Buddies who are TTC for #1?

I'll let you all know how the B6 will come along. So far I found I had a bit, not a lot, more CM than I usually would around this time. Not sure if it's the B6 or not but I can't complain. I usually have little to none. If I get a bfn though, I'll be starting FertileCM on CD1 to help with CM. I don't want to depend too much on Pre-seed since it's so expensive!

Cathiinoo - Unfortunately for me, I have amazing social skills! It's just its so mentally draining that I get exhausted after only a few hours! But yet I can work a long 8-9 physical work shift no problem! So I know how you feel Cathiinoo. I'm not even comfortable at parties, unless it's the close family ones. At least it's with people I know well and am comfortable with so it's not as bad and on the fun side.

Well, either way, :dust: to you and let's hope that it's a good sign! Who knows, right? :D :hugs:

andiannajones - I'll get my SO to talk to someone at work and see if I have to do it or not. If they say I don't have to, I won't. At least I know I have an 100% for sure option to get money throughout my sick leave so I don't even need the insurance.

O'ing around CD 13-14 arounds about right on that length of a cycle. At a 26-27 CD cycle, I'm technically suppose to O at CD13. Supposed. Apparently my body always like a day or two after lol. :haha:

I'm not too too sure although with quick research, google gave me this:
"You can't get too much folic acid from foods that naturally contain it. But unless your doctor tells you otherwise, do not consume more than 1,000 mcg of folic acid a day. Consuming too much folic acid can hide signs that a person is lacking vitamin B12, which can cause nerve damage"

So it's not that it's bad but if you have low B12, it could hide that fact on a blood test. Low B12 can cause brain damage which is why during a blood test, you wouldn't wanna miss that info haha! The way I see it, so long as you're not doing a huge blood work, I wouldn't worry about it too much. :thumbup:
Hi everyone,
Can I join you guys? I need some company too !! I'm 25 and I'm TTC #1 for past four months and AF keeps showing. I'm concerned about my BBT chart. I assume my LP is around 10 days and my usual cycle length is 24-27 days. I guess my temp rises when O, but then it reduces in 7-8 DPO and AF shows in 10-11 DPO. Is it normal or should temp stay high through out LP? I'm so worried. This TTC is driving me crazy. Would appreciate if you can give me some inputs
BBT can rise and lower in the TWW/LP, As long as most of the time it's above the line, it's fine. But some women, it dips down a few times and it's still a bfp. It seems to vary from woman to woman.
And of course you can join us :) Everyone is welcomed! If you can, you should post your chart in your signature, we and many others can help you with it if you have questions.
Welcome Meredith! I'm new to the temping thing so I don't have much to offer regarding that.

Kuji - you def have to keep us posted how the B6 is working for you. I'm going to do some research about it and I'll report back later.

AFM, I had a long conversation with my mom yesterday and we got some things worked out between us. Things are so great now, but they haven't always been and that's what we were talking about. HOWEVER, the big news from that convo is that she's getting more excited about DH and I TTC and has even come around to the name I've picked out if we have a girl. :happydance: When I mentioned it to her a couple years ago she hated it. And we also were totally on the same page as far as nursery decor!
Thanks a lot kuji !!! Your words are so comforting. Im not sure why I'm not able to attach an image. Im using this website in mobile and everytime I try to attach an image, the webpage crashes 😓.
I will :) Also letting you guys know that I had the faintest of a bfp however I won't believe it yet unless it gets darker. I also had bloody CM which scared the heck out of me! It's most likely implantation bleeding though which would also explain the sudden cramps. Hopefully it is implantation bleeding though because I really don't want another bfn and for AF to come :(

It's fine, Meridith. :) Either way, we're always here to chit chat or ask questions! So don't be shy.
Hi Merideth! Much like Pnut, I'm "new" to temping in that I don't do it yet and therefore don't know much about it; Kuji is our resident temperature expert :haha: 4 months probably seems like forever to you, but it's still very early in the ttc game to be extremely anxious or worried, I'm sure everything is just fine, but like everyone is saying, we're all over this board every day...feel free to post anything you are concerned about and we'll help if we can!

