Buddy wanted (early 20's)

I totally know what you mean.

My husband doesnt want to talk about it too much, eventhough I know he would LOVE a BFP now.

We have also been trying since March.

Good luck to you... when will you test?
When will you ladies be testing? I'm 7dpo now, and thinking about testing 11dpo...

I'm just tired of disappointment... do you think it's too early?

I ordered some Opk and PT online about two weeks ago, so just hope the online brand is also accurate.

Feels like everyone around me is getting pregnant, that hasnt really tried for so long, and Im SO glad for them, but I would like my BFP now.

My sister and I always said we wanted to be preggo together and now she is 13wks... hope I still catch her for a couple of months.

I CANT WAIT to see those two lines and start planning on how to tell my DH.

Oh daydreaming isnt doing me any good...lol

FX for all of us
I am going to try my best to wait till between 15-20 dpo if AF doesn't show up. I just personally don't want to play the "did I test too early?" game that I always put myself through. If you feel like you can handle it and you have the resources to keep testing I'd say 11 DPO is a decent time to start.

I know what you mean about just wanting those two lines and to start planning how to tell DH. I feel the same way, and would love to see them so I can start thinking about how to break the news to my 3 year old and talk to him about being a big brother.

As 'not-helfpul' as it is, I can't resist daydreaming either. It's just so pleasant to imagine my bump, and eventually a baby in my arms.

I really hope you can catch your sister by a few months, that would be really nice. Also, your babies could be close cousins which would be wonderful and you could lean on eachother through the trials of early motherhood. Crossing our fingers that we have caught our sticky beans and that we'll be getting our :bfp: 's soon.
I tested again this morning. I'm now 24 days late. But I got yet another bfn! Ugh!
I'm moping today. AF just showed up with some SERIOUS bleeding. I only had like a 6 or 7 luteal phase. Not good at all.
The BFN'S suck guys.

I think I'm 5dpo today but not too sure. My last cycle was 27 days which is normal but the two before that were around 37 so I'm just hoping.

Kempster- we started trying at around the same time!

I hope we all get our bfp's pretty soon! I'm soon edge for it
Hi all,

I think I'm going to test tomorrow. I'll be 13dpo I think. Well between 10-13 so hopefully I might show if it is going to be a BFP. I've felt a lot more hormonal this month and just feel a little different though if I get pregnant this cycle it might not be the best time.

I had my folio acid levels back this morning. I've been on perscriped folic acid for almost a year. Which is of a really high dosage. My bloods have shown up that I have virtually none in my system which is a bit f a problem as you all know especially TTC. It look like I don't absorb folic acid after all. I need to go back for a repeat blood yet in another week but if I don't get a BFP this month I might need to take a break for a little while until my levels have stabilised.
Hi all,

I think I'm going to test tomorrow. I'll be 13dpo I think. Well between 10-13 so hopefully I might show if it is going to be a BFP. I've felt a lot more hormonal this month and just feel a little different though if I get pregnant this cycle it might not be the best time.

I had my folio acid levels back this morning. I've been on perscriped folic acid for almost a year. Which is of a really high dosage. My bloods have shown up that I have virtually none in my system which is a bit f a problem as you all know especially TTC. It look like I don't absorb folic acid after all. I need to go back for a repeat blood yet in another week but if I don't get a BFP this month I might need to take a break for a little while until my levels have stabilised.

I have absolutely heard of :bfp: showing at 10 dpo, if your closer to 13 than it's even more probable. As for your folic acid levels, that's really unusual, is it not? I hope the test was a fluke and that your results from your next blood are better.

AFM, I'm on CD and just waiting for O. I'm expecting it to be in the next few days as last cycle I O'ed on CD 11 or 12. (FF friend changed it on me, but I know it was right in there somewhere based on temps, CM and cramping). Of course sometimes my cycle is really long and I don't think I O'ed until around CD 18-25, that was before I was temping consistently so it's hard to know.

