Bump Buddy Wanted - EDD 29 July, UK, Previous MC


Mom to 2 wonderful boys
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi All :hi:

I'm so excited to be here! :happydance:

I am looking for a bump buddy to share symptoms, experiences, and worries with! I had a mc at 10 weeks in July and now after our 4th cycle of trying I am soooo happy to be expecting a July baby! I would love to share my experiences over the next 7 months with someone but most of all I would love to have a shared understanding with someone who has had a previous mc/mmc too and understands the worries that now come with this pregnancy. :thumbup:

I live with my husband and 2 cats in York, England. DH is 31 and I am 30. This is our first child.

If you would like to be my bump buddy I sure would love to be yours! :kiss:
Hi Raisin,

We have a bit in common! Im 30 too, I got married last year New Years Eve, had my BFP :happydance: on the 24th of November in Thailand - while on our belated Honeymoon! Im due on the the 25th of July 11! I live in Redditch in the Midlands.

I have had a MC and a couple of scary moments in this pregnancy but everything is OK!

Happy to be buddies if you want! :thumbup:
Hi Raisin,

We have a bit in common! Im 30 too, I got married last year New Years Eve, had my BFP :happydance: on the 24th of November in Thailand - while on our belated Honeymoon! Im due on the the 25th of July 11! I live in Redditch in the Midlands.

I have had a MC and a couple of scary moments in this pregnancy but everything is OK!

Happy to be buddies if you want! :thumbup:

Yipppeee :yipee:

Congrats on your BFP and congrats on your wedding too! That must have been really romantic getting married on New Years Eve and how great to have a honeymoon baby! he he

Sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: and the scary moments in this pregnancy. I hope everything is better now?

I am in a really great mood today as I made it to 8 weeks. With every week I seem to gain more and more confidence in this one and can't wait to see my little baby in 7 months time. :baby:

I would love to be bump buddies!
Thank you! Our wedding was amazing!

Im sorry to hear about your loss too :hugs:

Im so excited too, I just cant wait to see my bump start to develop!

I know how you feel about getting to the next week - Im heading for 9 weeks on Monday and after my scare at the beginning of last week every day that passes is an achievement! I had a "gush" of blood (sorry if TMI) and there was a lot there :cry: , I had no warning of it either - no cramps, pains etc I went straight to A& E, 3 hours there for them to tell me there was no one available to do a scan and the earliest date they could give me with the 20th of Dec!! Our lovely NHS system! Anyway, we couldnt wait a week to find out if things were "over" or not, so went to a private clinic and paid for a scan, and there my little bean was 8w 1d fully healthy, stong heartbeat - we even got to hear it - 171 Beats/min! Such a relief! :happydance: The sonographer was brilliant, went through everything with us and explained that your body forms new blood vessels to cope with the extra blood supply to the uteras and in about 30% of pregnant woman, these can rupture with no warning and he assumes this is what happened to me as there was nothing in my uteras to show any other causes. So, we're still going on to our scan on Monday at our local hospital, may aswell! Also, just had my letter come through for my 12 week scan on the 10th of Jan!

So how is the pregnancy going for you so far? How have you been feeling? I had some sickenss earlier on, 5 weeks to about 7, but its so much better now as long as I stay away from certain foods and smells!

My names Luan by the way! :thumbup:

sorry to hear bout both your loss,
i lost last year found out at my 1st scan and its took ova yr to fall pregnant again,
you are both so close to my edd, mine's 25th july 2011

lukin forward to my scan on 11th jan but also scared as this scan showed no fatel heartbeat last tym,

hope you both dont mind me writing to u both,

sorry to hear bout both your loss,
i lost last year found out at my 1st scan and its took ova yr to fall pregnant again,
you are both so close to my edd, mine's 25th july 2011

lukin forward to my scan on 11th jan but also scared as this scan showed no fatel heartbeat last tym,

hope you both dont mind me writing to u both,

Hi Welsh_mummy2b,

Of course we dont mind - welcome!