Kuji - :happydance: A faint BFP is super encouraging!! (even if it's too early to jinx it). I really really hope you got it this month! I've heard that women who get implantation bleeding almost always have some cramping that goes along with it...so...Eeeeek! Maybe! Do you have any other symptoms and when would your AF be due again? All the dust to you!!! :dust:

Pnut - so glad to hear that things are improving with your mom! I have a very difficult mother in a lot of regards and we haven't always gotten along very well, so I know exactly where you are coming from (I now live 1200 miles away from my parents, so that helps...we only see each other once or twice a year so everyone plays nice! :winkwink:). It will be great for you to have her more on board, I'm happy for you!

Beyond my 5/6 dpo bizarre uterine mambo (no idea what else to call that...) I've had absolutely zero symptoms....so weird! I felt completely normal yesterday and no symptoms today :coffee: (I think I'm now about 8 dpo). AF due in a week, I doubt I caught the eggy on this round but you're not out till you're out! CD 1 was July 26 for me, AF due on August 22nd...no idea when I should test (or IF I should test or just wait for AF...it's so hard though!!!) I'm sure I'll break down and buy a BBT and start temping next cycle when I'm going crazy with it all, but I'm trying to hold out one more month of not obsessing... we'll see!

Fingers Crossed for everyone and especially Miss Kuji!!!
I do too! This month wasn't easy as it was with all the BDing so if I could have this bfp, I'd be so happy! This was my 4th cycle trying and it hasn't always been easy. Like most of us I'm sure, I would get really disappointed and cry when I'd see a bfn.

Other than that, the only symptoms I have are sensitive nipples which usually happens before AF and cramps. However this cycle was different with tender breasts too, that's never happened. I also seemed to have a lot of cramping this month in gentle, usually light to general cramping, nothing serious. (unless you count the weird strong cramp I had during O :haha:)

If you decide to test, I would do it at minimum 7dpo however that's considered very early. I decided to start testing at 10dpo since from what my FF said "34.2% of positive pregnancy test are reported before 10 DPO" So I thought, why not? Most sites or conceiving plans recommend as close to 15dpo as possible though. Although I don't have a 15 day LP so that's why I went earlier.
All of that sounds very promising Kuji!! I think anything that seems out of the "ordinary" (sore breasts mid-cycle) is probably a pretty good indication of something, you know your body better than anyone...I know you don't want to get your hopes up but it all looks so positive!

I'm very lucky in that BD doesn't bother me really and it's usually fairly easy to get the DH on board with it (men! :shrug:), but it certainly can start feeling like a chore when you're just not that into it but the calendar says you gotta...

Last month was the first time I'd ever even used a HPT and seeing the BFN was a little disappointing for sure, but my stress level was SO high with the bar exam (3 non-consecutive days, 8 hours of testing a day, has about a 50% pass rate and costs over 3k every time you take it, don't even get results until October) that I just KNEW July would not be my month, even if I was pregnant briefly (who knows?) I assume that much stress early on would not make for a good viable pregnancy.
I'm going to try to hold off on testing and just see if AF rears her ugly head on the 21st/22nd or if I think I can feel her coming on...but Monday (17th) is my birthday, I'd be 10 dpo and may not be able to resist! (I know it's early though, so a BFN may not upset as much if I can still cling to a little hope...).
DRINK A TON OF WATER and relax my dear...all the good vibes beaming your way!
Well I definitely hope she doesn't show up and that hopefully you'll just need to test a little later! I believe in you! I hope things are much calmer for you so everything can happen as it should. I know how stress can mess things up with ovulation and etc.

