the rule of being polite to be over looked. Yes there’s debates & clashes of opinions on certain subjects but I won't have discussions like breast v bottle turn into criticism and putting those who choose to do the opposite down and NO they do not have the right to publicly criticise (sp?) pick on,talk down on & exclude those who do not breast feed - I won't allow it!

For women who breastfeed theres a dedicated section as requested why do people feel the need to come on heavy over the topic?

Mums choice it’s really as simple as that. The question of will you, won't you, do you & don't you come up but how it approached is very important.

I will take disrespect amoung my members personal as well & of course get involved when I feel the approach that has been taken u[FONT=&quot]nnecessary.

did I say that anyone has a right to 'publicly criticise (sp?) pick on,talk down on & exclude' anyone who doesn't breastfeed? No, I didn't so don't put words in my mouth, thanks.

Excuse me? I read the other thread that was initiated prior to this one.

You started a whole comment about Nikky0907 being selfish because she will not try breastfeeding and you repeated that same comment through a few more pages in there. That IS criticism and was very rude. Besides that, it totally veered from the point and question of the other thread itself.

It wasn't directed at a specific user at all.

Also, I'm not going to post in here again. It's just going round and round in circles.
I think people are getting a tad self righteous. EVERYONE judges others. Everyone has their own opinion which they think is right/the best option. It's annoying when people say 'no one has the right to judge me' blah blah blah.. that may be so but it happens in life. When you have a forum like this, full of different people with one common thing (we have babys or are pregnant/ttc) then we're going to have clashes of opinions and debates. I think we all need to stop taking things quite so personally and just accept that everyone has an opinion and they have a right to voice it.

It may be just a forum 'like this' to you but to us we won't allow the rule of being polite to be over looked. Yes there’s debates & clashes of opinions on certain subjects but I won't have discussions like breast v bottle turn into criticism and putting those who choose to do the opposite down and NO they do not have the right to publicly criticise (sp?) pick on,talk down on & exclude those who do not breast feed - I won't allow it!

For women who breastfeed theres a dedicated section as requested why do people feel the need to come on heavy over the topic?

Mums choice it’s really as simple as that. The question of will you, won't you, do you & don't you come up but how it approached is very important.

I will take disrespect amoung my members personal as well & of course get involved when I feel the approach that has been taken u[FONT=&quot]nnecessary.

did I say that anyone has a right to 'publicly criticise (sp?) pick on,talk down on & exclude' anyone who doesn't breastfeed? No, I didn't so don't put words in my mouth, thanks.

Excuse me? I read the other thread that was initiated prior to this one.

You started a whole comment about Nikky0907 being selfish because she will not try breastfeeding and you repeated that same comment through a few more pages in there. That IS criticism and was very rude. Besides that, it totally veered from the point and question of the other thread itself.

It wasn't directed at a specific user at all.

Yours was the last post quoted as above wasn't it?

Here, let me make you last post clear:

did I say that anyone has a right to 'publicly criticise (sp?) pick on,talk down on & exclude' anyone who doesn't breastfeed? No, I didn't so don't put words in my mouth, thanks.

Let me make my response clear to your comment:

You started a whole comment about Nikky0907 being selfish because she will not try breastfeeding and you repeated that same comment through a few more pages in there. That IS criticism and was very rude. Besides that, it totally veered from the point and question of the other thread itself.
You know what I find very odd is that the very people who are rude and stir things up are the very people who all of a sudden say "I'm not posting here anymore as it's pointless or going around in circles."

Why stir up things then? Why force your own feelings and opinions on someone else's opposite choices?

Why can't people just respect another's choice?

Seemed like it was directed to Amy's comments and a few others.

Your post seemed quite pointed and blunt and rude to those that chose not to breastfeed.
Blah, you are making alot of people mad here. Its pretty obvious who certain comments were directed to, they were rude and uncalled for and you don't seem to be willing to accept warnings from people (including the ADMIN!!??!!!!)

There is a time and a place to debate, and an appropriate way of doing so, heck I know i've said some things to people im sure they didnt like hearing either, but thats life. This board has a large group of both very knowledgeable and supportive people, its a good place to be a part of.

No one is saying you can't have your opinion, but maybe think before you blurt out accusatory comments?
ryder, I agree... thanks for wording the issue so well!
Interesting debate so i thought i wud add my opinion

Mums decision totally! Every pregnancy is different - Every birth is different - Every child is different and therefore im sure each feeding experience will be different and only the mum can decide at that point in time whats right for her and her baby.

I personally did both. I mix fed against the advice of mw although i agree it might not be the best way to establish bf - but it worked for me and i got the best of both worlds both times.
I plan on trying my best to breastfeed but I also plan on being a stay at home mom. I have nothing against those that decide not to breast feed. If I planned on working I wouldn't breastfeed just for the convenience factor of formula being much easier when you wouldn't have to pump every few hours during work. Every woman is entitled to their opinions though!
I'm hoping to breastfeed, for many reasons, some of them a tad selfish (well I'd really like to lose to babyweight, and as gyms will be out for the first months, I can't see that happening without a little help) but mainly for the benefits, both the natural nutrients it provides and the bond it should hopefully bring between me and the bubba :)
I'm hoping to breastfeed, for many reasons, some of them a tad selfish (well I'd really like to lose to babyweight, and as gyms will be out for the first months, I can't see that happening without a little help) but mainly for the benefits, both the natural nutrients it provides and the bond it should hopefully bring between me and the bubba :)

I've been breastfeeding for a while now, and intend to continue! I'll also breastfeed the new one. :)
I carnt breast feed ...
So i try find every infomation i can for pro bottle fed .
I did try (both times) , So with this one i am going straight to bottle , I do not produce enough Milk even with a pump to feed baby .. It seemd baby was on the breast constant feed every 10 Mins , Wich of course is impossible . The midwifes got me mad as she was really pushing and she got very angry at me (Wich i found insulting) , She didnt see a problem with the fact i wasnt actually giving enough milk to my baby , Her precise words were " Let me baby go on breast every 10 mins then if your not producing enough " .
I find discussions on here enlighting , And no one has offended me , Iam more offended by the midwifes when you are in labour than on here .
I try to make the best out of my situation and give the beast formula milk i can :) . It shard when you Carnt and have the choice taken from you . x .
for it! it is alot easier than bottle feeding- when your little one gets bigger its hard to juggle bottles

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