I was really hoping my OPK's would be here by today so I could start testing, but my Amazon order hasn't come in, so if they don't come in before my temps and CM confirm O I guess i'll save them for next cycle.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend! :dust:
Okay, I gotta vent! It ended up i'm not pregnant, I was just 29 days late for AF...anyways, today my hubbys friends and his friends fiance was here. Well they just found out she is 6 weeks pregnant. I asked her if she was excited and she said...NO!! Can you believe that?? Why is it the people who don't want/need a baby get pregnant so easily! I was in shock and she goes i'll get more excited later on I guess..ugh. just so frustrating!
Okay, I gotta vent! It ended up i'm not pregnant, I was just 29 days late for AF...anyways, today my hubbys friends and his friends fiance was here. Well they just found out she is 6 weeks pregnant. I asked her if she was excited and she said...NO!! Can you believe that?? Why is it the people who don't want/need a baby get pregnant so easily! I was in shock and she goes i'll get more excited later on I guess..ugh. just so frustrating!

I'm so sorry to hear you were just late.:hugs: That awful :witch: is on the war-path this cycle.

As for the woman not being excited, I know just how frustrating that conversation can be. When I was pregnant with DS a friend of the family was also expecting and she did NOT want to be pregnant AT ALL. It really irked me because from our first ultrasound (to date the pregnancy) we found out that my son would be born with an abdominal wall defect called Gastroschisis. There was an opening in his belly right beside the umbilical cord, that his bowels protruded from. We knew he would need to be delivered by c-section and that he would have to have surgery immediately after birth and be in the NICU for an extended stay (ended up being 54 days, which isn't nearly as long as SOME Gastroschisis babies, but felt like an eternity). I was so frightened and had a really time with a high-risk pregnancy. It made me so mad to know that this girl who was having an easy pregnancy and whose baby was developing perfectly healthy didn't appreciate it at all.

Now that I am TTC #2 and it is taking a long time I am especially sensitive to pregnancy and birth announcements on facebook and in our social/family circles. Particularly, I have been quite annoyed as a girl that I have known since childhood but who is now struggling with addiction announced that she is pregnant, yet is NOT taking care of herself. She constantly posts pictures of herself at the bar (though I don't know that she is drinking) and doesn't seem to have changed her lifestyle at all. Her mother and her had a very public fight via the internet about her still testing positive for several substances and her response was that "it's my body, and my baby, i'll do what I want and it's nobody's business". While it's true that it's really not my business what she does, it hurts me to know that she isn't doing all she can to take care of her growing baby.

All we can do is actually feel sorry for these people who don't realize how lucky they are and what a miracle their babies are. The fact that we want it so badly will only make us appreciate our pregnancies and babies even more when it's our turn. I hope that you feel better soon, and that you know your not alone in the way you are feeling right now.

Hope this new cycle is better for you, and that you finally get that :bfp:
This month I have decided to do OPK's. I've never actually done them so i'm not sure on what to expect. I'm so nervous and I just want this SO badly as i'm sure so do you. I want to experience what pregnancy feels like. I want to be able to proudly say i'm pregnant and it was planned. I still can't get over what she said. I even talked to my hubby about it and he couldn't believe it either. I just don't understand why we have to try SO SO hard and it seems like whatever we do just doesn't work. I don't know why but i've been in a depression ever since AF hit and hearing her and what she had to say just didn't help at all!
Okay, I gotta vent! It ended up i'm not pregnant, I was just 29 days late for AF...anyways, today my hubbys friends and his friends fiance was here. Well they just found out she is 6 weeks pregnant. I asked her if she was excited and she said...NO!! Can you believe that?? Why is it the people who don't want/need a baby get pregnant so easily! I was in shock and she goes i'll get more excited later on I guess..ugh. just so frustrating!

I'm so sorry to hear you were just late.:hugs: That awful :witch: is on the war-path this cycle.