But for a little good news, I was out all day with my sister to buy a FRER and to just accompany her as she shopped and got school supplies for her boys. I had barely drank all day and my bladder was full when I got home so I thought, why not? So I decided to test and..... :bfp:

AHHH! I'm just so shell shocked! I'm still shaking! Fourth month ttc but first month using the SMEP method and using pre-seed. Just... WOW! I couldn't ask for a better result! If any of you are thinking of trying SMEP, I recommend it!


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EEEEE!!!! There it is!!! :happydance: I'm so happy for you!!!
You're going to think I'm horribly uneducated about this...but SMEP? (My acronym illiteracy is showing....)
I already had to look up what pre-seed is :dohh:.

That's so encouraging! NOW...you must relax and enjoy things after so much stress ttc. You have to let me know what your dear SO says about it all! CONGRATS!!!
Haha it's alright! I'll link you to the bigger details. But in summary it's called the "Sperm meets egg plan" or, SMEP for short. You BD every two days starting on CD8. On CD10, you start taking OPK every day for 10 days(although I did it until my surge was lowering). As soon as you get a positive on your OPK, you BD three days in a row. After that you skip a day of BD and BD another time after. And that's it. It's tough work but we made it happen and it was worth it!

For it in better details, the link is here: click here

Trust me though, I will relax :blush: I'm just so excited and happy! Four cycles of trying for this baby but it was all worth it! :cloud9:
Kuji.... Thats awesome !!!!! Can't wait till your next test and hopefully it has a strong BFP line 😄😄... I could really use some positive news 😘

Andianna- hey thank you.. I know right.. 4 months is forever.. And I'm fed up already.. And my DH is leaving out of town next couple of months and possibly I ll be out of TTC 😕.

But I would love to read your stories and symptoms.. Keeps me hopeful !!

And guys.. Do you think 10 day of LP is too less?

I ll type down my temp details for last month.. Wish I could upload my chart !!

CD 14 - 97.15
CD 15 - 97.74
CD 16 - 97.40
CD 17 - 97.63
CD 18 - 97.74
CD 19 - 97.71
CD 20 - 97.97
CD 21 - 97.91

Then temps started falling down

CD 22 - 97.57
CD 23 - 97.37
CD 24 - 97.11

Next day AF showed 😓.

I'm glad I have u guys to share stuffs... Feels like my stress gets reduced already !!
Well I definitely hope she doesn't show up and that hopefully you'll just need to test a little later! I believe in you! I hope things are much calmer for you so everything can happen as it should. I know how stress can mess things up with ovulation and etc.

But for a little good news, I was out all day with my sister to buy a FRER and to just accompany her as she shopped and got school supplies for her boys. I had barely drank all day and my bladder was full when I got home so I thought, why not? So I decided to test and..... :bfp:

AHHH! I'm just so shell shocked! I'm still shaking! Fourth month ttc but first month using the SMEP method and using pre-seed. Just... WOW! I couldn't ask for a better result! If any of you are thinking of trying SMEP, I recommend it!

Yayyyy kuji !!!! I'm sooooo happpieeeee for you !!!! I just saw the post and it's awesome to see BFP 😄😄😄👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻....

Have an blessed and memorable 9 months journey.. Lotsa love 😘
Thank you! <3 I did a digital so it's super official :blush:

A 10 day LP is on the okay side from what I know, 10 being the minimum amount of days you should have (less than that and it's really short). However if you do want to lengthen it, there are ways to do it. I'll copy paste some info I found.

"Vitex (Chasteberry) – a native to Greece and Italy, vitex has been used for centuries to treat a wide range of female health conditions. Numerous studies show that it helps to restore normal progesterone levels by increasing the production of luteinizing hormone which prompts ovulation, ultimately increasing progesterone production. Vitex is available in capsules or tincture and the standard dosage is 1000mg/day. I like Fertility Blend, a proprietary blend of Vitex and other vitamins & minerals that has been proven to raise progesterone.

Saffron – yes, the same spice that you use in the kitchen. Saffron has been found to be effective in addressing symptoms of low progesterone such as painful periods, PMS and even depression. All you need is just 15mg/day of this bright yellow beauty.

