Omg, didn't realize I haven't been on here in so long! The time has just been flying by...
So glad things are looking up for you, Navy! Any more recent news?
At my 32 week appt on Monday I was measuring 34 weeks so my doctor ordered an ultrasound to see what is up. She said the baby could be big, it could be how she is positioned, or there could be a lot of fluid, which could mean she is just really hydrated. But I feel like I haven't been drinking enough water because my pee has been dark so don't think that would be it. They want to make sure that she doesn't have a problem with her stomach or throat that is preventing her from swallowing. It makes me really nervous but the dr said not to worry because it is really rare that everything would be ok at a 20 week ultrasound and something would arise this late in the pregnancy... But I'll be going in Tuesday morning and then my next appt is the following Monday... I just hope they call right away to let me know either way how things are looking!
I woke up at 4am last night with horrible sharp upper stomach pains that I am still having throughout today

it was so bad that every time the baby kicked it would hurt like hell.
Amanda, my baby has also been killing my ribs! My right side has been sore almost every day. At night when she is most active, I have to lean back because it hurts to sit straight up. It's also getting hard to bend over and get up from sitting. And I've been kind of clumsy. I fell up the stairs last week and hit my leg right under my knee on the edge of the stair. I cried like a baby and it hurt so bad!!
I had one of my showers and got a bunch of great gifts! My other one is on Saturday and I'm super excited. I got a $120 in gift cards to target and was able to buy the jogger I really wanted for really cheap! It's normally almost $400 but was on sale for $289 for Black Friday so I ended up paying $180 ish for it after the gift cards and sale price. So exciting! Family and friends bought me a car seat and an extra base, a pack n play with the changing table, video monitor, a bunch of cute clothes, a boppy, a boba wrap, bumbo, bath stuff, and more! I also got a huge tote of hand me down clothes, pj's, blankets and onesies from my cousin yesterday. Almost everything looks in perfect condition. I bought a bunch of diapers also. I am so happy and thankful that we have almost everything we need! I am so grateful to everyone who gave me things. It really is amazing
I haven't done my hospital bag yet. I haven't even really thought about it yet! And we are still trying to come up with a name for our peanut :-/
Hope everyone is well and those of you who celebrate it had a good thanksgiving! That would probably only be navy, haha.
And love the baby's room, flourish!!