I am looking for some advice as to whether to bring this up with my GP. Me and my DH have been ttc since April 2011. After 19 months we got our first bfp but unfortunately mc at 6 weeks. 10 months later still no bfp. My cousin has recently been diagnosed as having endo and i read that it can run in families. I have always had painful periods and finally went to the docs with them in my late teens. I tried different types of the pill. They helped a little with the pain but didn't get rid of it. I came off the pill in my mid 20s and have tried a variety of different pain medication. Since my late 20s i have started getting digestive probs. Bloating, constipation and diahorrea for about a week before my period. Over the last 6 months the pain in my back in the week before my period has got worse. The day before and of my period being the worst where some months i can barely move. Everytime i have been to the docs they don't think it is anything to worry about because i don't have pain during sex or bleed heavily. Is this normal or could it be endo? I also get other pms symptoms like sore bbs and mood swings and fatigue. Any ideas are most welcome.