I had a 3rd degree tear and they said if/when I have another its likely I will tear again, never mentioned c section thoughi don't have any experience with your situation so not much advice sorry hun
i delivered my daughter naturally but ended up with a 3c tear and i have been told that if/when i have another child i will have to have a c-section because of the tear however i know that there are people who have had a 4th degree tear and still gone on to deliver vaginally and didn't tear at all the 2nd and 3rd times! so when the time comes i am going to ask again about delivering vaginally and see if its a possibility to me. different hospitals and area's have different policy's on situations like mine, and i imagine if you made it clear that you at least wanted to try to deliver naturally then they would let you try and then intervene if it became neccessary. If your LO's heartrate was to drop quickly and not recover then they would act really fast to get your LO out safely and make sure that he/she is alright. I know a c-section is a scary thought ... ive never had an operation before in my life, never even had sedation when i got a filling so the thought scares me senseless but i know that if that is the only option to get my LO here safely and with me still alive (aparently if i tear again i could bleed out if they aren't able to stop it quickly enough) then thats what i will do. Something i would say though is that if you do have a c-section then it would be really sensible to have a changing mat that is high up (like a changing table) so you won't have to bend and strain your tummy to pick LO up after changing, it was the one piece of advice that my friends mum gave me for next time, and she had 3 c-sections so she knows what she's talking about.
Good luck hun, and remember it doesn't matter how LO gets here thats important, its that they get here safely
What on EARTH is 4th degree? I thought 3rd was pretty much as bad as it got xx