I worry myself too much and was wondering if a pelvic exam can detect PCOS? I am about 90% sure that I do not have that because for one my period is almost ALWAYS normal, give or take a few cycles where it was late or early or w/e, but I just get worried cause my fiance and I were TTC for 12 months on and off after I got off the pill and nothing happened. My gyno has never brought anything to my attention and all my routine tests (pap/blood test/pelvic exam) have always been normal. I have read that women with PCOS can get darker skin around their neck and I have something like that, but I also have a condition that causes me to have more freckles/birthmarks(its called neurofibromatosis) and I am thinking I have always had that on my neck and its not the same texture that most sites say that darker skin is anyways....should I be at all concerned? I have also read that women with PCOS will have a positive OPK all the time and I only get a positive one for about 5 days.