So sorry about your loss :hugs: I hope everything goes well with your scan on the 11th Jan. I am excited because I get to phone my hospital this morning at 10am to make an appointment for my first scan. :happydance:
Thank you! Our wedding was amazing!

Im sorry to hear about your loss too :hugs:

Im so excited too, I just cant wait to see my bump start to develop!

I know how you feel about getting to the next week - Im heading for 9 weeks on Monday and after my scare at the beginning of last week every day that passes is an achievement! I had a "gush" of blood (sorry if TMI) and there was a lot there :cry: , I had no warning of it either - no cramps, pains etc I went straight to A& E, 3 hours there for them to tell me there was no one available to do a scan and the earliest date they could give me with the 20th of Dec!! Our lovely NHS system! Anyway, we couldnt wait a week to find out if things were "over" or not, so went to a private clinic and paid for a scan, and there my little bean was 8w 1d fully healthy, stong heartbeat - we even got to hear it - 171 Beats/min! Such a relief! :happydance: The sonographer was brilliant, went through everything with us and explained that your body forms new blood vessels to cope with the extra blood supply to the uteras and in about 30% of pregnant woman, these can rupture with no warning and he assumes this is what happened to me as there was nothing in my uteras to show any other causes. So, we're still going on to our scan on Monday at our local hospital, may aswell! Also, just had my letter come through for my 12 week scan on the 10th of Jan!

So how is the pregnancy going for you so far? How have you been feeling? I had some sickenss earlier on, 5 weeks to about 7, but its so much better now as long as I stay away from certain foods and smells!

My names Luan by the way! :thumbup:

Oh Luan, that sounds like a terrible scary experience you went through. I'm so glad everything was ok. I hope your scan today goes well too :thumbup:

I'm phoning the hospital today to make an appointment for my first scan. I think it will be mid-Jan sometime. Seems like such a long time to go!

Oh and congrats on getting to 9 weeks today :happydance:
Hi Welsh_mummy2b,

Welcome! We did have the same due date but had a scan today and a couple days ahead, so 9w2d - so nice for it to be that way round as in further than I thought it means that Im closer to the 12 week mark! Now that I had the scan today at my local Hospital they said there is no need to rescan on the 10th of Jan (which would have been my 12 week scan) a bit disappointed because I want to be able to see it as much as possible! They said theres no need, and will send me my date for my 20 week scan! My husband (Guy) and I are probably going to get a Nuchal Scan doen privately - where they check for Downs Syndrome, Patua and Edwards - they dont offer it as standard at my hospital and although at my age its 1 - 900, I still want to make sure all is OK?

Raisin, did you get your scan appointment date today?
Hi Welsh_mummy2b,

Raisin, did you get your scan appointment date today?


So glad your scan went well. That's great news that your little bean is growing quickly! Does that mean that your EDD could change again at your 20 week scan or is set now?

I'm a bit disappointed because I rang for my scan appointment today and the nurse said I have to ring back tomorrow because they are under-staffed. I had been looking forward to getting my appointment for weeks! Oh well, will phone again tomorrow. :nope:

I am still feeling sick with ms and had to phone in sick to work this morning. I feel really bad for it and think I will take some days annual leave for the rest of the week. At least it's Christmas soon.

Are either of you two suffering from ms or other symptoms?
He was fairly confident with the dates, as apparently its pretty much accurate once the baby is bigger than 2cm, so he doesnt think there will be any change at 20 weeks.

Are you trying to book your 12 week scan? Or wanting to get it done earlier?

I had morning sickness to start with, sort of eased off around 7 weeks, just a bit of nausea now mid morning time, if I eat something I feel much better. Feeling bloated a lot, tender boobs - especially in the morning, when i first get out of bed - I think its from sleeping on my tummy, im trying to make the most of it because when the big bump comes I cant! Oh and constipation.... :blush: and thats probably not helping with the bloat!
He was fairly confident with the dates, as apparently its pretty much accurate once the baby is bigger than 2cm, so he doesnt think there will be any change at 20 weeks.

Are you trying to book your 12 week scan? Or wanting to get it done earlier?

