"Caffeine may hamper fertility in women by relaxing the muscles of the fallopian tube


Love my lil miracle
Sep 18, 2010
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"Caffeine may hamper fertility in women by relaxing the muscles of the fallopian tube, which brings the eggs from the ovaries to the womb."


I drink about 5 teas a day, they are weak but that might be too much. I also have coke when Im at a restaurant 1-2 times per week. Might be worth cutting out right after ovulation when the egg is travelling.

what do you guys think?
I am on the fence on this one. My doc told me that caffeine in moderation was fine; he said the only evidence that was concrete is that it might hinder the baby sleeping in the 3rd trimester. Then I read something & second guess it, lol. I'm always looking for something new to try.

Here's my formula, I drink my coffee (2cups) in the morning and switch to decaf after lunch. If I am out & want a coke, I drink it. I work on the law of averages, just like eating. It's what one does over time that counts, not an extra soda in a day, lol.
I only drink redbush tea, but now i prefer it so that is no hard ship. But I haven´t got pregnant faster as a result. When I wasn´t worried or stressing I got pregnant 1st attempt, second time took me 7 months and this time round I am on 9th cycle. SO we can change all sorts of things and maybe they would help, but not if they stress you out in doing so. That´s my guess anyway.
I only drink redbush tea, but now i prefer it so that is no hard ship. But I haven´t got pregnant faster as a result. When I wasn´t worried or stressing I got pregnant 1st attempt, second time took me 7 months and this time round I am on 9th cycle. SO we can change all sorts of things and maybe they would help, but not if they stress you out in doing so. That´s my guess anyway.

I think you have found the answer! Lol. It all works differently for each of us and we all stress about different matters. I am trying to relax about it. But it's so damn hard!
yep so true natsby. I dont feel stressed about it myself apart from in the last week of the 2WW, then I get a bit anxious but by then the deed would be done. but just incase I am internally stressed and not realizing it I am taking july and august off, no monitoring or anything!

this fallopian tube thing is a fairly recent study, so thought there might be something to it for those have infertility troubles. Of course there are women who live on cigarettes, booze and coffee that get pregnant every day, but those having troubles could perhaps look at their caffeine intake right after ovulation.
I drink about 2 cokes/day. Honestly, I take great pleasure in my sweetened caffeinated beverages, lol.

I can't imagine ttc (and failing) for these past 11 cycles, and giving up on coke too. I've got to do something to get me through the day, kwim?
yes for sure, I try not to do anything harmful to excess, I did cut out all caffeine and alcohol for the whole seven months last time, well six then I had a break and fell pregnant. Now I do everything but in very moderate doses. I think there are so many harmful things in our everyday lives, plastic food container and water bottles, pesticides and preservatives etc there are probably many things affecting our fertility that we would never think of changing. For example did you know you shouldn´t eat peas? Apparently they contain a strong contraceptive. Good excuse to feed them to teenagers if you have them, but don´t touch them yourself.
I drink about 2 cokes/day. Honestly, I take great pleasure in my sweetened caffeinated beverages, lol.

I can't imagine ttc (and failing) for these past 11 cycles, and giving up on coke too. I've got to do something to get me through the day, kwim?

And I have never met a Starbucks I didn't like, lol.
I drink about 2 cokes/day. Honestly, I take great pleasure in my sweetened caffeinated beverages, lol.

I can't imagine ttc (and failing) for these past 11 cycles, and giving up on coke too. I've got to do something to get me through the day, kwim?

but what if that was what was stopping you getting pregnant, would you stop? you would only have to stop for say the week after ovulation, while the egg is travelling through the tube. of course we dont know what could be causing us to not get pregnant, and Im not one to try lots of things like people on here do, but thought this was an interesting study.

I would find it very hard to give up my teas, but I might try incase its having an effect. Who knows, but this study is very specific so might have something to it.

