Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Yey for Earl walking, talking and drinking!! (Happy belated 10 months too!) Glad you have some money through so you can enjoy your birthday, looks a good film too! Love the new avatar picture.

I think Chloe is officially the baldest Bumpkin :dohh:

Not many Bank hol weekend plans here, we may take Chloe to the fun fair at out local park to just have a nosey. Other than that, zip zilch, nowlt. Oh, well, minus the cleaning!
OMG OMG OMG!! :happydance:

Chloe just stood up for about 10 seconds on her own! I was so amazed! :shock: :cloud9:
Yay Chloe :happydance:

No plans here done a little baby shopping today bought some babygros for Noah and baby2 and managed to get a couple of maternity tops on BOGOF so only a fiver for 2 tops :thumbup:

No other plans really.
Good bargains Maffie! :thumbup:

No funfair here! Found out it the park site has been waterlogged so they couldn't set it up. Bummer!
WTG Chloe! :)

I've been hard at work prepping dinner, baking a cake and scrubbing the "new" highchair (why do people claim something is both clean and in excellent condition when it's neither? grr- I suppose it was a good price though) and cleaning the patio up. My family is coming round later for my mum's belated birthday dinner. I can't wait 'til dessert- omg- chocolate ganache is ridiculously easy to make and beyond yummy- I'm so gonna put on 10lbs with this discovery :haha: Gorgeous day outside so I better get back to work so that I can get out there and enjoy the sun a bit before the guests arrive- I think hubby wants to try to fit in a trip to the park. Hope everyone is having a good weekend! :hugs:
Afternoon ladies -

WTG Chloe! Earl has managed 5 or so seconds but 10 is still a way off lol. He stands straight up from sitting without hanging on when he tries though the silly thing! You;ll have a little walker on your hands before you know it Kte!! :thumbup:

Earl is having a massive teething bout! Full spectrum of symptoms including bad nappies and temperature (Earl doesn't 'do' ill! he just gets grumpy! lol) so he's been dosed up on calpol. Night before last he slept virtually the entire night on my chest as he wouldn't go into his cot. Thankfully it doens't seem to have phased his sleep too much although he is still suffering with his teeth. I opted for an extra bottle last night and he took a full 8oz and still ate his whole breakfast! lol :wacko: He's coming out the other side now and has gone down for his 1pm nap as normal! Yay! :happydance:

Hubby weighed him last night - 24lb 2oz - so not a big rise in his weight this month (2oz lol) but he's grown a lot so I guess his weight is just getting spread. :shrug:

I'm off to watch some Thunderbirds and eat custard creams while the whinger is asleep. Mmmmm Biscuits! lol
Sorry- only skim-read the last few pages, so sorry if I've missed out on anything important.

Flora - yups! I'm still in Bangor! Although I moved to Llandudno for a few months just after Isaac was born!

Maffie - Congrats on the boy! =]

aimee-lou - wow- loads of peopl went to bangor uni! O_o

kte- Yay- well done chloe! =]

Isaac was 10 months old yesterday. I'm shocked lol- it's gone so quickly!
Please excuse me while I sit here in shock for a while .. we just got the bill for my emergency surgery last month .. apprently it costs $22,000 to remove a falopian tube!! Bloody Nora. Well at least we only have to pay $1200 of that. LOVE insurance right now!!
Happy 10 months Isaac

Chaos thats insane money

Im sooooo tired I think I might make it to bed when Noah does :sleep::sleep::sleep:
Ouch- who knew a fallopian tube could be so pricey! I think they pass along the real cost so that you don't flinch when you see the $1200 price tag :) Still a lot of money, even with insurance.

Quiet day in here :) It's gorgeous and sunny here- just waiting for Emma to wake up from her nap so we can head to the park. Yesterday she made the discovery that she can crawl up her slide that we have in the garden when barefoot. She seems so grown-up at times now. I'm curious to see if she tries the same antics on the big slide at the park. In other news, my now-former boss called this morning. He just got back from vacation and had my resignation letter waiting- he tried to convince me to come back but left the conversation with an open offer to return if I ever want to. Nice to know it's an option for the future I suppose.