I had morning sickness to start with, sort of eased off around 7 weeks, just a bit of nausea now mid morning time, if I eat something I feel much better. Feeling bloated a lot, tender boobs - especially in the morning, when i first get out of bed - I think its from sleeping on my tummy, im trying to make the most of it because when the big bump comes I cant! Oh and constipation.... :blush: and thats probably not helping with the bloat!

I'm wanting to book the 12 week scan. Me and my DH had a big debate about whether or not we should book an early one, given that we had a mc in July and are both really nervous about this one, but my DH doesnt really want an early one. He believes in fate and what will be will be, which I guess I'm happy with too. I'm hoping my 12 week scan won't be too long after New Years though!

I had terrible ms which seems to ease off for a day or so and then come back! Apart from that I have had terrible food aversions and weirdly enough itchy skin :shrug:
Hi Raisin,

We're all keen in seeing the our beans as soon as possible, but at the same time we all know it makes sense to wait until 12 weeks - because we're gonna worry :wacko: until then anyway! Im sure you'll get your date soon, mine was meant to be the 10th of January but they cancelled it because I had a scan yesterday, so just taking bloods! On a positive note, the longer they take to make it for you, the less time you will have to wait for it, if that makes sense?? :winkwink:

I've had food aversions too, melted cheese! Wierd huh? Even if I see oin frozen pizza aisle it makes me GAG! And at the moment meat is a bit of a "not sure" - sometimes its OK and sometimes it makes me feel really ill!

I have been suffering more with nausea the last couple of days, today was awful (luckily working from home!) I had to go back to bed for a couple of hours this morning and then another nap this afternoon!!
Hi Raisin,

We're all keen in seeing the our beans as soon as possible, but at the same time we all know it makes sense to wait until 12 weeks - because we're gonna worry :wacko: until then anyway! Im sure you'll get your date soon, mine was meant to be the 10th of January but they cancelled it because I had a scan yesterday, so just taking bloods! On a positive note, the longer they take to make it for you, the less time you will have to wait for it, if that makes sense?? :winkwink:

I've had food aversions too, melted cheese! Wierd huh? Even if I see oin frozen pizza aisle it makes me GAG! And at the moment meat is a bit of a "not sure" - sometimes its OK and sometimes it makes me feel really ill!

I have been suffering more with nausea the last couple of days, today was awful (luckily working from home!) I had to go back to bed for a couple of hours this morning and then another nap this afternoon!!

Hi Luan,

You are so lucky being able to work from home. What kind of job do you do?

Well I actually made it in to work today. Was feeling much better although come 2pm I was ready for a nap. I dont think I will make it past 8.30pm tonight but I have tomorrow off so I can rest all day then.:happydance:

I got my dating scan date today. 17 January. It seems ages away!! :dohh:

I know what you mean about the cheese too. I haven't been able to eat cheese for about 2 weeks but I had some today because my ms seems to be wearing off. Is that normal? Its making me really worry!

Have you got any feelings telling what you are going to have, boy or girl? :haha:
Im a Business Development Manager, Im glad to be home at the moment! Not that I could go anywhere, the snow here is horrendous!

Yay you got your dating scan! :happydance: The next couple of weeks will fly by with Xmas and New Year then it wont be too long to wait.

My ms was awful from 6w to around 7w, now its on and off nautea, some days I have nothing and then today was pretty bad.. so I wouldnt worry if it wears off a bit, you never know it may come back with a vengeance!
If its worked I've attached my Scan pic from yesterday!


  • Baby Thomas 20122010.jpg
    Baby Thomas 20122010.jpg
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Oh I forgot to answer, Boy or Girl - I honestly think it may be a boy but my sisters are already guessing a girl! We're going to wait until its born to find out!

And you? Are you going to find out?
Im a Business Development Manager, Im glad to be home at the moment! Not that I could go anywhere, the snow here is horrendous!

Yay you got your dating scan! :happydance: The next couple of weeks will fly by with Xmas and New Year then it wont be too long to wait.

