Can anyone offer me advice??? LONG


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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well i will will start from the very beginning, November 09 i started a college course at the end of my very first week in college, i started to feel dizzy to the extreme where i thought i was going to pass out, it got worse and worse and i was panicking wondering what was wrong with me, one of the ladies in my class said she would take me home, but in her car i actually thought i was dying and thought something serious was going on, so asked her just to take me to hospital, i got taken straight away as by that time i got myself into such a state that i started to feel chest pain, they hooked me up to a ECG machine to check my heart, thankfully everything was fine, they put it down to labyrinthistus (sp) and thats what was affecting my balance, they gave me tablets, which over the weekend didnt make me feel better, it make me feel a dead weight, i couldnt move for the room spinning.

Anyway went back to the docs several times over the few months and ends up i couldnt be prescribed anymore tablets as none we working for me, but when this started, it also brought on panic attacks, which ive never had before, only when this started, i wouldnt wish them on my worse enemy, they are horrible, the doctor prescribed beta blockers, but i felt like that after i took one, i was getting irregular heartbeats, which then panciked me yet again, so i stopped them. To cut the story short i went back to my doctor about the dizzyness as it was seriously getting me down, hated going out on my own incase anything happend to me, hated being in with the kids incase anything happend and they were there, only felt kinda safe when i was around adults that i trusted! and i still am like that to this day, even taking my son to and from school i think the whole way there that something might happen to me, i try and get there as quick as i can, i swear i think I ((MYSELF) AM MAKING MYSELF ILL!! with all this worry and panic, so anyway lost track there, but the doc couldnt do anymore so told me to go home and pack a bag and she was phoning the hospital and i would be admitted for tests, so got myself together went to the hospital, the doctor came and explained everything and he didnt think there was anything to sinister going on, so said i could go home, and they would send me for a MRI scan and also put me on the 24hour heart monitor.

Weeks later i went for the MRI, as soon as i got in and i was under it, i panicked and buzzed to get out, i just couldnt do it, the space was soo small, i hated it, just knew i couldnt go back and give it another try, months later went for the 24 hour heart monitor done that, and was told i would get the result at my next hospital appointment, which in actual fact was last thursday, and guess what no results so they are being chased up and i am hoping to get them soon, the doctor thinks it was a cold sore virus that actually caused this and has affected my inner ear causing the dizzyness which then caused me to have panic attacks, heart palpitations, and that i am soooo anxious all the time.

Basicly my point is, is there anyway i can get over being soo anxious 24/7, i am going on holiday in 10 days to egypt, its a 6hour flight and i am dreading it, i dont like flying at the best of times, but i do it no bother, but i am thinking what if i take a panic attack on the plane, what if anything happens to me on the plane, loads of things going round my head:( Being so anxious all the time is depressing me, i dont go out with friends much, since november, ivewent to 2 concerts, even then i was a bag of nerves! Its not a life i want to lead at all, i want to be able to live anxious free and panic free! I must also add that the dizzyness is not so muc a problem anymore only the week leading upto my period and the few days of my period, the doctor said it was the extra hormones in my body, but its more being anxious all the time, the panic attacks have stopped havent had one in months, thankfully, but they are scary stuff, really are!

If you have got this far, thank you, i am also going to phone my doctor and see if i can get an appointment, cause this is drivin me mad, i hate my life at the minute, i just want to be the happy mum that i was before this all happend, care free, and would love to start going out girly nights with friends! My partner really doesnt understand this, he says its all my head, i just want it out my head! he says i am fine, but i dont feel fine, i think alot of it is down to my weight, i am obese, and think that i will end up taking a heart attack or something, honestly i want all this to go away! so if you can offer me any advice i would be very gratefull!