As for the woman not being excited, I know just how frustrating that conversation can be. When I was pregnant with DS a friend of the family was also expecting and she did NOT want to be pregnant AT ALL. It really irked me because from our first ultrasound (to date the pregnancy) we found out that my son would be born with an abdominal wall defect called Gastroschisis. There was an opening in his belly right beside the umbilical cord, that his bowels protruded from. We knew he would need to be delivered by c-section and that he would have to have surgery immediately after birth and be in the NICU for an extended stay (ended up being 54 days, which isn't nearly as long as SOME Gastroschisis babies, but felt like an eternity). I was so frightened and had a really time with a high-risk pregnancy. It made me so mad to know that this girl who was having an easy pregnancy and whose baby was developing perfectly healthy didn't appreciate it at all.

Now that I am TTC #2 and it is taking a long time I am especially sensitive to pregnancy and birth announcements on facebook and in our social/family circles. Particularly, I have been quite annoyed as a girl that I have known since childhood but who is now struggling with addiction announced that she is pregnant, yet is NOT taking care of herself. She constantly posts pictures of herself at the bar (though I don't know that she is drinking) and doesn't seem to have changed her lifestyle at all. Her mother and her had a very public fight via the internet about her still testing positive for several substances and her response was that "it's my body, and my baby, i'll do what I want and it's nobody's business". While it's true that it's really not my business what she does, it hurts me to know that she isn't doing all she can to take care of her growing baby.

All we can do is actually feel sorry for these people who don't realize how lucky they are and what a miracle their babies are. The fact that we want it so badly will only make us appreciate our pregnancies and babies even more when it's our turn. I hope that you feel better soon, and that you know your not alone in the way you are feeling right now.

Hope this new cycle is better for you, and that you finally get that :bfp:

Oh wow, you have certainly been through a lot. Luckily your boy is now healthy and can be so happy and proud that he has a mommy who loves and cares for him. It's so sad that people who don't want of abuse there bodies while pregnant get pregnant, only to go on with that lifestyle while and after pregnancy. The witch has also shown up on friday, but I was only 3 days and extremely light, normaly I'm heavy and 5 days. Anyway, better luck next month for all of us. I know that our little sticky beans will be more than worth the wait, but at the same time it's so frustrating I know. Good luck to you all, and I believe that October we will at least get one BFP... heck maybe all of us ;-P
hello ladies:) could I please join you:)
I am 23, and ttc my second baby. im on cycle 4 now, Ovulating today, so really hoping this will be my month, so nervous though, like I already feel im going to see that BFN.
:hi: welcome Cherie. I know a few unsuccessful cycles can really get you down and start making you dread the :bfn: before you even officially in the TWW, but the best thing you can do is try to stay positive and hope that THIS will be your cycle. Do you do any temping or charting or opk's or anything? Just curious as to what you've tried/are doing so far.

Kempster- It really was a scary time, but he's a happy healthy little guy. I feel like going through it and waiting so long to bring him home made us appreciate it even more when we finally got to have him home with us. Not that we wouldn't have loved him just as much if things had gone smoothly, but I feel like we just waited so long for him to be with us 24/7 that we never experienced any of the loss of freedom or anything like that some of my friends who had babies around the same age seemed to go through.

The experience really matured us and made us realize what a miracle having a healthy baby really, really is. I can't believe he's 3 already. It goes by so quick. Now I'd just LOVE to give him a brother or sister to love and cuddle and play with. I can't wait to experience pregnancy and have a newborn all over again, and hopefully things will go a bit smoother when I finally catch that sticky bean and I can really settle in and enjoy every moment of us.

