Buddies who are TTC for #1?

Okay, I know I know...it's super early (10 dpo?) but...can ya'll see the lines? I swear they are both there (just one is really light, though it is definitely pink...); Am I going crazy? :shrug: If I am just seeing things, well then I'm officially nuts :haha:, If I'm not just seeing things...then...what do I do??? lol. I'm a worrier, so I'm like "maybe this is just a chemical pregnancy?"...I'm trying to be optimistic, it's just wildly hard when the line is that faint (if it's there at all). Help me out here ladies, I'm going batty over here.

OMG! No, trust me, that is clear as day and pink! Omg, I just... I can't! I'm super excited and happy for you!!!

10dpo is still very early but a common time to start getting lines! Congrats! Definitely keep testing at least every 48 hours and there should be a nice progression! :D

Sorry, I'm having a hard time keeping in my excitement! I've been hoping you'd get your bfp since the start and it looks like it's finally it!!! :happydance:
Thanks Kuji!! You are clearly in agreement with the other POAS checker ladies on that thread (I saw you posted for me there too!) :flower:
I'm tentatively very excited...BUT...I took a Clear Blue Digital with FMU today and it said "not pregnant". :growlmad:. Nonetheless, I have read (cue obsessive googling) that many women who are in fact pregnant have gotten a BFP on FRER and a BFN on clear blue because the clear blues are just not as sensitive. I have a few wondfos left and will probably buy another FRER pack tonight and see how things progress through the week. At this point I'm just hoping against hope that the lines get darker and that it's not a chemical. :wacko:
Either way, it's super encouraging that it appears that I can get pregnant...so, fingers crossed for me!
How are you holding up with kiwi? :haha:
Clear as day! Congratulations sweetie! Super excited for you xxx
Yeah, clearblue digis aren't as sensitive. I think the most sensitive one they have is the week indicator one however last I checked, they're off the shelves right now for a stupid reason. So I'd wait a few more days and it should definitely say "Pregnant"!

Definitely get more frers! I would love to see how things progress! I'm sure things will be fine so don't worry. :)

And I know what you mean! Even I was worried that I might have problems getting pregnant after 3 months of trying and nothing. I know 3 months isn't long, but when you have depression and anxiety, you always assume the worse!

Oh we're fine. :) Symptoms have been dying down (THANK GOD). Breasts haven't been sore in a few weeks, nipples still are a tad but I can work with that! Nausea is better but I have to be careful and make sure I eat often. An empty stomach often leads to vomiting. :wacko: And tiredness wise, I still get intense sleepy at times but a lot less at random times of the day! Usually closer to bed time! :haha:
I think with things dying off like that, it's clear to say that the placenta FINALLY took over so the hormones could lower and give me a break! :thumbup:

Do you have any symptoms at all? Before and after I got my bfp, I was having lots of cramping, sore breasts and sleepiness. It's normal if you don't though, so no worries :)

As you can see...I finally got a positive on a digital! :bfp: :happydance:

I guess now I call my doc and see what they want me to do (I've read that sometimes they don't see you for a week...just kill me now! lol). As far as symptoms go, the biggest one was that I always always spot before af and this cycle I didn't spot at all (that's what made me test originally). My boobs are really really sore (which I usually get before af, but this is way more intense) and I've gotten some sharp-stabbing pains in my pelvic region (of course, this is the symptom that has me the most nervous because it's localized to one side...I'm hoping it was just implantation and not an ectopic...cue incessant worrying). I am noticeably fatigued, but am kind of used to that from law school, so I'm sure I'll pull through :haha:.
My DH (as predicted) is less than thrilled actually, which makes things kind of difficult on me. He's not going anywhere, and I know he'll eventually come around, but my family is 1200 miles away and it would be nice to feel a little more supported from him. I have friends who had similar reactions from their SOs and they said that, eventually, men soften up about it...it just takes them longer. I mean, we've been having unprotected BD for 3 months, what did he think was gonna happen? :dohh:
Good news on your symptoms easing up!! The placenta is responsible for the lessening of the symptoms huh? I bought the book ("what to expect when you're expecting") and, nerd that I am, will probably have read it cover to cover in a few days, so hopefully I can stop asking ridiculous questions! :blush: It's really good to know that the boob pain eventually lessens up a bit, cause...wow. lol.
I'll keep you guys updated! Fingers crossed for me (my super hero alter-ego would definitely be "anxiety girl").
I'm crazy happy for you! :dance: There's nothing more official than a digi! Congrats!

It seems that US doctors see their patients much sooner. It makes me jealous! I didn't even see my doctor until I was 10+6 weeks along. :( Canadian doctors don't usually see any patients until they're minimum 10 weeks unless there were previous issues.

