Buddy wanted (early 20's)

Sorry so honey, :( Im so so nervous, I have not tested yet, 10 dpo. Took everything I had not to go buy a test today, 4 More days to go.
Sorry so honey, :( Im so so nervous, I have not tested yet, 10 dpo. Took everything I had not to go buy a test today, 4 More days to go.

Have got my fingers crossed for you! Have you noticed any different symptoms?
Keep yourself busy this weekend and before you know it it'll be testing day!:thumbup:
Keep us posted :flow:
not really sure, don't want to jinx myself, :dohh:
I feel really tired, and quite dizzy but that's about it, My boobs are still very sore, but that's a normal symptom for me.
Oh please lord don't let AF show her face. :af:

Juan and I are going out together tonight so that should keep me busy, just have to get through one more work day tomorrow, the weekend will be fine as im always cleaning or doing something.

I will def keep you all updated. :hugs:
Im Out ladies. AF got me early, Arg no im devastated, :( I feel like I cant do another month, I know iv only being trying 4 months but gosh I cant go through this another minute, :( Its consuming every thing I do, every thought, I know il cry today and feel better tomorrow, oh man
Im Out ladies. AF got me early, Arg no im devastated, :( I feel like I cant do another month, I know iv only being trying 4 months but gosh I cant go through this another minute, :( Its consuming every thing I do, every thought, I know il cry today and feel better tomorrow, oh man

:hugs: so sorry Hun :( seems October wasn't our month!!
I know how you feel believe me I do, been trying for a long time now and part of me keeps wondering if its ever going to happen.
Keep your chin up though and try not to put too much stress on it, I think that's partly where I go wrong. :sex: feels like a chore sometimes. Lol

Little thing I keep telling myself.....
Never give up on something you really want,
It's difficult to wait.....but even harder to regret! :dust:
It will happen when it's meant to.... :) ill always be here to talk to :thumbup:
Hi guys,

I've been avoiding this for a while. Its tortourous really to try and come on here when im just so focused on trying to get pregnant.

I've had my bloods back for my folic acid and my levels still havent gone up all that much. They've just increased the dose again and they've looked at the possibility of a child for me with spina bifida. Genetically there is nothing to increase the chances so they have said it is safe for me to continue TTC'ing and ive been given the number for a really good genetic counsellor if i feel i want to talk about the chances of us having a child with the condition.

I havent really been keeping track of this cycle at all. We've been DTD'ing when we can. We were a wedding Friday and stayed out for the night so we were doing it quite a lot and I ovulate on Monday so we'll see. I don't know. Getting pregnant this month would be great as I'll be exactly 12 weeks on the 23rd which would be amazing to tell everyone but since we started trying in March I was kind of already hoping to be well on my way to having a child right now.

How this is going to work out I don't know. I've always had this little idea in my head of my little girl being born on the 1st August. We would call her Esmee and I've never been really able to get the picture out of my mind but we'll see.
Hey Littleone, I really hope this is your month:) Keep us updated, I know just how you feel, Last month I thought I could give my fiancé a positive test on his bday, well that never happened, and this month has been a rollercoaster ride for me. Do you temp or use OPK's?:flower:

Li24 - Thanks so much for those kind words hun, :)
This month I wont use OPK's they working out quite expensive. Il temp again until ov is confirmed then il stop, Really going to try enjoy this month.:coffee:

On a positive note, My Fiancé and I booked our wedding, and I just recieved my save the date magnets yesterday so its official next year march 15th im getting married.. YAY I really cant wait!:happydance:

How is everyone feeling otherwise??
Morning Ladies. :flower:
So I never mentioned this yesterday as I just did not want to jinx myself. On Friday when I thought my period had started it was brown spotting which usually happens when I get AF, it continued through to Saturday morning but around 10am saturday it was completely gone so I thought hmm, that's weird, anyways, Tuesday came (the day I was actually due) and no period, I was extremely dizzy and such intense sharp cramping on my left side. On my ay home I contemplated picking up a test, but I thought what the hell, I picked one up and when I got home I took the test. BEHOLD 2 lines, a :bfp: OMG im pregnant yay. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Today I woke up with a huge fever blister, but the people iv spoke to say your immune system lowers when you get pregnant so its a good sign.

Baby dust to everyone. :dust:


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Morning Ladies. :flower:
So I never mentioned this yesterday as I just did not want to jinx myself. On Friday when I thought my period had started it was brown spotting which usually happens when I get AF, it continued through to Saturday morning but around 10am saturday it was completely gone so I thought hmm, that's weird, anyways, Tuesday came (the day I was actually due) and no period, I was extremely dizzy and such intense sharp cramping on my left side. On my ay home I contemplated picking up a test, but I thought what the hell, I picked one up and when I got home I took the test. BEHOLD 2 lines, a :bfp: OMG im pregnant yay. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Today I woke up with a huge fever blister, but the people iv spoke to say your immune system lowers when you get pregnant so its a good sign.

