Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

Cats are great! Just be careful because when your pregnant your not supposed to clean cats litter box and if it is adjusting and peeing on your carpets in can be bad for you. But honestly it would be nice to get it now especially if you have the crib/bassinet set up to teach it to stay out of there early.

Just did my glucose test, I heard it was way worse. I didn't find it hard to drink or anything.

My midwife just told me that the other midwife in the clinic is no longer there which means that there is a chance that I won't have a midwife when I deliver if she is with another labouring momma or just finishing up with one. Fingers crossed that she can be available for my birth, I really don't want to have him in the hospital.
Yeah I think we're gonna get one :D
Dh has come around to thinking it'll be fun and cute. He's a dog person.

So I know I call him Dh, but we're not officially married yet. But he proposed last Sunday (the 18th ) !!!oh my gosh it was so cute and I cries tons. Soo happy
We knew this is where it was headed but it's still just as amazing. We will be getting married in June next time we go back to ontario so our family can be there.

Oh no hopeful! Do hope they have a midwife there for you!!
Congratulations Amanda that's awsome news!!!

Oh hopeful that sucks, hopefully you will be able to have a midwife for your delivery.

Cats are the best. I have 2, they are sooo loving I would defo recommend them as pets. Just remember like it's already been said, you can't have anything to do with the litter until after baby's born.

I'm off to another scan this afternoon to check on baby's growth. Hopefully we will get a good picture this time as we haven't been able to get a good one since 12 weeks because she wouldn't face the right way haha! Stubborn little lady.
Congrats Amanda! That is so exciting!

I am a little jealous Flourish, I won't get to see our babe until he arrives - unless something goes wrong of course.

At my midwife appointment yesterday she also said he is Head Down! Of course he could flip and do a million different positions still lol. But at my last ultrasound he was Breech so at least I know he can get down into that position.
Flourish that's exciting!
Yeah same for me. No more sneak peaks :(

And I've have cats all my life so I know what all the joys of having a kitty :D
Congratulations, Amanda! That is awesome!!!

I love that I never have to clean the litter boxes :-D

Oh no, hopeful! I hope you are able to have a midwife!

Flourish, post a pic of your ultrasound after!
I didn't get a picture as she wouldn't get in the right position again. A little annoyed as payed for one but didn't get one :( ah well as the sonogropher said soon we will be able to take lots of pics her.

I feel like I'm living at the hospital at the moment, I've had extra appointments since the beginning because of the migrains I get and now having even more because of gestational diabetes. I have gestational diabetes consultant tomorrow then next week I have my other consultant (for migrains) and the midwife... Sooo many appointments at the mo! Can't complain as hopefully it will help the time go quickly.
Wow that does seem like a ton of appointments Flourish!

Vent warning: We have roughly 12 weeks until I will be on maternity leave, that is IF everything goes great with no issues, and my bosses have yet to hire a replacement for me. We are just beginning our year end which is a two person job and the last one and this one I will be doing myself. Normally in previous positions I wouldn't be worried about leaving, however I am the only one who knows how to do my job. So the person we hire either has to problem solve to figure something out while I am gone or call me... I told them I wanted someone in here in the middle of October...here we are end of October and we have to start the interview process over again because the last person we offered the job to turned it down and they don't like any of the other resumes we received, especially with the holidays coming up we aren't as busy so the new person really won't get a feel for the everyday job and what it entails. Not to mention all the month end stuff. By the time we have someone hired now I will only have November & December month end with them if we are lucky.

Between that and the midwife and DH being gone I just want to crawl into my bed and not come out until January.

ha ha so last night I ordered two small pizzas and got my favourite pizza dip and watched netflix in bed.
That's really crappy that they haven't got a replacement for you yet. Fingers crossed they get one soon so you have time to train them up before you go so you're not getting lots of calls while you're on maternity leave.

So I took a bump pic finally! Thought I would share with you all x


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I love your bump pic Flourish! I am going to take one at DH's christmas party around 30 weeks. He took one of me at 27 weeks but I hate the picture. lol. I will try and post it this week.

I hope you feel better soon Navy!

AFM - I have felt really good so far, although I am starting to get back to the exhausted state. How is everyone sleeping? I pretty much sleep for 5 hours then I am wide awake for 1.5hr then back to sleep until my alarm goes off. (I think baby is prepping me for life with him)

Other than that I have really slowed down on shopping! Which I should probably pick back up because it is getting down to crunch time!

Is anyone experiencing itchy tummy?? - I got a few stretch marks and started using coconut oil and pure shea butter on them and the redness has gone away, I am going to keep it up to help my skin stretch, genetically I am prone to tons of stretch marks so hopefully this routine will help prevent some or at least relieve the itching.
Great bump pic flourish!

Navy, hope you are feeling better!!

Hopeful, I am the same as you with night time sleeping. I always wake up between 3:30 and 4:30 but usually I don't fall back asleep unless it's the days I have off work. But on days I work I need to be up at 6 and it's like hardcore insomnia when I wake up in the middle of the night. I always feel super restless and wide awake :-( which makes me so tired during the day!

I finally had my glucose test yesterday before my dr appt. pretty sure I passed it but they said they'd call me by today and let me know. I also had to get a flu and tetanus shot so my upper arms are both sore today but especially the tetanus side.

My mom's side of the family is having a surprise baby shower for me on thanksgiving lol. My mom decided to tell me about it instead of letting it be a surprise... So I have to act surprised which I have never had to do before so we'll see how that goes... Then my sister is having a shower for my dad's side of the family, oh's family, and a few of my friends on December 5th. I'm excited to see what I end up getting!
Baby showers are so exciting Michele! We don't have them here until after baby arrives, so mine will be sometime in February or early March I am thinking.

The sleep is really getting to me now, just because I find I am getting back to the exhausted state again.

Almost 30 Weeks!
Hey all!I'm doing fantastic as well.
We moved to our 2 bedroom. We got our kitty.
I made him an instagram ahaha. Only because I don't want to bother people with his pics if they don't care to see so many.
Set up avery's room! Mostly anyways. Sooo exciting. I'll post pictures when I can. Getting a little tired between school and work. But I'm good. Baby is doing great and so is my blood sugar.

Hopeful, never heard of anyone ever having a baby shower after the baby comes. It's crazy how things are done so differently everywhere! I hope you are able to start getting more or better sleep, but I feel like it's probably only going to get worse from here on as the baby gets bigger and makes things more uncomfortable! Aside from the restlessness, I can't turn my brain off when I wake up either. I just keep thinking and thinking about when the baby will be here and it wakes me up. But yay for almost being 3/4 of the way done making these babes! I'll be 30 weeks soon also. In 5 more days! Sometimes the baby kicks so hard that it makes me jump a little cause I'm not expecting it haha. I feel like she's sideways in there a lot because when I lay on my side sometimes I will feel a hard jab on one side of my tummy and the other side at the same time.

Amanda, congrats on the new place and fur baby! That's exciting about the nursery too! Can't wait to see pics of the kitty and the house :-)

I have been starting to get leg cramps everytime I stretch while in bed. Like either my calf or right above my knee on the back of my thigh will start cramping while I'm stretching and then I have to stop really quick befor it goes on to a full on cramp. It hurts anyways though and is so annoying. I just want to stretch my legs! Lol.
For leg cramps, bend your feet up instead of down when you stretch. That'll prevent the cramp from happening :)

Sometimes he's on one side of me. One side of my tummy is more squishy and the other is solid. It's soo cool!

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