Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

Before bc my cycles were a little longer. And I had no idea when af was due cause of this. If i was still on bc I would have had it around may 10th. But multiple multiple tests daily told me I was not. Until yesterday.
And it was a pretty strong pink line!faint but strong. And there yesterday evening too. Then I took a frer today and it was beautiful
I think I conceived a little later than may 10th. That's just my feeling.

Aha oh man, what a lucky one! I have a friend 14 weeks into her 3rd pregnancy and she only ever did it once unprotected each time and boom, baby.
No it would have been before May 10th, if you ovulated/conceived May 10th or later, you would still be in the implantation stage, which takes 6-12 days for implantation to occur and so there would be no HcG in the system yet. If I had to guess, I'd say you probably ovulated between May 4th and May 7th :) Which would be right on time for you to get a :bfp: yesterday :D

And wow, lucky! Haha

If you take a ClearBlue Digital with Weeks Estimator which meansures your HcG levels, it'll say "1-2", "2-3" or "3+" and you can then back track from there to the week of ovulation :) I would bet on it probably saying "1-2" if you just got a :bfp: after days of testing :)
Hello LiteBright and Amanda! How are we doing today?! I believe I'm starting to edge into morning sickness, it's not to bad at the moment but I woke up queasy and just feeling not to good in the tummy.
You must be right then! I did take an digital test yesterday and it said 1-2 :)
Thank you for figuring that out for me!

I'm feeling pretty good. I feel pressure in my uterus area, like there's a balloon in there. Which I suppose realistically one is forming and changes are being made! DH and I were so excited yesterday we almost bought a crib. Is that crazy?Aha it was on sale! :p
Uhoh! I hope you don't get bad morning sickness!
Right now I'm just trying to figure out ways to tell our families when we visit in 2 weeks, I'm excited for my first scan, and I'm scared of losing it. But remaining positive!
Pressure and mild cramping/discomfort are normal :) And the fear of losing it is always a big fear for any mom-to-be, be it her 1st time or 12th haha :)

Not crazy at all! When I found out about my son and this baby, both time I immediately started searching for themes, gear, clothes and more than I wanted for each gender so I could be ready once we found out!

Telling family is so exciting!! Tomorrow is my father's birthday so we plan on making a public announcement tomorrow (family already knows though) once I get my test results today.

Oh, you should totally make a cute ticker for your signature like what LiteBright and I have, they're so cute and so fun to see! You can get them at Lilypie.com (where mine are from) or AlternaTickers.com and thebump.com (where LiteBrights are from)
Yeah I figured it must be a normal thing. It just sucks having to wait till June 22 for my first appointment!

Okay, thank you for making me feel less crazy aha. We want to buy in small bits so it's not a whole lump some all at once. But I was like "is 5 weeks too soon?"
Do you know what your theme will be? We want to do nautical (of course lol)

Awe you have to let me know how telling your family goes!! I was thinking of a little box with my pregnancy test in it or a little onsie. Something very obvious!

I'll definitely check that out! I'm on my cell phone though, so I hope it's still capable? I'll figure it out eventually :p
Okay, okay I think I figured this signature thing out. I had to go on my pc.

Have you ladies experienced food cravings yet? Yesterday I bought a jar of sweet pickles. When out this morning I smelled onions. I came home and made a pickle and onion sandwich with peanut butter.
wtf? ahah, I don't even know what made me put it all together, but it was the most delicious sandwich ever.
Can I join you all? I'm due 24th Jan. Not a navy family though hehe we are both nurses.
4weeks 4days and it already feels like forever.. I can't wait until we can tell everyone...!
Results are in from my Dr after our scare, everything looks fantastic from the blood work! My first appt is June 17th, Amanda, so I feel you!!

And I wanted Rum Raisin Ice Cream and Salt & Vinegar Chips with my son!! Right now I want Soup, Soup and more SOUP! Haha

Our theme for a boy is Bluescale and Gray Nautical (Our first sons was Red/White/Blue Airplanes as my husband works in Aircrew) and for a girl its Ladybugs!!

Love your ticker/siggy Amanda!!

Welcome, Flourish!!! We're happy to have you!! How is everything with you? Are you Team Blue, Team Pink or Team Yellow/Green? :D

PS, I cannot believe we're all just a day or two apart at most!!! So crazy!
Welcome flourish! ! How is everything going with you so far!?

