Hi everyone
I am not usually in this forum, usually in the miscarriage thread - I have had 6 miscarriages and am currently on fertility treatment. This cycle I had been testing every day since 8DPO, and last tested on day 12DPO. All tests were negative. Today I am 15DPO - so I haven't tested for a couple of days and yesterday I had some pains like my period was coming, fully expected it to start during last night which it usually does, and no AF this morning. (BTW I always start my period on 14DPO).
I am too scared to test - I had completely given up this month. I have tender breasts but that's quite normal for me at this point in my cycle. I feel like my period is coming, but no sign yet and I do have a lot of CM - it's whiteish stuff.
Is it possible that I could still be pregnant? I am using FR early tests, so I thought they would show up sooner?
I am not usually in this forum, usually in the miscarriage thread - I have had 6 miscarriages and am currently on fertility treatment. This cycle I had been testing every day since 8DPO, and last tested on day 12DPO. All tests were negative. Today I am 15DPO - so I haven't tested for a couple of days and yesterday I had some pains like my period was coming, fully expected it to start during last night which it usually does, and no AF this morning. (BTW I always start my period on 14DPO).
I am too scared to test - I had completely given up this month. I have tender breasts but that's quite normal for me at this point in my cycle. I feel like my period is coming, but no sign yet and I do have a lot of CM - it's whiteish stuff.
Is it possible that I could still be pregnant? I am using FR early tests, so I thought they would show up sooner?