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Thanks Aimee :flower:

I'm still in la-la land a bit at the moment :haha: Sophie is great and Chloe is besotted with her, so protective over her little sister and very inquisitive of her too. She is a little unsure about how Nij and I are though so we are just giving her lots of reassurance and trying to make sure things don't change too much for her. We did as a treat get her a interactive Buzz and Woody off ebay, they arrived today which was perfect as she has been staying at my parents so when she come home they were sat on her bed waiting for her. :thumbup:

I have yet to do Sophie's birth story, but in short, I had been contracting all day and went in as although they weren't 5 mins apart sat still I got them back to back when I moved so there was no way I was waiting at home any longer - I wouldn't of been able to walk :wacko: Plus, I just wanted to get hooked up to the G&A but we managed to get a water birth :thumbup: I'm so pleased we did in the end! I had a few fears of history repeating itself but the midwife was lovely and really helped. It took about an hr to fully push Sophie out, Nij cut her cord and then l got out to deliver the placenta. All was fine but after I stood up from that blood just went everywhere! I lost over 1.5 litres of blood they figured out and had torn in two places - so had to have G&A for the stitches (that was worse than giving birth!) and then went onto the delivery ward for a bit of recovery time before being admitted overnight. We are home and I am iron tablets but a bit spaced out due to the lack of iron - just glad I had a high iron count before I went in, think it must of helped avoid a transfusion :thumbup:

Just dealing with night owl baby now who loves her cuddles but I am not complaining one bit :flower:
Hi ladies, hope we are all okay :flower:

Sophie's longer birth story is in her journal now, I have a link in my signature :thumbup:

I'm feeling a bit more alert now, although it's nearly 12 and I'm still in my PJ's - that's with Nij's help! Not looking forward to him going back to work on Thursday :nope: He's helped me recover, he's been amazing really, cleaning, cooking and doing evening Sophie duties so I could rest and get better.

Chloe is doing great, she has a few moments where she gets a bit sensitive. I'm trying to keep on as normal for her but obviously it doesn't work all the time. I'm guilt stricken sometimes, I try give them both as much attention as I can but if I'm with one I feel like I am leaving the other out. Chloe does help a lot and do things with me for Sophie, she would cuddle her 24/7 if she could! I guess it's just me adjusting, still can't believe I'm a Mum to 2 sometimes!

Oh the emotional roller coaster you forget about!!

Sophie is great, she has some wind issues but she is quite good with it bless her. She gets clingy at about 8pm and remains fussy until 1am but she is still quite chilled with it really (touch wood) so I;m not complaining. Its just not nice to see her suffering with it sometimes.

I'm going to attempt to get them to the library today whilst Nij is at an interview. Chloe is at pre-school again next week so I need a solo practice run!!
Hi ladies, hope we are all okay :flower:

Sophie's longer birth story is in her journal now, I have a link in my signature :thumbup:

I'm feeling a bit more alert now, although it's nearly 12 and I'm still in my PJ's - that's with Nij's help! Not looking forward to him going back to work on Thursday :nope: He's helped me recover, he's been amazing really, cleaning, cooking and doing evening Sophie duties so I could rest and get better.

Chloe is doing great, she has a few moments where she gets a bit sensitive. I'm trying to keep on as normal for her but obviously it doesn't work all the time. I'm guilt stricken sometimes, I try give them both as much attention as I can but if I'm with one I feel like I am leaving the other out. Chloe does help a lot and do things with me for Sophie, she would cuddle her 24/7 if she could! I guess it's just me adjusting, still can't believe I'm a Mum to 2 sometimes!

Oh the emotional roller coaster you forget about!!

Sophie is great, she has some wind issues but she is quite good with it bless her. She gets clingy at about 8pm and remains fussy until 1am but she is still quite chilled with it really (touch wood) so I;m not complaining. Its just not nice to see her suffering with it sometimes.

I'm going to attempt to get them to the library today whilst Nij is at an interview. Chloe is at pre-school again next week so I need a solo practice run!!

Good to hear you're on the mend. Was going to say - You Lucky Get! lol. Getting a water birth - you know how much I want one of them. Sorry about the blood loss - I had that with Earl and it leaves you so drained. Keep rested and well fed - dark chocolate is good for anaemia you know. My MW told me that lol.

I swear by Infacol. Started Earl on it at 1 week, Eddy on it at 3 days. Hope Sophie's wind doesn't get any more complicated. Is she a big eater like Chloe was? Try not to worry about one being left out. If they need you, they'll let you know and you are only one person, so just do your best. If Chloe takes to Sophie half as well as Earl did to Eddy, you'll not have a problem.

Lovely to see the updates and glad that you're doing so well. :hugs:
Aww :blush: I know, I hope you can get one too, I know it's a bit more complicated for you due to the hospital being a pain. I just had the mind set of if it's there then that's a bonus - if I set my heart on it I know the pools would have been full! Luckily we got in on a quiet night, apparently there was only me and one other.

Wow I wish they had said about dark chocolate - I have some in the cupboard, she just went on about eating liver which I hate! I have lots of other foods with iron in though as well but I can't believe she was pestering me with liver when there is chocolate to be had!!

