My LO was born 9-6-13 and is exclusively breastfed, my period has not yet returned. My boyfriend and I have been using withdrawal method and well, he's not that great at it anymore. I'm pretty sure he pulled out late around the same time I noticed ewcm. Being completely stupid I didn't think anything of it or try to keep track of dates because we're not trying and I assumed I wouldn't be fertile until LO was about a year. It took us months trying to conceive LO because I was breastfeeding my older son and my period didn't come back until a week before his first birthday. So any ways, now I'm having different symptoms and wondering if I'm pregnant again. Symptoms started a couple weeks ago with itching (I thought for sure I had a bacterial or yeast infection but all tests came back negative). My dizziness and migraines have returned. Been nauseas all day for the past 3 days. And to top it off LO is suddenly acting weird and fussy about nursing. My milk smells stronger to me too. I took a test last night(stupid taking it at night, I know) and it was negative. I'm not sure if I'm just going crazy or what. So I guess I was just wondering if anyone is going through or has already gone through this too? Also been having cramping for a few days and very tired yesterday and today.