I actually very much know about the pelvic pain from one side! I was having them a lot on my left side but they weren't intense and no bleeding so I managed to convince myself that it was fine, I still worried though :haha: So I wouldn't worry about it unless it got bad and there was bleeding present. Plus my us was able to show me that baby is definitely properly nestled in my uterus! :)

Is he upset about it or just worried? From what I understand, you two were ttc so it's only normal that you'd eventually get pregnant haha! My own SO was very nervous and scared but now he's really excited about being a dad :)

I actually spoke too soon on my symptoms UGH :dohh: But I guess it's normal to have a day or two or random horribleness. I first had problems sleeping, then I woke up feeling a little nauseous. I ate some grilled cheese and took my medicine/vitamins, only to throw up a few hours later :( I eventually managed to eat a few sliced peaches and then went to bed to rest, just feeling nauseous and miserable, close to throwing up. I thankfully didn't though. So now I'm here, eating some tomato soup and crackers, hoping the nausea subsides soon. First night of work is tonight though so I'm hoping I feel better by tonight.

And no worries about the questions! :haha: I actually don't have a pregnancy book but I wish I had one. I should see if my sister still has hers so I could read it :D For now, I just kind of go with the flow and if I don't know something, I research. But yeah, any bad symptoms should definitely lessen around 12-13 weeks when you're borderline at the second trimester (starts at week 14) :D

Fx for sure!!! <3 You got this!
I actually thought I would get in sooner than I will...so I guess our medical systems aren't that far off from one another. They wanted to wait until at least 8 weeks to do the scan, so they have me booked for November 12th for an ultrasound/first pre-natal appointment. How I'm not supposed to freak out in that time is beyond me. :shrug:
It's so good to know you had those shooting pains on the left side too! I'm sure it's nothing, I'm just an anxious person by nature. Trying to remain super positive.
DH is, I think just more worried than anything. He has never really been excited by the idea of children and just sort of acquiesced to me wanting them so badly and agreed to "see what happens"...well, this is what happens. Lol. I know that the timing is concerning for him because I'm job hunting and you know that law-firms will just not hire a pregnant lady (and will fire them once it becomes apparent). It's illegal and it's a crappy thing to do...but I'm in the deep South and it just doesn't matter, that's the reality of it and we have to deal with that. I do have a job offer from one of the criminal defense lawyers I've been working with for 3 years that would start in January of 2016; it's not a ton of money, but with DH's income + this job I think we would make it fairly comfortably. When DH gets home from work today I have to (1) tell him it is definitely true that I'm pregnant (and wait for him to freak out) and (2) probably accept that job offer right away. At least with that offer I know the guy and we get along, plus I wouldn't start working until my second trimester, so hopefully the nausea etc...would be mostly out of the way. There are no benefits with that job but I don't think he would be in a position to fire me (though I have no idea when/how to tell him). It's all very confusing. :wacko: We'll see how DH reacts tonight, I'm just afraid it won't be extremely well.
Have you found anything that helps with the nausea (or things that definitely make it worse that you can avoid?); I know going back to work is going to be stressful for you, but I know you can do it! Just breathe and don't take unnecessary crap off of anyone! :haha: If you have anything you want me to look up in my magical book of wonder just let me know! :thumbup:
I'll keep ya'll posted, hope you're doing well.
Sorry I've been quiet. I went back to work and have just been really exhausted. I wanted to write something but it was always so hard to even think properly! :haha: I miss staying home all the time. Oh well, I just have to tough out work until April.

I know it feels like a long time but it'll surely pass by quickly! November 12th is sooner than you think! I have my second appointment on the 10th :D

I see. It makes sense. My own SO was worried too but it soon passed as things got more real for him. I'm sure your DH will get happy soon enough. I mean, there's still lots of time until the baby comes! For now, I'm thinking accepting the job might be the best option for now. Worse comes to worse, you get something else sometime after baby is born (depending on how much time you want to take off after its born). At least it'll be something stable for the meantime and it's still money.

How did he react after you told him, by the way?

So far, not much. But last night it calmed down a lot. I only felt nauseous once or twice and it was nothing major. I still feel pretty okay right now. I guess I'm see how it lasts! Fx it lasts longer than a few days!
Hi Kuji!