I LOVE coke, its like a drug to me, but its soo bad for you!!!
yes for sure, I try not to do anything harmful to excess, I did cut out all caffeine and alcohol for the whole seven months last time, well six then I had a break and fell pregnant. Now I do everything but in very moderate doses. I think there are so many harmful things in our everyday lives, plastic food container and water bottles, pesticides and preservatives etc there are probably many things affecting our fertility that we would never think of changing. For example did you know you shouldn´t eat peas? Apparently they contain a strong contraceptive. Good excuse to feed them to teenagers if you have them, but don´t touch them yourself.

luckily I dont like peas!! never heard of that one though, interesting.

I agree, cutting out everything completely probably does not work at all, too stressful.
yes for sure, I try not to do anything harmful to excess, I did cut out all caffeine and alcohol for the whole seven months last time, well six then I had a break and fell pregnant. Now I do everything but in very moderate doses. I think there are so many harmful things in our everyday lives, plastic food container and water bottles, pesticides and preservatives etc there are probably many things affecting our fertility that we would never think of changing. For example did you know you shouldn´t eat peas? Apparently they contain a strong contraceptive. Good excuse to feed them to teenagers if you have them, but don´t touch them yourself.

Peas? Goodness, never heard it and they're one of my favorite veggies. Lol.
I'd say only in excess. I have always had 1-2 cups of caffeine a day and I got pregnant no problems.
I don' t drink tea or coffee.........I like soda tho, gotta have my daily dew! :thumbup:
Well I cut out caffinated coffee in the morning. I am drinking decaf in the morning. I'm desperate for one of those frozen fraps though..
Well I cut out caffinated coffee in the morning. I am drinking decaf in the morning. I'm desperate for one of those frozen fraps though..

Starbucks makes them in decaf if you ask! Trust me, I'm a recovering 2 a day addict. They actually taste better in decaf, lol.
I drink about 2 cokes/day. Honestly, I take great pleasure in my sweetened caffeinated beverages, lol.

I can't imagine ttc (and failing) for these past 11 cycles, and giving up on coke too. I've got to do something to get me through the day, kwim?

but what if that was what was stopping you getting pregnant, would you stop?

You know, I just really don't believe that 1-2 cans of coke/day is going to be a cause for infertility (although, that may be just a coping mechanism.). I also don't believe that prenatal vitamins will make you pregnant either, but some people do.

I did struggle with infertility with my first, but not my second or third. And my caffeine intake hasn't changed during all of that time.

Everything in moderation, right?
For example did you know you shouldn´t eat peas? Apparently they contain a strong contraceptive. Good excuse to feed them to teenagers if you have them, but don´t touch them yourself.

I just read that about peas last weekend and it's the one veggie DH and I both love so we eat peas easily every other night. We've decided not to eat them for a while. If it's a simple change like this that won't hurt us (might do us some good to eat some other veggies more often!!) DH and I are both willing to do it. I really should quit caffeine anyway as I have cystic breasts and the more caffeine I have the more they flare up each month. This may be just the incentive I need for that!
Caffeine is not supposed to be good any time in the cycle for conception. Most studies show moderation is okay. But still to be safe I have cut out coffee. Not sure if the reduced risk is cancelled out by increased crankiness... :) I'll still have some caffeine in the form of chocolate and green tea. Do you drink green tea or black tea? Tea still has much less caffeine than coffee, but maybe cut back a few tea if you can?

But the book I read recently The Fertility Diet - based on a nurses study of 30,000 women showed that soda was the WORST thing you could have when TTC, worse than coffee and worse than alcohol even! It does not matter if its caffeinated or not or if its diet or not. Aspartame is terrible for TTC, and with the rest of soda I think its the acidity and the concentration of sugar.

I wouldn't worry about having a soda here and there but certainly would cut out having a daily soda if you are TTC and are not successful, sure millions of women still get pregnant while drinking soda but if it makes it take twice as long, is it worth it?
Thats it, I'm giving up soda. Heaven help DH as he will have to deal with my moods........lol

I'm fully willing to give it up if it helps in some way to get my BFP! :thumbup:

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