Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

Flourish that's adorable!!

So I'm a little worried. Baby has been moving much less. I drank a cold sugary drink last night and counted 12 kicks in the hour span (though I did fall asleep at some point).
I do have an app on Tuesday. I'm trying to just wait it out till that point but I'm getting a little nervous :(
Is it crazy to call the hospital line about this and ask to be seen?
Or should I just wait.
I think he's moved back and down more, which may be why. All kicks are low now, when they used to be super high.
As long as he's hitting the average quota for kicks per hour try to keep calm. As you get into the 3rd trimester they begin to run out of room, especially after they drop. Calling couldn't hurt, but they'll just have you count kicks
Thanks navy!
That is true I guess. He was just pushing out and rolling about before. So the change has got me worried :p
Thanks for a reassurance :)
Love the room Flourish!

I need to get on buying some disposable diapers and wipes and get my hospital bag ready.

I wouldn't worry to much about movements 12 in an hour is lots! I think they say 10 in a 2 hour span is "normal" and if it is less than that then call the doctor. However, if you are feeling unsure at any point I would call the doctor/midwife.

I am finding that baby's movements are much stronger now, I love watching him move on the outside of my belly!
He usually moves so much more than that though, so the lack of movement was worrisome.

Yeah i hear you, I need to go buy wipes! I bought my stroller/car seat and breast pump. I got a bottle brush and some diaper rash cream :p
Needs bottles and wipes mostly now. Almost done. Single digits for most of us now ladies! Yayyy
I would say if you're worried get checked out xx it's today you have a check up now isn't it? Let us know how you get on.

I've got my travel system, breast pump and a few other bits. Starting to feel more organised now.

What is everyone packing in their hospital bag? This is where I'm stuck as not sure what I need.
Below is a list I found a while ago, I used it for a starting point!

Yes my app is today. But not worried anymore.
Baby moved back up and was kicking like crazy yesterday. Pretty sure he bruised my ribs on my right side they hurt so bad!
But I loved watching and feeling him kick :D
We picked up a huge box of wipes yesterday. Slowly getting more of the necessities! :D
How is everyone feeling?

I am back to the exhausted state I was in, in the first trimester. I am also not sleeping very well at night now. My body must be getting ready for baby.

The person we hired for my position at work didn't end up working out, 7 weeks until my maternity leave and still needing to train someone! ha they might be a bit hooped, especially if I have to be off early for any reason!
I'm super tired and my ribs still hurt bad. My left leg has also been numb which they say isn't an issue. It's a pinched nerve which is very common. It's just odd cause usually you connect numbness with blood circulation loss. But it isn't.
Weird stuff.
My MIL thinks I'll he 2 weeks early judging how big I am.
I'm sleeping fine luckily.
According to Dh baby kicks a lot when I sleep. He feels him. I don't. Ahah
Amanda, numbness can be normal, I had it really bad with Magnus, several times I woke up unable to move anything below the waist and it would freak me out soooo badly. It got to the point that my OB recommended PT in hopes of anything changing.
Oh wow that sounds bad navy!
Mine just feels numb and weird to touch but I can still have full use and everything.
Also the pain in my crotch from things spreading and loosening up. Bah.
All worth it in the end but man oh man.
Omg, didn't realize I haven't been on here in so long! The time has just been flying by...

So glad things are looking up for you, Navy! Any more recent news?

At my 32 week appt on Monday I was measuring 34 weeks so my doctor ordered an ultrasound to see what is up. She said the baby could be big, it could be how she is positioned, or there could be a lot of fluid, which could mean she is just really hydrated. But I feel like I haven't been drinking enough water because my pee has been dark so don't think that would be it. They want to make sure that she doesn't have a problem with her stomach or throat that is preventing her from swallowing. It makes me really nervous but the dr said not to worry because it is really rare that everything would be ok at a 20 week ultrasound and something would arise this late in the pregnancy... But I'll be going in Tuesday morning and then my next appt is the following Monday... I just hope they call right away to let me know either way how things are looking!

I woke up at 4am last night with horrible sharp upper stomach pains that I am still having throughout today :-( it was so bad that every time the baby kicked it would hurt like hell.

Amanda, my baby has also been killing my ribs! My right side has been sore almost every day. At night when she is most active, I have to lean back because it hurts to sit straight up. It's also getting hard to bend over and get up from sitting. And I've been kind of clumsy. I fell up the stairs last week and hit my leg right under my knee on the edge of the stair. I cried like a baby and it hurt so bad!!

