Buddy wanted (early 20's)

Hello ladies, I am new to this and wouldn't mind a buddy if anyone wants to take me on :)
I am 24. And TTC my #2 although DH #1.
We've been trying for over 2years.

:hi: welcome Lii! I'd love to buddy up, this is shaping up to be a nice supportive upbeat thread! We have a lot in common, I am also 24 and TTC #2. I am on my 14th cycle so you have been trying just a bit longer than me. Do you have a son or a daughter? I have a 3 year old boy. Do you chart or do any temping at all?

Wishing you lots of good luck and babydust. :dust:
ah thanks for those kind words hun, See it already helps to talk about these things with ladies in the same position.

Im on CD16 today. Last cycle I ovulated on CD 13, my cycle ranges from 28-30 day cycle so look like this one is 30days, As long as I ovulate im not to concerned about that. Last month I had a gradual spike, This month if im right with ovulation I should have quite a nice rise tomorrow to confirm ov.
I was so excited when I got my Positive OPK, :happydance:

I read your story about your son, So so thrilled that everything turned out great for you. I will def have my fingers crossed for you till you get your BFP!

Iv read so many things that having a positive mind is the first step, so that's what im trying this month.. Even though its hard some days.

and you know whats so funny.. people are falling pregnant left right and centre around me. Everywhere I look and I just sigh.

So im crossing fingers for all us ladies.. BFP's in October.. :thumbup:

Thanks, I'm really trying to stay positive too.

I think I O'd on CD 11 and today is cd 13 and I am having some red bleeding, not af and a little more than spotting, so I'm not sure WHAT is going on with my cycle right now. Last cycle I o'ed on cycle day 11 or 12, and i didnt do an opk but i had good CM for a few days, cramps on CD 11 and a temp dip, they've stayed up the bast 2 days..its definitely too soon for AF..ugh, i hope it's nothing sinister.

I really hope October is our month and that we get :BFP:'s for sure. We could be bump buddies and we'd have summer babies.:thumbup:
Hey ladies, it seems I'm not the only one who was dissapointed in September but let's hope October is our month :D I had a girl in my group of friends who has fallen pregnant and I was happy for her but there was still the little pinch of jealousy! *sigh* I'm trying not to think about falling pregnant so much now and just enjoying time with DH :) Baby dust to everyone! X
:hi: welcome Lii! I'd love to buddy up, this is shaping up to be a nice supportive upbeat thread! We have a lot in common, I am also 24 and TTC #2. I am on my 14th cycle so you have been trying just a bit longer than me. Do you have a son or a daughter? I have a 3 year old boy. Do you chart or do any temping at all?

Wishing you lots of good luck and babydust. :dust:[/QUOTE]

Hiya :) how are you?
I have a little boy who will be 3 on the 16th!
I haven't started temping, and by charting you mean ? (sorry still new at getting to know the lingo) but have been using opks. Pretty sure I Ov'd 21st sep. which was CD 15 I'm now CD 27 typical Cycle is between 29-31 days.
Haven't had any signs of AF as of yet.
Have been having some signs which I'm trying not to read to much into.
Becoming a bit obsessed lol!

:dust: to everyone xx
Aidensmama - ah sorry your cycle is giving you grey hairs hun... Iv read a few things about some woman bleeding a little after ovulation, Or maybe mid cycle bleeding?
Im officially in my TWW - I got the cross lines on my chart this morning so im 3DPO. I have the worst headache ever. I usually only get these 1 day b4 AF, But trying not to symptom spot,
So seen as I am sure I ovulated I think I might not temp the rest of the month, I feel that it consumes my whole day and what ever my temp does I really look into that the whole day, what do you think.
And... Def not going to test till Tuesday the 15th Oct (gosh that seems so far away) we are going to get out BFP's:thumbup:

Honeycomb - Hi there hun.xx good luck for this month, how far are you in your new cycle? I can relate to the feeling jealous part.. Every one around me is falling preggers, Its not fair, Im really trying to stay positive this month, every other month iv doubted it.:flower:

Lii24 - hello hello:flower: you're so close to knowing.. so lucky iv only started this tww. so long to go!:dohh: good luck hope you get your BFP:thumbup:
Hello cherieb05, :) don't you think trying not to symptom spot is hard? Lol I seem to be reading into so much these last few days.
Today I have had a headache since waking up....I never get headaches!
However it could be AF I suppose?
Good luck with your TWW try to keep your mind off it :)

Good luck to all you ladies I shall be keeping up with posts
ahh its so hard, one minute I feel good about this cycle the next im like ah screw it haha.. I always get this bad thumping headache in my forehead/temples before af, Like 1-2 days before, That's how I knew I was out last month. But iv got this headache today and very early for AF,No other symptoms yet,

Its so hot here today so maybe my headache is from that, who knows.

Good luck to you 2. holding thumbs xx :)
Lii. By charting I meant like tracking your symptoms, or even cycle dates, cervical mucus quality (and you said you dont do your temps at all) on a paper chart or a calendar or a charting program or website like Ovufriend or Fertility Friend.

My Ovulation Chart

You can see my charting page on FF if you click that link

My Ovulation Chart


I haven't used OPK's before, but I'm going to start next cycle if I don't get a :bfp: this time. Temping has been pretty good for me at helping to figure out whats going on in my cycle, as long as I can wake up at the same time everyday.

