Bump buddy due end of April/early May, over 30, baby#1


Mom of 1
May 7, 2011
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Hello, got my very first BFP. Looking for some bump buddies to go along in this journey.
That sounds like me. I'm 33, just found out three days ago I'm pregnant, it's my first. In fact, we're getting married in three weeks. We just figured we'd give it a shot this month, figuring it wouldn't work. We both have fertility issues in the family and thought getting one month of trying under our belt would be great in case we needed to get some fertility help in the future. Surprise! Hope the morning sickness at least waits until the honeymoon, lol!

What has it been like for you the past few days? I've mostly been reading everything, and being astonished at the rates of miscarriage, keeping my fingers crossed that things stick!
Hi ladies, I am looking for some buddies too and think I fit in this category! I am 30, 5 weeks pregnant with # 1.. Due date is late April some time. I did have a miscarriage about 2 1/2 years ago and have not been pregnant since. Would love to hear how you guys are doing right now? I don't have my first scan until next week, 6 weeks, 2 days and just nervous with the waiting game!
Hi ladies!

@inza, congrats on the wedding and have fun on the honeymoon. It's the best part of the wedding. I hope you don't get morning sickness at all!

@petey, hopefully everything will be fine this time around.

As for me, it's my very first BFP and reading all the stats on first pregnancies and miscarriages is freaking me out! I find myself going to the bathroom a lot just to make sure AF hasn't arrived... And I keep checking the HPTs to make sure I read them right. AF was due today or tomorrow. Nothing yet, and of course I'm sill POAS and still showing BFP.

Tomorrow will be my first dr's appointment. But other than that nothing much else for me. Just have the sore BBs like I always do before AF, as well super bloated, which is norm sometimes. Biggest thing bothering me now is my back, as well I'm very tired and have been feeling like I've been hit by a truck when I first get up.
@ Christinapo - same here. My period was due yesterday and all day I kept checking. I've taken an AM and sometime PM preg test for the past 5 days in a row. It's a special kind of crazy ;-)

So hard not to think about the miscarriage. But I found stats that clearly state that after 4 wks (when you pass the point your period is due) your m/c risk drops to 10% and then continues to fall through the first trimester. So we've both crossed that threshold.
Hi Ladies...
CHristinapo- Hope your doctor appointment yesterday went well. Did they do an ultrasound this early or is it more for all the bloodwork and blood pregnancy test? Either way, good luck

Lnza10- Yes congrats on the wedding and honeymoon! At least you have the those two great things ahead of you to hopefully keep your mind off the "waiting" game!

I am 5 weeks as of yesterday and just got my third blood Hcg test done. So far my levels are increasing as they should.. HCG was 5,708 yesterday up from 453 last Wednesday! So that made me happy although my first ultra sound is not until next week :( So far I have sore boobs and lots of cramping, pulling and twinges in my lower abdomen, but no morning sickness or food aversions/cravings etc.

I am super nervous b/c when I was pregnant last time I had REALLY sore boobs (like husband don't even breathe on them or they would hurt) and definitely had food adversions and morning sickness. This time around, everything is more subdued.. BUT I guess I should just be happy and trust that my body can and will do what it is supposed to :) And like you said, risk is down to 10% after 4 weeks so those are good odds ladies!

Lnza10- When will your doctor see you? Before the wedding I hope??!
PS.. I should clarify that when I said I was pregnant last time, that was before my miscarriage at 7 weeks...! Definitely still trying for # 1!
So my doc appointment was uneventful. Just had a urine test done and then went over a bunch of details about future tests and such. My doc doesn't like to do any testing until minimum 6 weeks. She says there's nothing they could do at this point to change anything that were to happen so no need. So I've got another appointment setup for full tests. Blood, pap, urine, oral swabs... I think that's it!

Can't remember when she said we would do the scan, but that's the day I'm counting down till. I think only then will I believe this is really happening... Or maybe if morning sickness starts, but I'd rather not!

