Bruised pelvis feeling


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2008
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Hi girls,

So I'm a few days from my due date and these last couple of days I've had really bruised feeling as low down as you can possibly get. It almost feels like it's on the outside of my poor lady bit. Anyone had this or know what it may mean? Just baby's head putting presure down there?
Likely the pressure and everything loosening up down there.

Cant wait... lol!
I have this just now-feels like I've been kicked between the legs! Midwife says its just the extra strain on your pubic bone and like Ryder says everything loosening up! Have been told to be careful and sit down putting trouser/socks on etc x
I also have this, along with a big stabbing pain from the inside out so im like owwwie! also joins in with pelvic bone getting cramped!
I also have this, along with a big stabbing pain from the inside out so im like owwwie! also joins in with pelvic bone getting cramped!

That's exactly what it's like for me! I had to come down the steps with my legs wide apart like some kind of utter weirdo..... Nice to know there are some other pelvis pain weirdo's!!! xxxxxx
Yeah I know what you mean Ive got that "bruised" feeling there. My GP said its due to everything loosening up.
I also have this, along with a big stabbing pain from the inside out so im like owwwie! also joins in with pelvic bone getting cramped!

Yeah i have the same! Realllyyyyy hurts low down now aswell when MW feels for babies head i almost had to tell her to get off it felt soo bruised
Oh not long now and it will all be over. Think though, probably a good thing and that things are progressing for D day x x
ouchie! It sounds horrible alio but I guess its a GOOD thing as things are progressing!
ouchie! It sounds horrible alio but I guess its a GOOD thing as things are progressing!

hee hee.... it is... my fanoola hurts.... i think i'll have a bath and resign myself to it. thanks sweetie! x
Im getting this terribly..! cant even turn over in bed at night..!! weird but I find keeping active actually helps..! just another joy of pregnancy..! neva mind..! we've all not got 2 long left...Hopefully..! lol
Im getting this terribly..! cant even turn over in bed at night..!! weird but I find keeping active actually helps..! just another joy of pregnancy..! neva mind..! we've all not got 2 long left...Hopefully..! lol
aaaww cheers babe.... yeah, i try to keep active too.... hopefully not too long now eh?!


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