went to the docs and hes prescribed me Citalopram and diazipan(sp) for the flights! hopefully i start to see and feel the effects soon
Hi love, I'm sorry you've been having a tough time. I know how horrible panic attacks and anxiety can be. Tthat's great you saw a doctor and have something that should help you feel better pretty quickly.
Hope you have a great holiday. When you get back you should think about asking your doctor to be put on waiting list for anxiety management or counselling. It's this kinda stuff that makes a long-term difference. I've found it really helpful. xoxox
Hi love, I'm sorry you've been having a tough time. I know how horrible panic attacks and anxiety can be. Tthat's great you saw a doctor and have something that should help you feel better pretty quickly.
Hope you have a great holiday. When you get back you should think about asking your doctor to be put on waiting list for anxiety management or counselling. It's this kinda stuff that makes a long-term difference. I've found it really helpful. xoxox

Thank you, i will. hate feeling like this :( x
Not having had any seriously anxiety issues myself I don't have too much help to give. But my best friend suffered from it from the age of 12 so I have learnt how at least make things easier for her. I feel a bit sad that your partner can't really understand what's happening (not thinking bad of him, some people simply don't) and I do think that if he was there helping you just doing things that you now feel anxious doing then that's a great help in itself although it might not seem so now. My friend took great comfort in that if she was trying to do something she would usually dread doing, I was there to pick up "the situation" or take her home if it got too much. She has stopped with the panic attacks now and leads a pretty much normal life. Like Bubs said you should see a doctor and see if he can help you with some anxiety management. They really do help.

Even if the dizziness isn't as big of a problem now I just want to say I know how it feels! It's really bad and I had to be drugged to be able to go into the MRI because that tiny space is horrible.

I used to love flying but recently have developed a fear of it. I know it's for a different reason than why you dread it but I always found it best to stay up a whole 24 hours or more before going on the flight so that when I get on I fall fast asleep no matter how anxious I am. Especially if you also have the prescribed stuff to help!

Hope you do enjoy your holiday even if you are worried about the flight :hugs: And that you get some needed help when you get home again! x
Not having had any seriously anxiety issues myself I don't have too much help to give. But my best friend suffered from it from the age of 12 so I have learnt how at least make things easier for her. I feel a bit sad that your partner can't really understand what's happening (not thinking bad of him, some people simply don't) and I do think that if he was there helping you just doing things that you now feel anxious doing then that's a great help in itself although it might not seem so now. My friend took great comfort in that if she was trying to do something she would usually dread doing, I was there to pick up "the situation" or take her home if it got too much. She has stopped with the panic attacks now and leads a pretty much normal life. Like Bubs said you should see a doctor and see if he can help you with some anxiety management. They really do help.

Even if the dizziness isn't as big of a problem now I just want to say I know how it feels! It's really bad and I had to be drugged to be able to go into the MRI because that tiny space is horrible.

I used to love flying but recently have developed a fear of it. I know it's for a different reason than why you dread it but I always found it best to stay up a whole 24 hours or more before going on the flight so that when I get on I fall fast asleep no matter how anxious I am. Especially if you also have the prescribed stuff to help!

Hope you do enjoy your holiday even if you are worried about the flight :hugs: And that you get some needed help when you get home again! x

Thank you for your reply, its great to know that i can get over this, it must just take time! i have no patience lol, but i will be going back to my doctor once i am back from my holiday, to get more help to overcome this, x

got my blood results and my b12 levels are low, so back on the vitamin tablets long term the doctor said.
Hi hun, I am really in the same position as you, apart from the flying. I was in college when mine all started, i was in the lunch queue and all of a sudden everything went all fuzzy and the sounds were like i had been in some kind of rewind. I was having a huge panic attack and later i had a big nervous breakdown. That was 8 years ago and i have had chronic anxiety since then. Im on facebook if you want to add me... Anna Pearce. I am looking for answers too, i have been for about 8 years lol. Just want to say i know what you are going through and If you ever want to talk im always here, or on facebook :hugs: x

got my blood results and my b12 levels are low, so back on the vitamin tablets long term the doctor said.

My b12 levels are low too, and I have been given meds, is this a cause of anxiety or a symptom? My tablets have b12 and folic acid so supposed to be good for when I started TTC. I am going a 12 week CBT course so I am aiming to stop being a victim of my anxiety and take control in my life. Take care and hugs a plenty XXX
is the meds helping?