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day!
Morning all,

Chloe is 10 months today! :happydance: :happydance:

Well the internet is under maintenance (sp) in our area hence why I haven't plagued the thread more! :haha: Had a nice weekend in the end, took Chloe to the park as she loves the swings. Sunday I took her shopping, I needed some work clothes big time and managed to get 1 black pants, 2 x shirts, 2x funky jumper cardies type tops and an academic diary all for £23! Bargains! :happydance: Then yesterday Nij and I were able to watch a few DVD's whilst she either napped or played. Was really nice. :thumbup:

Chloe was a little windy last night so I had a little burping and farting monster in bed with me, (well I suppose really I had a big one too, although Nij rarely burps :haha:) Anywhoo, she seems much better this morning, must of been something she ate. Thinking I won't give her scrambled eggs again for her dinner :wacko:

Oooo and she seems to have developed a facination with picking noses :dohh: :shy:

Chaos: Wow! Pricy, glad the insurance has helped but I'd still be crying at the 1,200! Mind you, it was very much needed :hugs:

Neferet: Happy belated 10 months to Issac :flower:

Kaites: Glad to hear you have an open offer for your old job. Hope you had fun at the park :thumbup:

Right coffee time :coffee:
Morning :hi:

Happy 10 months Chloe

Gosh the year mark is approaching fast

I'm happy as got my first proper wage in months but thats scary as it means work is looming. Still no contact from them yet though :shrug: I'll have to drop them an email if I get no post from them soon. I hate snail mail.

Having a lazy week I think Noah has 4 teeth properly through and it's playing havoc with feeding. I'm having to try pump as he's refusing boobies :cry: Although he's not doing well with a bottle either best I manage to get him to take is 1 1/2 oz :nope:

Been marginally productive this morning, washed up, took the rubbish out and swept the floors. Now time for Noah cuddles (aka Noah climbing all over me) :haha:
Good morning!

Kte- happy 10 months to Chloe! Emma went through the picking other peoples' noses phase too- gross- now she's moved on to tentatively putting her finger up her own nose. She knows I always react and remove it so now she does it and looks at me, expecting a reaction.

Maffie- Enjoy your Noah cuddles :) I hope his teeth feel a bit better soon too and that your work get back to you soon :flower:

Emma's latest discovery (well, gradually over the past few weeks) is gravity. It started with chucking all her toys out of the cot and watching them hit the floor but now it's moved on to all the food on her highchair tray at dinner. It's driving me nuts but I'm trying not to react to it too much, just calmly removing the plate portion of her tray (the tray is two parts, top removes for easy cleaning and we use it as a giant plate) and then put it back after saying "stop". I can't wait for this phase to pass. She's also been testing the tantrum waters too, giving me a glimpse into what it'll be like when she hits the terrible twos. There have been a couple of times where she wanted her way and didn't get it and crumpled into a heap on the floor at my feet and has wailed. Makes me feel like she really is growing up fast :cry: Anyway, I best finish this coffee and get down to work- booked a few days of camping for this weekend (hubby is taking a few days off work to make a 5 day holiday) so I have to get organized. We're heading to Lake Placid for a change- should be nice to spend some time in the mountains. Hope everyone is having a good day!
congrats on all the age & developmental milestones everyone! :happydance:

Been super busy here, with household stuff, getting & buiilding new furniture, a teething baby (He's got 3 through now, yaya!), an engagement party this past weekend & siorting through all of our clothes, shoes, random hoardings from eons ago etc... feel a bit more 'cleared out' now.

Harry's doing well other than the teething- still no standing on his own- he's just too much of a wuss I think! He is however saying very clearly & in the right contexts the words 'Look' 'Mummy' Daddy' 'What' & 'Hi' so I'm very proud. He's obviously gonna be a fast talker... which my mum says isn't surprising considering my first word was 'Daffodil' & hubby's first word was 'Penguin' !!!!!!!!

Has anyone started making the ibncredible 1st birthday plans yet? I've no idea what we're gonna do, but we've started buying presents.
Wow Flora sounds like you'll have a chatterbox on your hands.

We still only have mama and baa :shrug: Noah has a toy that goes baa so I think he's learnt from that. He has other noises but I wouldn't fully classify them as words.