Sorry the :witch: got you, but glad it wasn't a horribly heavy or long one. I totally understand and sympathize with the frustration. I have a really good feeling about October as well. Lets see lots of :bfp: 's!!! Sending good vibes and baby dust to everyone :dust:
I do feel so discouraged:( and I feel like in just starting to obsess. Praying please let next cycle be my cycle. All in all, I really feel like im going nuts. I know I haven't been trying long at all, but im so paranoid, I just keep thinking OMG what if there is more to this whole thing, What if il never fall pregnant naturally. Then I go onto google, read all about secondary infertility and I freak myself out even more, :(
Then in my next breath I say to myself, ok be positive this is going to happen this month and then I think again... what if I get all positive and happy just to see AF again. THis is a rollercoaster ride for sure,

Im temping and using OPK's. Got my pos OPK on sunday so think I ovulated yesterday, Waiting to see what my temps do tomorrow morning to confirm it. Howevere I feel I may stop temping once iv confirmed ovulation each month as I feel I obsess about it.
Do I sound weird..:haha:

Iv aslo used pre-seed the last cycle and this cycle, so lets see. Im going to try wait till AF is due to test. Last month I wasted so much money on tests.. And the worst is I could have sworn all of them had lines :blush::haha:
I do feel so discouraged:( and I feel like in just starting to obsess. Praying please let next cycle be my cycle. All in all, I really feel like im going nuts. I know I haven't been trying long at all, but im so paranoid, I just keep thinking OMG what if there is more to this whole thing, What if il never fall pregnant naturally. Then I go onto google, read all about secondary infertility and I freak myself out even more, :(
Then in my next breath I say to myself, ok be positive this is going to happen this month and then I think again... what if I get all positive and happy just to see AF again. THis is a rollercoaster ride for sure,

Im temping and using OPK's. Got my pos OPK on sunday so think I ovulated yesterday, Waiting to see what my temps do tomorrow morning to confirm it. Howevere I feel I may stop temping once iv confirmed ovulation each month as I feel I obsess about it.
Do I sound weird..:haha:

Iv aslo used pre-seed the last cycle and this cycle, so lets see. Im going to try wait till AF is due to test. Last month I wasted so much money on tests.. And the worst is I could have sworn all of them had lines :blush::haha:

First of all, Google is a monster. I am constantly googling things having to do with TTC and it just freaks me out most of the time. Sure, I find good and useful information, but the amount of conflicting and scary stuff out there just makes me insane with worry. I feel like a hypochondriac.

Secondly, you don't sound weird to me. I OBSESS over my temps, but since I'm not using OPK's yet (waiting for my amazon order to come in) and i have really irregular cycles it's the best way for me to confirm O and predict it in the next cycle. Also, I totally identify with your fears about secondary infertility. My DS was a surprise, so this is my first attempt at TTC, and your right, you havent been trying that long compared to some ladies (this is my 14th cycle) but it still hurts to see those :bfn: 's, or to find out your NOT preggo when you think you've seen lines. I have had months where I have wasted SOOOOO much money on tests because I absolutely thought I was pregnant. TTC take a toll whether you've been trying one cycle or 20, so don't feel badly that it's making you a little nuts or that your getting discouraged.

I'm also pretty sure I O'ed yesterday or today (leaning towards yesterday) but waiting for temps to confirm. What cycle day are you on, out of curiousity?

I know it's hard but all you can do is try your best to stay positive and look at each cycle as a new beginning and a new chance to try.:hugs:
ah thanks for those kind words hun, See it already helps to talk about these things with ladies in the same position.

Im on CD16 today. Last cycle I ovulated on CD 13, my cycle ranges from 28-30 day cycle so look like this one is 30days, As long as I ovulate im not to concerned about that. Last month I had a gradual spike, This month if im right with ovulation I should have quite a nice rise tomorrow to confirm ov.
I was so excited when I got my Positive OPK, :happydance:

I read your story about your son, So so thrilled that everything turned out great for you. I will def have my fingers crossed for you till you get your BFP!

Iv read so many things that having a positive mind is the first step, so that's what im trying this month.. Even though its hard some days.

and you know whats so funny.. people are falling pregnant left right and centre around me. Everywhere I look and I just sigh.

So im crossing fingers for all us ladies.. BFP's in October.. :thumbup:
Hello ladies, I am new to this and wouldn't mind a buddy if anyone wants to take me on :)
I am 24. And TTC my #2 although DH #1.
We've been trying for over 2years.

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