Ive had to come off the Citalopram, one of the side effects were dizzyness omg it was soo bad :( so phoned the doctor, and hes prescribed me something else dont know yet, ive to go and pick up the prescription tomorrow, the b12 vitamins should kick in soon x
Hi hun, I am really in the same position as you, apart from the flying. I was in college when mine all started, i was in the lunch queue and all of a sudden everything went all fuzzy and the sounds were like i had been in some kind of rewind. I was having a huge panic attack and later i had a big nervous breakdown. That was 8 years ago and i have had chronic anxiety since then. Im on facebook if you want to add me... Anna Pearce. I am looking for answers too, i have been for about 8 years lol. Just want to say i know what you are going through and If you ever want to talk im always here, or on facebook :hugs: x

Thanks so much for your reply, i just want to get over this, its taking control of my life already! my life has changed so much since november! i dont have facebook, do you have msn? if you do pm me your address and i will add you! and we can have a chat then! x

got my blood results and my b12 levels are low, so back on the vitamin tablets long term the doctor said.

My b12 levels are low too, and I have been given meds, is this a cause of anxiety or a symptom? My tablets have b12 and folic acid so supposed to be good for when I started TTC. I am going a 12 week CBT course so I am aiming to stop being a victim of my anxiety and take control in my life. Take care and hugs a plenty XXX

No its not a symptom of what i have, i had this a few months ago and took the vitamin tabs and my levels incresed so stopped taking them, and now a few months down the line, i just knew they had dropped, doctor thought different said he didnt think they would have dipped in a few month, well he was wrong!! i think i know my own body lol! so doctor said ive to go on the tablets long term! What is a CBT course? how would i go about getting onto one of these courses to deal with this! thanks for your help, everyone on here has been so helpfull :) just wish i was back to normal.

ps: how did u know that you have low b12 levels? what were your symptoms?xxxx
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I have suffered from anxiety and depression in the past, including panic attacks and I know how horrific it feels. I also want to let you know that you really can and will get better. Here are the things I did:

I took anti depressants (SSRIs) prescribed by my GP. These helped massively with my physical symptoms like panic, lack of sleep etc.

I bought a book called 'overcoming depression using cognitive behaviour therapy' by Paul Gilbert. It is in a series and there is a book called 'overcoming anxiety' in the same series. I kept a notebook with me at all times where I wrote down all my negative thought patterns and challenged them. This was hard but very important for me.

I found a good therpist (in my case an acupuncturist) who could treat me moreholistically than my doctor and this made a huge differnece.

I set simple targets for myself each day, sometimes I would break up the tasks I had to do into bullet pointed lists and only deal with one at a time so I did not feel overwhelmed when I thought about getting through the day.

I used relaxation and self hypnosis recordings (there are loads on itunes) to help me sleep and relax.

It's hard and getting better takes time and massive effort, but if you are determined and are ready to face setbacks you will get there and you will not only get your life back, you will actually be BETTER than you were before because you will understand and know yourself better. :hugs:
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I have suffered from anxiety and depression in the past, including panic attacks and I know how horrific it feels. I also want to let you know that you really can and will get better. Here are the things I did:

I took anti depressants (SSRIs) prescribed by my GP. These helped massively with my physical symptoms like panic, lack of sleep etc.

I bought a book called 'overcoming depression using cognitive behaviour therapy' by Paul Gilbert. It is in a series and there is a book called 'overcoming anxiety' in the same series. I kept a notebook with me at all times where I wrote down all my negative thought patterns and challenged them. This was hard but very important for me.

I found a good therpist (in my case an acupuncturist) who could treat me moreholistically than my doctor and this made a huge differnece.

I set simple targets for myself each day, sometimes I would break up the tasks I had to do into bullet pointed lists and only deal with one at a time so I did not feel overwhelmed when I thought about getting through the day.

I used relaxation and self hypnosis recordings (there are loads on itunes) to help me sleep and relax.