Not a clue what we are doing for birthday I need to book the day off work but presents are already in the pipeline.

Kaites Noah is testing the waters on the odd scream/cry he does the bottom lip thing really well :haha: but when he's told no he gets it pretty fast and goes back to playing with his toys.
Morning girls!

While I'm greatful of any symptom right now, this morning sickness is about to get on my last nerve! :sick: lol

Oh guess who was 11 months yesterday? It's crazy to me to think this time next month she will be 1 years old!! :wacko:

So yesterday DH and I were sitting on the floor with missy and her new game is to try and walk between us .. we were sitting about 5 of her steps apart. She'd frankestien walk to me, fall in my arms, hug me, laugh and clap her self, then she'd turn around and go back to the DH and do the same lol. She was at it for like 10 mins! She was so proud of her self haha.

Kte ~ Yup, eggs will make her fart for sure lol. I tried to give Missy scrambled eggs for dinner last night and made them with her rice milk .. she wasn't impressed and spat it out and threw it on the floor to the cats lol.
Re the 1200, ya it kinda drains half our savings, but its gotta be paint I guess. I miss the NHS!!!
Happy 10 months to Chloe!

Maffs ~ Aww poor Noah. Frigging teeth!

Kaites ~ Gah, missy does that too with her food over the side of the tray. Drives me MADDDD. Have a great mini holiday!!

Flora ~ Yay for Harry talking!!

Re birthdays we're doing "The very hungry caterpillar" that way boys can be the caterpillars and girls, the butterflies.
Afternoon everyone,

Just had to go to the dentist for the first time in 8 years and been told that both my top wisdom teeth may have to come out - 1 definitely, the other may be salvageable - and I need at least 1 other filling too. Apparently the wisdom teeth thing is due to pregnancy - apparently drinking all that milk etc while pregnant just wasn't enough so Earl took a bit more calcium from my teeth :wacko:
Afternoon all,

Kaites: I know what you mean about being tested, I have had her in a few heaps on the floor as well. Enjoy your mini holiday :flower:

Maffie: Hope you get it booked off when you hear from them eventually. At least he listens to you when you say no. It depends on what Chloe is doing. She is great when she goes for cupboards and I say no but for some reason getting giddy and scratching my face she doesn't listen. :shrug:

Flora: We bought a couple of presents early, one more I want to get her. Nij has stocked up on party food but he bought marshmallows :wacko: so I am guessing they are for the adults. If we are away at the lakes I dunno what we will do. If we are home, we don't exactly know lots of people so it will only be small. Plus the whole, halloween thing where people will knock on your door after her party treats :wacko: Ideally I would like to be at the lakes because I just want it to be the 3 of us (make a change from last year when as soon as she was born that was it, visitors galore and having to go back to the inlaws house for a few days. Then my parent's and Nij's parents can celebrate a little on another day. So in reality that won't happen lol. Although my Sis is too ill to travel, she's having major sickness with this pregnancy. What do you have planned?

Chaos: Check, staying away from the eggs! Happy 11 Months to Autum for yesterday! :hugs: It's only taken me, what, about 10/11 months to figure out she changes the day before Chloe but is a month ahead :wacko: :haha:

Aimee: :hugs: Sorry to hear about your teeth :hugs:
ooooh Kte i've already picked a great costume for Halloween. Not doing anything but nothing wrong with getting dressed up! Noah loves eggs we just dont do them at dinner time as sharing a bedroom witha stinky bum isnt fun :rofl:

Kaites have a fab break, it sounds lovely.

Well im annoyed my tongue is hurting, i've had to remove my tongue stud and see if it eases. Not had this problem before :shrug:

Aimee good luck with the dentists they make me shudder.

Happy 11 months to Autumn :kiss:
Evening girls!

SO .. LOOK!!!!!!


I'm so freaking proud of her :) It started the other day with her walker and then since last night she's been going free hand, she walked about 8 foot across the living room this morning from the coffee table to the sofa! I wish I had got that one on video!!

Ok, breath lol.

Aimee ~ Ouch for removed wisdom teeth :wacko:

Kte ~ Re birthdays, I only just realise that too! haha

Maffie ~ Hope your tongue feels better!

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