Buddies who are TTC for #1?


Mom of 1 & Pregnant w/ #2
Aug 1, 2015
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Hi, I'm new and looking for a buddy! I'm 25 years old, ttc baby #1. We're on month 4 of trying. I did three months of trying alone(at one point adding temp charting) but finally this month, I started pre-seed and OPK. I should be ovulating any day now if I'm reading it right. *fingers crossed*

I'm honestly really feeling this month. The last few months were so stressful and I was starting to track my temperatures as a start to predicting ovulation. And from my chart, it looked like the stress had actually caused me to ovulate so late and it broke my heart! I was in tears because I felt like I would never get pregnant and it would be my job's fault for not respecting what I would say about my health issues(depression). I can usually handle it fine but my job started pushing me so hard despite me telling them that I needed help because it was too much.
And having gotten off my medicine because I don't want to chance anything while pregnant.... It was tougher...

My doctor was very kind though and has put me on medical unemployment so I could finally relax and take care of myself!!! I'm feeling grateful since I know have the time to get better as well as focus on getting pregnant. So I'm hoping for the best!

So if anyone else wants someone to talk to or add stories, I'd be happy to chat :) It's so tough feeling like I'm alone while ttc and I'm too afraid to let all my family and friends know that I'm ttc because I'm almost worried I might jinx it? So far only my sister knows all the details.
Hey, can I be your buddy? Or one of them :) I've actually already conceived to o beautiful babies, but sad both of them died. :( I am on the road to ttc again, it's been five weeks since my most recent loss, and I'm just waiting for my af!

It must be hard not being able to talk to family and friends. I've always been open about my journey but I think this next time I'll keep it to myself longer even when I'm pregnant. I honestly want to keep it a secret as long as possible, not until baby is born if I could!

It's great that you're using preseed and opks! I was never disciplined enough for that but I know it helps lots of women. :)
I would love to join. I'm 22 and OH is 32. Second month TTC # 1.

I'm using OPKS and digitals as well as temping.

Baby dust to you both x
tcinks - Of course you can! :D Anyone is welcomed!
So sorry for your loss! :( It must have been so hard. I know you'll be able to conceive again and hopefully the next one will stick and be full term!


I just try to keep it to myself in case it takes very long. I don't want them thinking either something's wrong with me or my SO, or that we're not doing something right. So I try and keep it as private as I can, with the exception to my mother and sister(sister knows most).

I have a 27 CD cycle and last month I ovulated late due to stress, so I wanted to make sure I ovulated at a normal day this time (thankfully it seems I did), also my CM is not the best so pre-seed is the way to go! :)

CathiiNoo - Oh nice! This month I've been temping as well as OPK. So far everything seems to be happening smoothly. Just hoping my temperature keeps rising!

Baby dust to you both! I'm sure we'll get our :bfp: soon!

Nobody knows we TTC either not because I'm afraid I will jinx it but because my family will be somewhat judgemental because OH and I didn't have a good start to our relationship.

You should try EPO for your EWCM.
Okay, yeah, might be best to wait then. Not all relationships start great, so long as in the end, things are stable and happy, I don't see the problem. But I'd definitely wait to tell them before they try to convince you to stop what you're doing. It's your decision to make after all and no one else's business.

I'll definitely look into it :) For now, I FINALLY got my bottle of FertileCM, although my fertile days are over so I'm debating on when to start it, if I need to start it at all.

Finally got my crosshairs on my chart though! WOO!
I'm hoping you won't need to start it ;) WOOHOO for cross hairs. It's so exciting when they finally there.

I ovulated so late this cycle on CD 18 and I normally have a 28 day cycle so my LP will be around 10 days. We're only two days apart in dpo, would be awesome to get BFPS together x
You girls are weeks ahead of me! Hope to see some BFP soon :) Af just showed today finally :dance: I want to start trying this cycle but dh wants to wait another one. Hopefully he changes his mind!
CathiiNoo - Well I hope even though you ovulated late, it was still enough time for the bean to stick!
I'd just LOVE it if we both had bfp! Fx!!!

tcinks - Oh good! Well I hope he changes his mind too! Now that AF showed up, you're good to go for this cycle! Fx that he changes his mind!
Count me in, Kuji!!

tcinks - Oh so exciting! I bet you've never been so happy to see af! haha. FX that DH changes his mind and you can join us for late august BFPs :dust:

CathiiNoo: I haven't told many people that we are TTC either. (Just mom and two close friends). For a long time we didn't think we really wanted a baby. But one day I just woke up and everything was different. DH and I talked about it for months before we started making the steps to start TTC.
The more the merrier! Welcome :D

I was the baby crazy one haha. SO was less interested but he knew how important it was for me so we decided on a date that we'd ttc. As it got closer, he got more and more excited and now he's as excited as I am.
Hi All! I'd love to jump in on this group...