Is working exhausting you to no end? (I'm soooo tired all the time I'm actually kind of glad I'm unemployed at the moment :haha:). How much maternity leave do you get/when are you going to stop working before baby?
I think it's still sinking in for DH, but he's taking it reasonably well; I don't think pregnancy becomes "real" for men as quickly as it does for us because we can actually feel it and whatnot. I talked to my "boss" (the guy I've been working with and have an offer from) because I didn't want to blind-side him by accepting an offer and then being all: "by the way, I need off for two months in not very long...", he was really understanding of it and said it's not a problem (thank God), so I'm still waiting on other offers from a few maritime law firms, but at least I have a guaranteed job if nothing else.
I'm not extremely symptomatic, but I have noticed that (1) if I don't eat something right away when I wake up, I am uncomfortably hungry immediately and (2) if I stand up too fast, I get tugging, shooting pains in my uterus; I really need to watch this one, I tend to do things at a ridiculous pace and need to remind myself to take things a little slower/easier so I don't injure something (3) I'm really tired all the time, but it's not unbearable.
Speaking of starving all the time...I'm off to make lunch :winkwink:
How are you doing?
Hi andianna! :)

It is! I have a physical job so it's been tough. I'm always super exhausted after my shift and end up sleeping not long after. I'm probably going to take my whole year off work. I'll only get 55% of my usual pay but with the 3 baby checks I get from the government and province, it almost makes up the rest of what my pay would be, so it's workable.

Yeah, it seems to take a while. I think it became mostly real for SO when he heard the heartbeat. And when he saw baby, there was no denying it at all! :haha:

I'm glad your possible "boss" is very understanding about it :) So that's good and at least something! Good luck and hopefully you get answers from other law firms soon!

Your (1) is something I can relate. And if I delay eating too long, I can end up vomiting. So definitely eat soon so you can avoid possibly throwing up. It's so much worse when you have no food in your stomach in my opinion! :wacko:

(2) and (3), completely normal :) Just take it easy when you can and take naps! They feel amazing.

I'm fine. Definitely doing a lot better. Hoping it actually stays that way for a long while. Officially in the second trimester too :D I'm super excited about that!
I find that due to work, I'm so exhausted and sleep way too much. I went to bed around 9am ish yesterday and woke up at 10:30 pm... I had to get up to pee a lot in the middle, but still, I thought that was crazy!
Hi! Sorry for the somewhat long absence, things have been crazy down here in the swamp. :haha:
That's really awesome that you get paid for taking a year off and get government checks! We don't get any paid maternity leave and no money from the local or state governments :growlmad:. Therefore, I will have to go back to work no later than 6 weeks after giving birth; which is really upsetting because trying to find reliable daycare for an infant is terrifying and it also, on average, costs more than rent/mortgage per month. *Sigh*. There's nothing I can do about it though, I just hope I can find some reliable people to watch the baby and that we can somehow afford it.
I'm quite nauseous most of the time, but generally not throwing up (thank God). All I seem to eat is toast! It's ridiculous. I'm still sleepy most of the time, but work is keeping me distracted for the moment, I'm like you though...I pretty much crash as soon as I get home, I'm constantly telling DH "It's 9 p.m., that's a reasonable time to go to bed right?" which is hilarious because prior to pregnancy I couldn't get to bed before midnight no matter what I did. My first Pre-natal appointment and Ultrasound is in a week, if I'm where I think I am, I'll be just starting week 8. I'm excited but, as an anxious person in general, quite nervous at the same time, just hope things are going well and bean is healthy.
How are you holding up with everything and when is your due date again? :flower:
That's fine, I figured you were busy and would get back to us when you could :)

Yeah I heard the US isn't so great with maternity leave... I just think it's stupid :( We don't get a lot of money, but at least we still have the option to stay home a year. If I remember correctly, if you decide to only be gone 6-9 months, you get 70% of your usual pay. But I rather take my whole year and just enjoy my baby, even if it's only 55% of my usual pay.
I definitely hope you can find someone. Is there any family you could ask to watch the baby while you're at work? And even if you have to pay them, I'm sure they would ask for a lot less than a daycare.

I ate a lot of bread in the beginning myself, although now I have the hardest time stomaching it! My stomach is complicated! :haha: I'm definitely happy you're not throwing up (yet, although hopefully you won't at all!), because it just makes you so miserable OTL Nausea isn't fun but a lot more tolerable!

I'm sure your bean is perfect and things will be great! I definitely can't wait to hear how your appointment goes :D
My second appointment is coming up on the 10th and I'm hoping I'll be allowed to listen to the heartbeat again, just so I can feel a little better. :haha: I also have my anatomy/gender scan booked for December 16th! I'm so excited!!! AHH! I wish it could come faster! Healthy baby is #1 priority however, still, fx for a girl haha!

I've been alright. Nausea comes here and there, stomach sometimes gets weird. But I haven't thrown up in a long while and I'm hoping it stays that way. I had a bad toothache however my dentist patched up my cavity real quick so I feel much better! Generally I feel fine (finally!).
My due date is April 26th! When would yours be?

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