Still BFing 2.5year old here. I went back to work at a year, he'd never taken a bottle (tried about 3 or 4 times then CBA!) and he simply went the whole day without BM and just fed before an after work. Worried about it beforehand but there's not much you can do!
Continuing after 12 months was easy peasy and just very natural/intuitive. Youre already doing it, and depending on LO it just gets less frequent as time goes on. It's freeing actually as you know they're not 100% dependent on any particular feed so if you want to go off for a day/weekend you can, if you want to night wean you can, even if you just want to say 'no' to a feed (eg some don't like to feed in public) you can.
BM/BF is still full of great stuff, vitamins, antibodies, comfort lol!
Highly recommend continuing past 12 months.