I just joined this site last night because it seems to be the most useful when obsessively google-ing symptoms (like I bet we've all done). I'm turning 33 on the 17th, so I've got my own little short list of worry about how old I am ttc #1. I've been with my DH for 9 years and married for 2 or so. I JUST finished law school in May and sat the 3-day bar exam in July, so my life has been quite high stress for sometime now.
DH really didn't want kids and it kind of delayed things I think; but he seems to have acquiesced in that for the past 2 months we haven't been using condoms and I'm not on birth control. Now, every time I sneeze he asks me if I'm pregnant.
I would love some other gal friends to talk to about this stuff because, like ya'll, I'm not really into discussing this with my family as I don't need the pressure of all that judgment and advice (however well intentioned), and I know DH doesn't want to talk about it until it happens.
I have a 28 day cycle and am just guessing on ovulation dates etc...do you think I should be temping and such this early in the ttc game or just wait it out a few months and see what happens?
Welcome andiannajones! :D

33 isn't so old for conceiving #1. Yes, you aren't AS fertile as someone in their twenties but the numbers aren't that much lower that it can't happen just as easy(or hard, depending from person to person), so honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about your age. I'm sure you'll be able to conceive just fine :)

Well we're definitely here for you if you just wanna chit chat, have any questions or concerns! It's a really great community here and I'm sure you'll love it!
I understand you way too much when it comes to the family. And well... men don't seem to like talking about baby making in detail like we do haha! I showed my SO today my chart, all proud of my temp sky rocketing and he just looked at me with a straight face and just said "Okay..."

Honestly, that is 100% up to you. I personally temp because I find it's the easiest way for me to see exactly when I ovulate and etc. If you BD regularly, I wouldn't think you NEED to(unless conceiving is taking a while), but someone like me who has low libido, I depend on it so I can BD most on the days that I need to.
Thanks for the encouragement Kuji! Because I don't temp (yet) I don't know practically anything about it, but with my limited knowledge, it seems like a sky-rocketing temperature like that is very encouraging!!!
I think I O'd on Friday (7th) because I tend to get weird little twingy pains on one side only for a few hours about midway through my cycle each month. As soon as I started paying attention, I noticed it more. DH and I BD'd on the 4th/5th/8th; so if I'm right about O date, I think I'm right in that window! I guess now we wait?? lol.
Do you have a particular kind/brand of OPK that you like? If this month doesn't do it for me (which I understand it likely will not...I'm probably not that lucky out of the gate!) I think I might try temping/OPK just to see if I understand my cycle like I think I do. With your temps going up and up like that when do you plan on testing? (I know the wait is agony). BEAMING GOOD THOUGHTS YOUR WAY!!!!
Welcome andiannajones! I agree with Kuji, 32 is not old. I'm sure you will be able to conceive a perfectly healthy baby. I personally prefer temping as I'm not always sure when I O and temping is good to confirm O. Fertility friend is the best app to use. If you click on my chart, it will take you to the page to sign up. I use cheapie opks to test and if it looks positive but I'm not sure then I will confirm with a digital in the same urine just to be sure. I have a 28 days cycle normally as well but sometimes I O really late giving me a short LP so trying to work on that.

You're lucky that you get twinges to give you a bit more in site on what's happening as I get no symptoms or anything so I test and chart. My cm doesn't even cooperate with me and I will get the wrong cm at the wrong stage of my cycle so my cycles are pretty confusing most months.

I forgot to mention that I'm TTC with male fertility issues. OH viable sperm, quantity and mobility are on the low side so we've been seeing a fertility specialist. 9 DPO today and BFN yesterday and today on different tests :( oh well.

Baby dust to all you ladies xx
Kuji, I know what you mean about men not being interested. I tried to explain to OH what the pre O and after O temps look like and he didn't understand (or just wasn't interested enough to listen haha). When I was testing for O and showed hI'm the difference between negative and positive, he kept saying "but there's two lines which is positive just like a pregnancy test" hahaha
andiannajones - After O'ing, a temperature going up is definitely a good sign. Now it's just to hope it stays up. haha!
More or less, if you're pregnant, the temperature should stay up and not dip near AF. However if it dips near AF and stays down, chances are you didn't conceive :( It's alright if it dips every now and then since everyone is different, it's just to hope it stays up near the end.
To start temping, what you do is use a BBT thermometer as soon as you wake up in the morning without getting out of bed or sitting up. You need to try to have at least 3 hours of consecutive sleep to get a proper reading. Also, if possible, to take the temperature around the same time every morning.