@lnza, glad to hear I'm down to just 10%. Phew... But its all so new to me andi thiknim still a little shocked that I'm still just waiting for AF to appear... Let's hope not.
Can I join in with some bump buddies? I'm a little further gone by about a week or two but could really use some support. I'm 31 and am also getting married in 2 months!
Can I join in with some bump buddies? I'm a little further gone by about a week or two but could really use some support. I'm 31 and am also getting married in 2 months!

Of course, join on in! :thumbup: Congrats on both the BFP and wedding!!! So how are you feeling? What tests or scans have you done?
Welcome Digby! and congrats on the BFP and upcoming wedding!

Christinapo- Sounds like your dr visit was good even though its so tough to wait to actually see something! My doctor said the same thing.. can't do anything until 6 weeks. But I did get my HCG levels checked 3 times already and my progesterone twice. My progesterone was low so I am on suppositories now.

So, its hard to decide if I feel pregnant b/c of the pregnancy or b/c of the progesterone pills! Arrgggh... So frustrating.. But I am officially 5 weeks and 2 days and no sign of morning sickness yet.. but my stomach is "off" but I can't really say that I feel nauseous.. I do have sore boobs though and pretty darn fatigued most days at work!

How about you ladies? How are you feeling?? Any of you guys find something that helps calm the nerves of the 'wait?"
So how's everybody doing?
Not much new in the symptom department to report, just ongoing heaviness/mild crampiness in my lower abdomen that I've had since about 7DPO. I find that I'm waking up each morning asking myself if I'm nauseated yet. Somehow I think it will be pretty obvious if that happens! Anyone having any morning/all day sickness yet?

@ Digby, congrats on the wedding. Ours is in 2.5 weeks. Yikes! I'll let you know how the fake drinking thing goes, hope I can keep it a secret.
i have mild sickness heavy bbs and cant stop sneezing (dont know if pregnancy related or not ) xx
Congrats babyoneill!

My symptoms are none really. Just feel like PMS but my BBs are super sore. They would always be super sore right before AF, but now they're heavy, really really sore, and unless my eyes are playing tricks... Might be getting bigger too!

@lnza... I'm also dreading morning sickness. My mom had it really bad with her first and I'm hoping I'm not the same. I've read though somewhere that only 50% women get morning sickness.
Congrats babyoneill and welcome! I too have very sore boobs.. especially on the outside.. They are definitely bigger and heavy and I am starting to see the blue veins too! I have a pretty small chest so I am sort of enjoying the larger boobs ;) Other than that, just mild cramping and fatigue.. I too WISH that I had morning sickness to tell me that all is going well in there! But I am sure if I get it, I will wish that I had never wished for it!
@ Lnza10 - I had a big dinner last night with all my girl friends (who I am not telling yet) and got there early and ordered club soda with lime. Told all my friends it was gin and soda which is my drink anyway... I also told the waiter ahead of time my 'situation" so when I would order a gin and soda, he would bring me just a club soda with lime.. It worked like a charm and none of my friends knew! Probably will be more difficult at a wedding when all eyes are on you, but hopefully you can find a way to fake it!
PS.. babyoneill, I saw on another post that I was reading that you have your first dr. scan on the 31st? I do too!! That day can't come soon enough! Oh, and I have had pretty bad cramping/stabbing pains as well and the doctor said its all good as long as thereis no bleeding, or sever dizziness/fever etc...
Yeah, I think I'll have to ask the hubby-to-be to sort something out with the bartender, he will be my official drink getter. Otherwise, there are a few events over the weekend where I can take a glass of wine and fiddle with it, I never finish a glass of wine anyways, so that wouldn't look strange.

Got my first HCG by the way, at 16 DPO it was 263, hard to know what that means with only one level, but I'll take it! Have any of you had betas done?
Hi Can I please join? I'm 32 and we are due with our first around 22nd April. No major symptoms just mild cramping (off & on) and feeling hungry / thirsty a lot! Have seen the doctor to confirm my pregnancy but thats about it so far. I feeling exciting and scared at the moment!!

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