My ms was awful from 6w to around 7w, now its on and off nautea, some days I have nothing and then today was pretty bad.. so I wouldnt worry if it wears off a bit, you never know it may come back with a vengeance!
If its worked I've attached my Scan pic from yesterday!

Oh wow, what a cute little baby you got there! :dance:

We dont have any snow here in York at the minute but we had it pretty bad a few weeks ago. To be honest, I really wouldnt mind a white Christmas!

I hope you are right and that time will fly with Christmas and New Year. I will be counting down the minutes to my scan date....I'm so nervous. I just want to see that there is actually something alive and well in there this time. :shrug:

I hope my ms stays away now. It would be nice to eat a proper meal again not to mention Christmas dinner! lol. Im supposed to be baking cakes and cookies on Christmas eve but even the thought of it at the minute makes me feel queasy. :sick:
Oh I forgot to answer, Boy or Girl - I honestly think it may be a boy but my sisters are already guessing a girl! We're going to wait until its born to find out!

And you? Are you going to find out?

That will be fun waiting to find out! We aren't as patient and will probably want to know right away. :haha:

My mum and DH keep thinking it's twins. My mum because she has had "weird" dreams about it and my DH just has a feeling. I wouldn't be surprised if it is twins - I already have a little bump and Im only 8.5 weeks. :wacko: Plus my DH is a twin and there are twins in my family on my mum's side too. I dont have a preference, as long as it's healthy and happy :baby:

Do you have a preference? What about your DH?
Thanks for the congratualtions, this site is hard to use on my fone and I spent most of yesterday tryin to find this post again :S
Wel I'm 9wks n 3days today, getin excited, got my midwife on 30th so fingers crossd I get to hear the heartbeat wil put my mind at ease, even though my auntie who seems to b getin messages frm the ova world bout me says dat they tell her that everything is fine, findin dat a bit mad cos it only startd since I fell pregnant :D!
I'm glad ur scan went well and everything is fine, how are all ur syptoms goin??
I hope u get ure scan date today I was shocked wen mine came throu the post cos I thought the midwife had to refer u for them since the last tym I was pregnant!!

What syptoms have u both got??
I'm feelin tiard al the tym and sickness cums and goes, drives me insane bt I hav found that if u eat crackers it helps a lot :D I have jst started getin heartburn also n I get cramps dull cramps in my lower stomach if I move too fast or sneeze!
I have jst had my flu jab with what is happenin wit the pregnant women in a coma wit swine flu, its scared the hell outa me, feelin 4 her family and her as she may have to get rid of her unborn child as its takin al her energy and it may kill her too :S I would hate to b put into that situation!
Trust me Raisin, you dont want this snow! 5 days completely stuck within walking distance of the house only and thats if Im up for risking falling on the ice!

Are either of you getting carried away, like me, with looking at all sorts of stuff to buy already, cots, moses basket and re-organising your house to suit?? :blush: or just me?

Hey Welshmummy, I was thinking about whether I should get the flu jab? Do you just go to your docs for it? As I dont have my midwife appt until the 11th of January and thinking maybe I need to go and get it before then? Any risks or side affects from it?

Symptoms today have been good, I find that if I eat something before my tummy starts growling I cna avoid the sickness! BUT the peeing.. is getting out of hand, I got up 4 times in the night to go :blush: Guy isnt too pleased with me.. as I end up waking him up too! This is suppose to pass isnt it? The frequent toilet trips? Apart from that everything else is good!

Raisin, my neighbour just brought me a load of mince pies (all sorts of different looking types) that she baked today, what kinda cakes are baking? I havent really tried baking, I made bananna bread not so long ago - it was delish (if I do say so myself :happydance: ) Mmmm.. think I may have to make one tomorrow now that I've thought about it! I did make some Jamie Oliver Christmas Gravy today though!! ready for Xmas dinner!

Ok, thats my ramble over! :wacko: been driving myself mad being stuck inside - I even cleaned my fridge and all my kitchen cupboards out!!

Hope you all have a fab evenin!

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