As for OPK, I use cheapies to be honest. I'm a little broke right now anyway while I wait for unemployment to come in. So I might not get any money for the next four weeks and depending on SO means we're almost right on the dot for bills, groceries and rent, so not much place for other expenses! But yeah, like Cathiinoo said, a lot of people will back up with a digital when it looks positive just to make sure. So either or, or a mix of both do well. I heard a lot of people buy their cheapies off amazon. I might try that as I wasn't very satisfied with Fairhaven cheapies.

I SHOULD test around the 16-17th, as the 17th is when AF is due, but I might test a little earlier. I know it's not a good idea but I'm so curious!!! I've tried distracting myself as best as possible but it's not easy :( After being obsessed with babies since I was a teen (I was responsible though, no worries! haha ), it's hard not to be a little impatient to finally be pregnant myself.

Cathiinoo - I hope the fertility specialist will be able to help you guys get your bfp! You both deserve it! :hugs:

Oh jeez xD Yup, I'm not surprised! haha! I was also all excited with my OPKs and taking pictures and comparing them. I'm sure SO might have thought I was a little crazy!
I really do wish that two lines would mean positive for OPKs though. It would be much simpler than trying to guess! haha!

I hope you both have a good day today! I had a grumpy start as SO was fooling around this morning with the cat and trying to snuggle me while all I wanted to do was try and fall back to sleep. And then my sister texted me right as I was falling back to sleep... After a good nap later on though, I feel much better. Finally got some chores done too!

:dust: to you both!
Cathinoo - Thanks! You guys are making me feel a lot better about being a geriatric in the ttc game :haha: (I swear, I go on job interviews and all these old male law partners don't want to hire me because they're all "you're going to have kids soon right? RIGHT? We'll call you"). I'm very lucky that DH works full time so I don't have to rush out and get a job right this second.
I will definitely check out fertility friend! This looks like it could be fun to play with! I think I'll give through September and then start temping if nothing sticks (I may be totally psychosomatic on the O twinges...you never know!).

Kuji - How are things in your world today? :dust:
Kuji - we must be psychically linked because I was posting when you were and JUST saw your reply! (I'm also trying to figure out how to work all these little emoticons and thingies...I'm slowly learning...:blush:)
I know that money issues are ALWAYS stressful, especially when you're ttc, I hope your check comes in soon to make things a little more comfortable for ya'll (I'm an American in the deep south, so I get to say "ya'll" I guess...even though it makes me sound like an idiot. :winkwink:)
I think I might grab some cheapie OPK's off Amazon since I have an account and they don't seem to be too much...now I'm curious. My AF is due around the 22nd (I usually get one day of extremely light spotting the day before though, so I typically know it's coming);Thus, I'll probably test around the 19th/20th if I can hold out that long! If you can hold out till the 19th we can be peeing on stick buddies! :haha:

Cathinoo- from what I understand (lots of time for obsessive research on my hands right now...lol) a BFN 9 dpo is not at all uncommon and I would in no way count you out of the game yet!! Cheering you on!!!

Tcinks - how are you doing my dear? :thumbup:

Thanks ladies! Hope you have a good day! Baby dust to everyone!!!:dust:
Oh jeez! I just saw that now that we posted almost at the same time!!!

I'm still getting used to the emoticons myself! I haven't been here long and there's so much to learn! :wacko: The abbreviations were what hit me the most. I now have a tab always open with some basic abbreviations for conceiving forums.

Then that means as a Canadian, I can say "eh" as I like! :haha:
It is stressful, especially since I'm on unemployment to relax since my stress was much too high when I was working (not a good sign when you gets 2-3 panic attacks at work and have to be sent home :( ) and also to help me conceive since last month my high stress caused me to ovulate super late. This month things are happening normally (thank God!)
I'm just trying to relax as best as I can. I know I have my sister just next door and my mother 5 minutes away if it's an emergency, so I think that's what's keeping me sane and calm-ish

I wish I could hold out that long! If AF decides to leave me alone this month, at least for 2 days, I'll be able to test with you. She's usually on time though and gives me warnings by spotting a bit a day or two before. :growlmad:

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