It's hard and getting better takes time and massive effort, but if you are determined and are ready to face setbacks you will get there and you will not only get your life back, you will actually be BETTER than you were before because you will understand and know yourself better. :hugs:

Thank you for replying, thanks foir your advice, even simple things like going to the shops with the kids causes anxiety and panic, its terrible! at least i know, that I CAN GET BETTER!! i just need to have patience and time! its such a horrible feeling, and thanks once again, will look online for those books x:thumbup:
Yes, I remember feeling that way too, I would feel like a space cadet just going to the newsagents to get a pint of milk, it was like I was a different person as I am usually quite confident and reaonsably outgoing, but I just felt like I was shutting down. However for me, it was really important that I didn't avoid situations that made me anxious (which was basically everything) because I could see how I could just get into a rut where I could not leave the house, so I spent a lot of time doing things that made me feel AWFUL like going to work, going shopping etc. It was so so hard but when I started to get better and feel 'normal' again, I was very glad that I had pushed through those things and did not have the added barrier of having to get myself back into being out and about again.
Cattia, that was SO funny your description of agoraphobia "feeling like a space cadet going to the newsagents for a pint of milk" haha ! It DOES feel like that, the most normal action most people take for granted (and why shouldn't they) for us can feel as easy as crossing the universe without oxygen !

I am not sure why my doctor checked my B12 levels, I think it was due to the fact she knows that sooner or later I am going to have children, but she said that when these levels are low one of the symptoms is anxiety and or depression. If you look at this online you will see its quite common. So it might help us feel better taking our b12 supplements. I am also going to take a multivitamin from now on, and I am improving my diet a lot!

CBT is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. You can search online, get yourself a self help book, find a therapist that does this. If you ask your doctor he can probably refer you, in UK you can even get CBT books on prescription. There is no magic wands, but there are paths you can go down with the knowledge that you will get better, even if its tough, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Anxiety might whisper that there is not, but, has anxiety ever told you anything worse listening? The fight/flee feeling is a survival instinct, but in our case it has gone all wrong, there is nothing to fight, nowhere to flee, we just have to stop being a victim of our thoughts and symptoms and take control. XXX (if you want a good free online page look at )
hi there, im sorry to hear that youre not feeling too good. ive had panic attacks before and theyre not nice. for me ive been suffering what the doc said is vertigo but im still not sure. it happened one night in september when i woke up and the whole room was spinning and since that night my head has never been the same. ive had the room spinning on another occasion but for me, i have this constant, i wouldnt say dizziness but an instability and a 'bobbing/rocking' in my head which can be felt or noticed more when im resting or sitting still. like you, this is making me depressed and i keep thinking back to the time when i felt good and normal and didnt have this horrible feeling. im taking betahistine tablets and have been doing for a week but it hasnt gone away yet xxx i hope you get better soon, i hope we both do xxx
hi there, im sorry to hear that youre not feeling too good. ive had panic attacks before and theyre not nice. for me ive been suffering what the doc said is vertigo but im still not sure. it happened one night in september when i woke up and the whole room was spinning and since that night my head has never been the same. ive had the room spinning on another occasion but for me, i have this constant, i wouldnt say dizziness but an instability and a 'bobbing/rocking' in my head which can be felt or noticed more when im resting or sitting still. like you, this is making me depressed and i keep thinking back to the time when i felt good and normal and didnt have this horrible feeling. im taking betahistine tablets and have been doing for a week but it hasnt gone away yet xxx i hope you get better soon, i hope we both do xxx

Thankd for your reply, i was referred to the hospital to see a doctor and he said it was a cold sore virus that started it, which when i look back and when it started i had 5 cold sores the most ive ever had!! i just cant get over how a cold sore virus can affect my life so much, its becasue its damaged the bit in between my ears that controls my balance, the doctor said it will never repair itself as its damaged!! but the dizzyness has got better, i can assure you it will, although not 100% but anythin is better than what it was, but now its the panic and anxiety i am left with, i feel like my life is ruined because of this, but my doctor said that i can get over this so i hope i can! Good luck to you and if you want to chat pm me xx

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