Baby dust to everyone. :dust:

CONGRATS! So exciting!:)

I'm excited this month. I'm just really happy and not stressed. This month would also be perfect as my husband and I do not give christmas cards before christmas and give them with the gifts like you do on a birthday so we could put the picture of our 12 week scan in the cards! I would be 12 weeks on the 23rd so thats my goal. I'm 3 days DPO now so we can only hope and see!
Hi do u guys mind if I join I too? I'm 24 (25 in jan). I'm TTC number one. Iv just finished 6 months of zoladex for endometriosis which put my body into a menopause for the time I was on it. That finished on Friday (12th) so just waiting to ovulate now. Hoping that it happens quickly so that my endo pain doesn't come back but I'm already worried as getting some abdo cramping. It started off on left side but keeps moving from one side to the other.

Baby dust to u all xx
Hey there. Hopefully you'll be ovulating soon!

I'm in my 8th cycle right now and it's starting to become more upsetting! Only 4 more cycles after this before I have to go to my doctor though so that is something to look ahead to and at least I know that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Morning Ladies. :flower:
So I never mentioned this yesterday as I just did not want to jinx myself. On Friday when I thought my period had started it was brown spotting which usually happens when I get AF, it continued through to Saturday morning but around 10am saturday it was completely gone so I thought hmm, that's weird, anyways, Tuesday came (the day I was actually due) and no period, I was extremely dizzy and such intense sharp cramping on my left side. On my ay home I contemplated picking up a test, but I thought what the hell, I picked one up and when I got home I took the test. BEHOLD 2 lines, a :bfp: OMG im pregnant yay. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Today I woke up with a huge fever blister, but the people iv spoke to say your immune system lowers when you get pregnant so its a good sign.

Baby dust to everyone. :dust:

Hey cherieb05..... Sorry I've not been around I've been away clearing my head lol
Massive congratulations on your :bfp: how did df take it?
So so happy for you!!!
And on the wedding 3 days before my birthday :)

I'm excited this month. I'm just really happy and not stressed. This month would also be perfect as my husband and I do not give christmas cards before christmas and give them with the gifts like you do on a birthday so we could put the picture of our 12 week scan in the cards! I would be 12 weeks on the 23rd so thats my goal. I'm 3 days DPO now so we can only hope and see!

That would be a great way to announce :)
Fingers crossed for you :dust:
Hi do u guys mind if I join I too? I'm 24 (25 in jan). I'm TTC number one. Iv just finished 6 months of zoladex for endometriosis which put my body into a menopause for the time I was on it. That finished on Friday (12th) so just waiting to ovulate now. Hoping that it happens quickly so that my endo pain doesn't come back but I'm already worried as getting some abdo cramping. It started off on left side but keeps moving from one side to the other.

Baby dust to u all xx

Hi there :flower: fingers crossed for you to ovulate soon!
Haha I put lots of thought in how im going to announce every month! It is sort of like a creative idea.

Just a question do you guys have names for your future children? DH and I have been discussing them a lot recently and I've discovered I'm a lot more traditional than he is (though i should have known that after our wedding disaster!)

Is 8dpo too early to test? I'm itching to POAS and may not be able to stop myself!
Haha I put lots of thought in how im going to announce every month! It is sort of like a creative idea.

Just a question do you guys have names for your future children? DH and I have been discussing them a lot recently and I've discovered I'm a lot more traditional than he is (though i should have known that after our wedding disaster!)

Is 8dpo too early to test? I'm itching to POAS and may not be able to stop myself!

Could be too early, however if you do and get a negative don't give up as it could be just too early!
I have thrown all my tests away, until December....going to give myself a month of not thinking about TTC (well try to)
However I know I am due to ovulate anyway now....
I tested yesterday at 9dpo and got an evap.

I'm testing tomorrow hopefully so I can try to give some more time for the HCG to build up (if there is any). This month has just been really uneventful. I haven't really had any symptoms to suggest either way. I'm due on my ad on Monday and I'm not grouchy, my skin hasn't gotten greasy but I don't feel 'pregnant' either!!!
Lii24 - thank you so much hun, I recently told my family so everyone knows now. Everything is still going good. Im craving melted cheese, So off to get myself a pizza. mm

Little one - good luck honey, Il def. be stalking to see if you get that BFP:), ALl my symptoms were exactly like AF symptoms, I was so shocked when I saw that BFP.

How is everyone else?


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