Broke down and asked for medication :/


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2013
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Today I had my first prenatal apt as I will be 12 weeks on Thursday. I broke down and asked for the anti neausea medication. This is baby number 3, I made it through the first two fine but this time is much worse. I have morning sickness all morning and afternoon, then I feel better and try to eat supper. However I eat supper, get TERRIBLE indigestion and throw up supper. I really haven't kept a meal down for 2 weeks and I'm down 4 pounds in 28 days. I feel bad, I wanted to tough it out but this is horrible. I'm now on 2 medications and I'm worried. I can't stomach vitamins right now, although I hope to take them when this is over. I'm worried my baby is going to have problems. I'm scared for all the blood tests I have to take for downs etc and the ultrasound I have in December.

Why can't I be like every other mom who sucks it up and takes nothing :(
Aww don't beat yourself up! We all handle things differently, and everyone's symptoms are so different. You made it to week 12 without needing some medicinal help, which should be commended. I get nauseous after eating and have really bad indigestion... I'm not nearly as far as you are, and I'm already ready to give up! Doing what's best for you and your growing baby is always right, don't feel bad about it! Your body's working overtime, don't get mad for allowing it a rest :)
dont worry about it - they wouldnt prescribe it if it wasnt safe.
My cousin was so sick for 40 weeks she couldnt stomach a single vitamin, her doctor told her its not so important what you take during the pregnancy, but having the right vitamins before you conceive as the baby draws on stored vitamins.
It will all be fine
:hugs: hope the medication helps... and don't feel that way. And the poster above I right. If it wasn't safe they wouldn't prescribe the meds.
I know the neausea meds are safe, I'm on a sleep aid as well. I'm worried about them both, my Dr said the other meds im on have been prescribed during pregnancy and if something is needed is one of the first choices. But when you hear "safest to take nothing" it concerns me.
I'm sure I'll be OK, baby too. Just gives yet another cause for concern. As if the hemmoraghe wasn't enough. :/
i feel sick all day everyday but only when i dont eat or overeat. theres only been one time i wasnt able to keep food down. other than that, i handle it pretty well although i think to myself that im going to die because i feel like "how am i going to get through this tonight" because im literally gagging on nothing as if something is in my throat or in the back of it stuck. i did get zofran but i only took it one time and thats because i threw up and the acid burned my nose terribly for hours nonstop and i couldnt breathe through my nose no matter how hard i tried. i also still felt nauseous after throwing up so many times that night. the zofran helped me get two hours of sleep from 6am-8 am. somehow i was energetic right after waking up for the rest of the day.

as for vitamins, i cant handle prentals so i take two flinstone vitamins a day. baby is fine! they cause me the least nausea.
Don't worry about taking the meds, why suffer when you could potentially feel better?? Ur baby will not come to any harm, they would not prescribe them if they was unsafe...sooo many women rely on these pills for there own sanity & and to get through a tough part of being pregnant as most of us have busy lives and have commitments. You are not failing by taking pills...if you are not keeping anything down you will be come dehydrated and malnourished which is not healthy for you or your baby! You and your baby will be better off if your taking the meds and eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated.

After weeks of me being sick I went to the GP who sent me straight to a&e after my urine test come bk 4+ for ketones. I was diagnosed with HG & I was on a drip for 3 days and put on meds.
Today I was able to Finnish my first day back at work after being signed off & eat a proper meal with my OH & son which I havnt done in almost 5 weeks!

I've discovered eating a banana in the morning before I get out of bed & then take my morning tablet really helped!

My friend is 28wks & her baby girl is doing fine, she's been on meds since 6 weeks.

Hope you feel better soon Hun I know how awful you are feeling *hugs*
Thanks gals. I know my chances are good that we'll be OK. I'm just worried and pessimistic cuz I have fairly shitty luck haha. I hope I feel better too, I'm week 12 and it's been steadily getting worse. Not better like with my girls, (maybe it's a boy!). I'd like to go back to being able to get out of bed or off the couch and be there for my girls again, not the lifeless mommy they're getting now!

Side note on how cute kids are, when I'm sick and my husband isn't home my 6 year old brings me a glass of water and my 3 year old rubs my back when I throw up xo They see dad doing it and figure that's what mommy needs! It's the rainbow in my grey vomity world :)
If you're really concerned about the vitamins you could try the gummies multis and then add an additional folic acid. They make liquid folic acid so you could just add a drop or two to something you drink you know you can keep down. As bad as it sounds I can keep soda down while water is the worst, so been drinking a lot of that. Also, at one point I was on three different types of anti nausea meds. We can't all suck it up and take nothing and still be able to function.
I was on diclectin my entire pregnancy... if I didn't take it I spent the day puking my guts out! Every few weeks I wouldn't take it just to check I still needed it and that was always a huge mistake. It started at week 7 and never left. It sucked. BUT my little guy is totally fine!! (If you see in my signature he was born early, that was on his own terms and he was a healthy 7 pounds, 15 ounces!). He is awesome, meeting all his milestones, and no issues at all! Try not to worry :) And yeah, I bet it is a boy!
My sister in law was so sick with all of her kids, she had no choice but to take it with baby #3. Don't feel bad! Why suffer if you don't have to. They wouldn't perscribe it if it was bad for the little one, either.
I just think your so brave to have asked for it. I'm 12 weeks with my third and the past 2 weeks my ms has been unbearable, I too have barely eaten and struggle to keep things down. It doesn't help that my oldest 2 haven't adjusted to the clocks changing and now I'm so tired all the time. I never had it anywhere near as bad the previous two times. I desperately want to ask for some medication but I know my gp just won't entertain it he's not the most compassionate of people considering his job!
I take the meds and I thank heaven I have them. I'd be dead if I didn' lie, not exaggerating. I didn't want to take anything, but if I die, so does the baby.

Don't feel guilty. The sickness can be bad and is so different for everyone. After a few weeks, I was able to eat more and take my prenatals with food. Before that I took nothing for awhile, then took plain folate, a lozenge b12 (when I could stomach it), and fish oil.
Don't worry mama! Not everyone sucks it up and deals with it, if you have it badly you need treatment. I'm on them too and was with my son :)
Thanks everyone :) This time is definitely much worse then with my girls, and at least with them when the 12 week mark came around I was seeing improvements. More good days then bad so I knew the end was near, this time it's worse. They've very expensive though, $171 for a month of 4x a day. Suppose it'll be worth it to get out of bed!!
If it's any consolation, I'm 20 weeks and I'm still taking a 4mg zofran melt each day. I do have hyperemesis though. I tried to stop taking it yesterday, and threw up today after 4 weeks of no vomiting!

Like a PP said, the tablets wouldn't be given if they weren't safe, and it's not a sign of weakness if you need them. Feel better soon xx
Wow $171? That sucks I'm sorry. Do you mind if I ask what they gave you? My dr put me on Diclegis that I can take 3 times a day: 1 in the am, 1 in the afternoon, 2 at night. She gave me a sample that had a coupon in it that I will never have to pay more than $30 for it. Maybe your dr has something like that for you?
I was just shocked at the cost, but I get all my prescriptions paid back. Short term financial pain thank God. They offered this to me with my first daughter I definitely did not have the money then, thankfully we have coverage now!
OK that's good. Otherwise I could send you my coupon that you never pay more than $30 lol

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