Colsy: Congrats on the tender!
Aimee: Forgive my manners, I totally forgot to say how lovely your pictures are of Earl, it's nice to see how much he has grown and he sounds to be doing so well
Maffie: How's it gone???!!!???

Eeek I must pinch Nij's laptop tonight incase you post later on today! Also, I have a bag of clothes full of


you can have, I have tried selling some, really nice stuff too and people just aint buying so either way, plus some super cute unisex winnie the pooh pj's, you can have if you like

Sorry to hear your having some issues

Hurray for Harry's 2nd tooth!
Nerefet: Awwww don't feel out of place, the last few months have been such a whirlwind
Kaites: Would the little boy be full time? I just know my ex-CM had one baby AM and the other PM, not sure if you can do that but just a thought
Well, i'm off to specsavers now . . . hope to catch up later