Cherie- The bleeding was pretty much gone by late afternoon/evening yesterday and it went watery pink. Today my CM is pretty much dry and no blood, so I'm guessing it was just a really strong ovulation and I had like strong spotting. I'm 3 dpo as well! FF gives me a projected test date of October 19, but I'm going to try and hold out as long as possible so I don't obsess over whether or not it's too early and could be skewing my results. I want to be sure!

I hope we get :bfp: 's and get to be bump buddies!

Good luck and baby dust ladies :dust:
Aidensmama- sorry for making you explain :blush:
Yes I track my symptoms, cycle dates and also CM
If no :BFP: this cycle I will be starting from next to temp.
Do you find it best to do it upon waking ? Or other time during the day?
I recently had a HSG so I'm now beginning to wonder whether this could be messing up my hormones?

Could your bleed have been related to implantation? Or was it to early?

Got everything crossed that this is our month ladies :thumbup: :dust:
Aidensmama- sorry for making you explain :blush:
Yes I track my symptoms, cycle dates and also CM
If no :BFP: this cycle I will be starting from next to temp.
Do you find it best to do it upon waking ? Or other time during the day?
I recently had a HSG so I'm now beginning to wonder whether this could be messing up my hormones?

Could your bleed have been related to implantation? Or was it to early?

Got everything crossed that this is our month ladies :thumbup: :dust:

No need to apologize. I don't mind explaining. Answering questions gives me something to take my mind off obsessing about my own cycle.:thumbup:

For the best results temps taken directly upon waking seem to be the most accurate, and I've learned that not taking them at the same time everyday can throw them off too.

I'm not sure if and hsg could be throwing off your hormones, but maybe someone else could give you insight on that. Perhaps start a thread about it in TCC forum and another lady who's had one could share her experience?

My spotting was more likely due to ovulation. Implantation might be a few days away.
Morning ladies :hugs:
Or it could be afternoon or night :wacko:
How are we all doing?
Morning :)
Im doing good Much better today, Headache is gone, don't have much cramping or anything today, im actually in a pretty good mood, :happydance:

Im so glad its weekend. When im at work all I do is google, least the weekend I stay busy and not focus on the symptoms so much. :haha:

Do any of you ladies take any vitamins? Im on prenatals + folic acid, and DH started on Zinc, Vitamin e, d, c and folic acid too about 2.5 weeks ago.

Aidensmama - At least you know you ovulated for sure.:thumbup: that's a good thing. Cant wait to test!!.
It's morning for me now. Just having a nice big plate of pancakes and syrup. Yum:thumbup:

4dpo today (confirmed by temps and CM) and nothing to report really. I just feel restless. I am fairly sure I O'ed as far as my CM, a little spotting and cramping i think was O related, and my temps dip and then spiked and have stayed above/at coverline. They aren't rising significantly at this point, but I did wake up a bit early today and yesterday. Not much but a couple of hours, so that could account for why they aren't continuing to go up. I am trying not to obsess, but it's hard. I am in a constant battle between psyching myself up thinking maybe this will be the cycle i get a :bfp: and then getting all doubtful and thinking that it's probably not. Only thing to do at this point is wait and see. Definitely starting OPK's next cycle so I can feel more SURE about ovulating/ which CD it happens for sure.

Right now I'm only taking b6 and an OTC prenatal. I really want to lengthen my LP so I'm going to add vitex and discuss trying an OTC progesterone cream with my doc depending on how my bloodwork comes back in a few weeks.
It's morning for me now. Just having a nice big plate of pancakes and syrup. Yum:thumbup:

4dpo today (confirmed by temps and CM) and nothing to report really. I just feel restless. I am fairly sure I O'ed as far as my CM, a little spotting and cramping i think was O related, and my temps dip and then spiked and have stayed above/at coverline. They aren't rising significantly at this point, but I did wake up a bit early today and yesterday. Not much but a couple of hours, so that could account for why they aren't continuing to go up. I am trying not to obsess, but it's hard. I am in a constant battle between psyching myself up thinking maybe this will be the cycle i get a :bfp: and then getting all doubtful and thinking that it's probably not. Only thing to do at this point is wait and see. Definitely starting OPK's next cycle so I can feel more SURE about ovulating/ which CD it happens for sure.

Right now I'm only taking b6 and an OTC prenatal. I really want to lengthen my LP so I'm going to add vitex and discuss trying an OTC progesterone cream with my doc depending on how my bloodwork comes back in a few weeks.

I know the feeling, I constantly am having the battle against whether this is the month or not.
However this month I have had some symptoms that I don't usually have before AF so think my head has gone slightly more towards hmmm could this be it?
I would definitely suggest opks
, there not for everyone however I find them great.

AF is due tomoro, had a slight spotting incident early this morning, only when wiped (sorry TMI) slowly losing hope that I'll get my :bfp: :(
Haven't said anything to DH though as he has been saying for days how he thinks I look different more radiant/ glowing. Think he is secretly getting his hopes up as well.

Fingers crossed ladies!!!
Me too!!! I'm 29 ttc after an ectopic pregnancy five months ago.
hey ladies
How is everyone feeling.
7dpo today, I have not felt much at all, Just tender bbs but I get that every cycle on the sides after ovulation,
1 week to go...:wacko:
Hi everyone. Has anyone ever experienced constant twitching in the lower abdomen while ovulating? Like twitching so much you can feel it when you put your hand on your stomach?
Hey Sparkles1991 - I don't feel twitching to that extent, but I can definitely feel when im ovulating, or about to, I get sharp pains in that spot.
I'm not sure what was going on with my body. It was extremely weird
Well I'm out :( silly :witch: got me!! Was so sure of it this month x

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