Sorry I'm not sure if I missed something, what scare?
But glad to hear everything is okay.
My app would be earlier too but cause I'll be out of province toll the 20th, the first app I can get is the 22nd!
Thanks for telling me how to do the signature, I was really wondering!

We might be ordering a crib today. Nice ones on sale at babiesrus! Seems silly so early but at the same time so much more exciting!

So happy to have everyone here so close together!!
In the beginning pages I had a bit of a scare but nothing to big.

Cribs are one of the few items that can be completely unisex with finishes like Cherry, Espresso, Natural or Walnut so if you can get it on sale, go for it!!!

You're welcome with the signature!
Ohh okay. I did read through it briefly. Must have missed it. Either way I'm happy you're all good :)

Love the support! Probably going to order it when Dh is home from work then! Funny how I think things I want to do seem crazy, but all other ladies on here are experiencing the same thing. Guess I'm normal after all! Shocker. Aha.

I have so much house work to get done but I'm just so seriously exhausted. Is this getting to you aswell? I get up to do one thing and am just done afterwards.
Glad everything's okay after your scare navyladybug!

Ooh that's exciting buying the crib! I'm too nervous to buy anything just yet, but I can't wait until after the first scan then I'll prob start looking for things.

I'm good so far... Only symptoms I have noticed are sore boobs and having the hiccups a lot :) oh and a little bit of cramping around the time AF was due, but that appears to have mostly stopped now.

DH and I are slightly swayed towards a girl but only slightly.

How are you guys coping with how slow the first tri seems to be going? This is #1 for me so it's going so so slow. I'm trying to find ways of keeping the time passing quickly.
Thank you Amanda and Flourish!

Haha, yes very normal Amanda!! And I feel ya, Fatigue is a big one right now for me too along with the queasiness.

Flourish, the cramping is normal, I had it as well and usually you'll still get some pulls/twinges from time to time as well :)

Yes, it often does seem slow, especially for 1st time mommies!!! I suggest lots of window shopping for each gender! It keeps you busy plus its so fun!!

How long were you trying, Flourish, if you don't mind me asking :)
We've definitely already picked out everything. Other than things that we don't want to he gender neutral.
Flourish we were thinking of waiting too till after the first scan. But it seems so far away and we're so excited :p

It seems to be taking forever. It's only really been 1 day since yesterday when I went to the doctor
But I always wanted to be pregnant so I'm enjoying everything!! Just can't wait until it's noticeable and whatnot!

Have you guys thought about names?
We're going with sophie if it's a girl.
And its a boy, Avery.

Middles names are up in the air still with a few ideas.
We have names planned as well, Amanda! (Btw, LOVE Sophie!) For singles and even twins (twins run in my family really heavily)

Boy: Alistair Paul Carlisle. We both like Alistair and Paul is my father and Carlisle "Lyle" is my grandfather

Girl: Remilia Carole-Eve. Hubby picked first name and I picked middle, Carole is his grandmother and Eve is my sister.

Twin Boys: Alistair Paul Carlisle and Tobias Etienne Burdock

Twin Girls: Remilia Carole-Eve and Sophie Ellen Marie

Boy/Girl Twins: Alistair Paul Carlisle and Remilia Carole-Eve
Hi Ladies! I am hoping to join you. I am 4 weeks tomorrow :)

Thanks NavyLadyBug for the invite.

This is my first pregnancy, DH and I were TTC for 15 cycles!
I am excited share this journey with you ladies. :)
Those are very unique names,but I love them!!
I'm not one for family names, but I love the sentiment.
I was thinking if boy,middle name Paul. My grandfather's name. He was such a big influence in my life and passed when I was 11. But ill have to see how Dh feels about that.

Oo twins! That's an exciting thought. Neither of us have twins in our families, so no be of that for me.

Welcome hopeful!! Wow 15 cycles! I'm so very happy for you that you got your little angel ♡
Welcome, Hopeful and you're welcome, we're glad to have you!!

Do you an idea of your due date? Most apps and websites can tell you just by your cycle info :)

Are you Team Blue, Pink or Yellow/Green? :happydance:

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