Vitamin B6 – While the B-Complex vitamins have a profound effect on hormonal health, it is vitamin B6 that has been found to be most effective on the luteal phase. The suggested dose is 50-100mg a day, but no more than that as an excess has been found to cause nerve toxicity. I also suggest taking it in addition to a B-complex supplement since all the B’s work synergistically."

I'm sorry AF arrived though :hugs: But we're here for you for your next cycle so don't give up!
Thank you! <3 I did a digital so it's super official :blush:

A 10 day LP is on the okay side from what I know, 10 being the minimum amount of days you should have (less than that and it's really short). However if you do want to lengthen it, there are ways to do it. I'll copy paste some info I found.

"Vitex (Chasteberry) – a native to Greece and Italy, vitex has been used for centuries to treat a wide range of female health conditions. Numerous studies show that it helps to restore normal progesterone levels by increasing the production of luteinizing hormone which prompts ovulation, ultimately increasing progesterone production. Vitex is available in capsules or tincture and the standard dosage is 1000mg/day. I like Fertility Blend, a proprietary blend of Vitex and other vitamins & minerals that has been proven to raise progesterone.

Saffron – yes, the same spice that you use in the kitchen. Saffron has been found to be effective in addressing symptoms of low progesterone such as painful periods, PMS and even depression. All you need is just 15mg/day of this bright yellow beauty.

Vitamin B6 – While the B-Complex vitamins have a profound effect on hormonal health, it is vitamin B6 that has been found to be most effective on the luteal phase. The suggested dose is 50-100mg a day, but no more than that as an excess has been found to cause nerve toxicity. I also suggest taking it in addition to a B-complex supplement since all the B’s work synergistically."

I'm sorry AF arrived though :hugs: But we're here for you for your next cycle so don't give up!

Hey kuji... Yeah I did not see the tests pictures initially... It's sooper positive and happy for you.. !!

And thanks for all the details.. I might give these a try after a couple of cycles.

Take care and rest !! Glad u could escape the stress of TTC &#128541;. Stick around to connect with us &#128516;
Hi gals! *(and Kuji's peanut!)*;

Kuji - thanks for the SMEP info! There's also a place right around the corner from me that makes a saffron pho soup thingy...so I might try that and see if it helps with cramps if nothing else...sounds interesting! I'm a total dork and spend a lot of my time watching food documentaries and researching holistic stuff like that...which is not to say that I don't eat absolute crap food quite frequently (there's just no time to cook sometimes!). You absolutely MUST keep us posted on things as they progress. :winkwink:

Meredith - Sorry your DH will be absent for a bit...but maybe that'll give you time to get super ready for ttc! You can become our resident fertility expert and tell us all what we're missing! :haha:

I'm somewhere around 8 dpo and have zero symptoms (aside from that uterine weirdness at 5 dpo) so I think maybe I didn't catch the egg this round...but I've read a lot of women don't have any symptoms until even after a positive test. It can be discouraging trying to over analyze every twinge and headache so I think I'm not going to test and just see if AF shows on the 22nd (unless I start getting wacky symptoms out of the blue or something). I think I'll do one more month (September) without bothering with OPK or temping, but if it's a no-go after that I will probably pick up with all that stuff in October. Hope everyone is doing well!
OMG Kuji!! :dance: I am so happy for you! You have to tell us what your SO said/did when you told him!!

So sorry your DH will be gone for so long Meredith :hugs: Maybe it will give you a chance to just get to know your cycles better. I'm still learning mine again after having my IUD out.

I wish I had your will power Andianna! I've started temping and this is our second cycle. I haven't started using OPKs yet though. Maybe in a couple of cycles if we can't catch the eggy.
Andianna ... One of my friend got BFP last month and she still does not have anything close to a symptom of being pregnant. So it just depends on each individual. As far as what I learnt about TWW is to sit tight and relax &#128526;!!

Pnutprotector - thank you !! That's what I'm hoping too !!

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