Sophie is a big eater, not as big as Chloe . . . yet, it took Chloe a few weeks before she went onto hungry baby formula but Sophie already takes in between 90ml/3oz to 120ml/4oz a feed, she is on 4 feeds in the day and 4 at night. So not doing too badly, she only lost 0.5lb from her birth weight when the MW came to weigh her!!

We use infacol for her as well :thumbup: Only started her on it a few days ago but it's helping so much. Although I forgot to give her it before one feed today and feel like a bad mummy, she has suffered more than usual all afternoon so now poor little miss is shattered. Hoping it doesn't throw her night routine much.

Chloe is fine with Sophie, she is just struggling with us but I guess it's to be expected. I was prepared for her reactions, just not how I would feel lol. Managed to get them to the library this afternoon and Chloe was great, I think once we can get out and about and do more things together Chloe will settle down. I still make sure we have out bedtime quality time together as well. Still early days I guess.

Although I am now thinking how on earth will I get her to pre-school for 9am on Monday?! Everyone says it's easier with a second but it took me forever to get out of the door!
Aww :blush: I know, I hope you can get one too, I know it's a bit more complicated for you due to the hospital being a pain. I just had the mind set of if it's there then that's a bonus - if I set my heart on it I know the pools would have been full! Luckily we got in on a quiet night, apparently there was only me and one other.

Wow I wish they had said about dark chocolate - I have some in the cupboard, she just went on about eating liver which I hate! I have lots of other foods with iron in though as well but I can't believe she was pestering me with liver when there is chocolate to be had!!

Sophie is a big eater, not as big as Chloe . . . yet, it took Chloe a few weeks before she went onto hungry baby formula but Sophie already takes in between 90ml/3oz to 120ml/4oz a feed, she is on 4 feeds in the day and 4 at night. So not doing too badly, she only lost 0.5lb from her birth weight when the MW came to weigh her!!

We use infacol for her as well :thumbup: Only started her on it a few days ago but it's helping so much. Although I forgot to give her it before one feed today and feel like a bad mummy, she has suffered more than usual all afternoon so now poor little miss is shattered. Hoping it doesn't throw her night routine much.

Chloe is fine with Sophie, she is just struggling with us but I guess it's to be expected. I was prepared for her reactions, just not how I would feel lol. Managed to get them to the library this afternoon and Chloe was great, I think once we can get out and about and do more things together Chloe will settle down. I still make sure we have out bedtime quality time together as well. Still early days I guess.

Although I am now thinking how on earth will I get her to pre-school for 9am on Monday?! Everyone says it's easier with a second but it took me forever to get out of the door!

Awww sounds like she's doing fab!

I used to carry on with Earl's bedtime routine, baths and everything, as normal and all mealtimes too. He did get a bit stir crazy but to him he just saw the baby as one more 'boring job' for Mum to do :haha:

I'm trying to think about how I get us out and about on time - if I'm taking Eddy with us, it's normally the case that we're catching the bus too so we have to be out of the door at 8.30. I will set an alarm for 7 (that's if we're not already up). Make up a bottle for Eddy ready for when he wakes, make Earl's lunch, get dressed myself, have all the bags packed and put them by the front door. This normally takes about 30 minutes. I will then wake up Eddy first, give him a bottle, get him a clean nappy. Earl normally wakes, breakfast and some TV while I potter about getting Eddy dressed and fed. 8am I get Earl dressed, normally downstairs while he carries on eating. I get him fully dressed, including shoes as I've forgotten about shoes more than once! lol I put the pushchair out. Coats on, baby into pushchair, bags on the back, TV off and out the door. Took me a few mornings but I have that routine now. If Eddy is staying home with hubby, that means we have the car, which cuts about 20 mins of faffing off the whole thing and means we don't have to leave until 8.45. :thumbup:
How are we all? :flower:

Aimee - how is your pregnancy going? Can't believe how quickly it's going!

27.5 days left of having a 3yr old :cry:

23 here!

Earl is having a bouncy castle party at the leisure centre actually on his birthday so I've spent today writing invitations to children with all sorts of weird and wonderful names lol. Have 30 kids on the invite list. We're allowed 25 so hoping they don't all come :blush:

Anyone else celebrating the 4th birthday in style? Earl's will be 'Detroit Red Wings' themed with red balloons and streamers and a hockey puck cake lol :haha:

Oh and update on the other 2, Eddy is doing brill and learnt a new instruction today ('go and sit down' to eat which is handy as their new table and chairs is due to arrive tomorrow :happydance:) and Charlie got weighed today. At 6w5d he weighs exactly 14lb and is following the 98th %ile for everything. Considering he was born on the 75th I think he's done well! lol :blush:

MilosMummy - how are you doing? I keep seeing your updates about contractions on FB and thinking of you. :)
Aimee- sounds like it'll be a fab party! Since Milo doesn't really like big crowds, we just do dinner/cake with grandparents/aunts. Maybe as he gets older and likes birthdays we can do something a bit bigger. But MIL has made a piñata for him to swing at :thumbup: what a great weight for Charlie! Ava will be 30mos on the 29th and weighs 25-26lbs :dohh:

Contractions are just playing with me :grr: almost time though :dance:

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