I had one of my showers and got a bunch of great gifts! My other one is on Saturday and I'm super excited. I got a $120 in gift cards to target and was able to buy the jogger I really wanted for really cheap! It's normally almost $400 but was on sale for $289 for Black Friday so I ended up paying $180 ish for it after the gift cards and sale price. So exciting! Family and friends bought me a car seat and an extra base, a pack n play with the changing table, video monitor, a bunch of cute clothes, a boppy, a boba wrap, bumbo, bath stuff, and more! I also got a huge tote of hand me down clothes, pj's, blankets and onesies from my cousin yesterday. Almost everything looks in perfect condition. I bought a bunch of diapers also. I am so happy and thankful that we have almost everything we need! I am so grateful to everyone who gave me things. It really is amazing :-)

I haven't done my hospital bag yet. I haven't even really thought about it yet! And we are still trying to come up with a name for our peanut :-/

Hope everyone is well and those of you who celebrate it had a good thanksgiving! That would probably only be navy, haha.

And love the baby's room, flourish!!
Good luck with the ultrasound Michele! I hope the increased measurement was just her position, my friend had a baby on halloween that had an obstruction in her bowel and her esophagus so she wasn't swallowing properly and at 32 weeks she was measuring 40 and then at 37 weeks when she delivered she was measuring 49 weeks. Poor baby had to have 6 hours of surgery the day after she was born plus she has downs so her recovery is a little bit slower and the swallowing instinct doesn't come as easy for them. She is still in the Nicu but making amazing progress!

I don't mean to worry you as the chances of obstruction are so RARE! But you are in my thoughts, hopefully you find out soon!

I just got back from my midwife appointment, everything seems to be great except baby is laying very posterior, so she has advised me to lay more on my left side to help bring him anterior so that I won't have as much back labour. I am going to see if there are any yoga poses that will help bring him anterior. She is going to order another ultrasound for around 36-37 weeks to check growth because of my thyroid issues but she said I am measuring right on track.

All of the rest of my prenatal appointments are now scheduled (as long as nothing goes wrong)! 7.5 weeks to go!
Navy my weekend was great thank you!
I had my Dr app today and she informed me I'll be having another ultrasound in about 3 weeks. Just cause.
No issues but she just wants one done.
I'm so excited to see him again!!!

Also done this semester of school on Thursday. So for 3 weeks it just work. On Jan 3rd im on leave at 37 weeks. Then I start school again on Jan 11. But I won't have to juggle both. Soooo nice.
So excited to have extra time this holiday season.
And my last diabetic app is on the 22nd. They are confident I'm fine. So yay to that! :D

How are you?
how's everyone else?

Anything else you still need to buy?
Thanks, hopeful! That is scary about your friend's baby! Glad she is ok though and hope she continues to make a speedy recovery!

My ultrasound was Tuesday morning. It actually wasn't that great because it was really hard to see the baby now that she's so big. We could only see one body part at a time! Haha. We did get another picture of her face but because it's not in 3d, she looks like a baby grim reaper lol! Also, the tech said she has a lot of hair and showed us all the fuzz sticking off her head! I had a feeling she would because of all the heartburn I get. I hope you are able to get your baby to flip around so you don't have back labor! I've heard some awful stories about that :-/ I'm assuming my ultrasound didn't find anything alarming or my dr would have called me but I am still anxious for my appt on Monday to find out how big she is! The tech said she wouldn't know till she did all the measurements after I left, but she said that she definitely isn't a small baby and there's no way I'm having a 5 pounder lol. So we'll see what the doctor says!

Amanda, so exciting that you're done with this semester! Congrats! And that's awesome you'll be done with the diabetes stuff! And yay to starting maternity leave soon! My job is ending the week of Christmas and I am so sad I won't get to see my adorable little boys anymore. I've been with them since they were 6 months and they'll be 2 in February so I'm super attached to them. It has been amazing watching them learn and grow and helping teach them things. I hope my baby comes early so I don't have to sit around too long missing my boys!

I had my other shower on Saturday and hoooly cow, I was blown away at all we got. It's pretty amazing! We are so thankful. We got a ton of clothes and pj's, blankies, books, some toys, another car seat, feeding stuff, a whole bunch of bath toys and bath stuff, several months worth of diapers and wipes, a diaper bag, and more. I bought a baby bath tub on Tuesday and now all we need is a baby thermometer, nail clippers, and breast pump, which I'll get through my insurance.
My little grim reaper baby face haha


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Wow Michele that is great that you got so much for your shower!

It is super exciting that baby is big and healthy, hopefully you aren't sitting at home too long. I kind of wish I was off sooner but I want to try and work right up until January 15th. It is crazy that by the end of next month (unless we are late) we will have sweet little babies! I cannot wait!
I hope we aren't late! I'm sure we are all equally anxious to meet our babies!! I can't believe how quickly the pregnancy is going. It's insane! Only 6 weeks and 4 days left!!!! Woohoo!! I hope work doesn't become too difficult for you!

Do you guys plan on baby wearing?? I got a boba wrap and am so excited to try it out once the baby is here. I don't think I'll ever want to put her down haha. I also have a baby bjorn carrier but have read those aren't as nice and are harder on your back and the baby. But OH can use that because it's a lot less girly looking than the boba haha.

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